> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 29705-29827 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 29705-29827 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T19041 13-21 VBN denotes analyzed
T19043 2-7 NNS denotes sexes
T19044 8-12 VBD denotes were
T19045 22-30 RB denotes together
T19046 30-31 . denotes .
T19048 32-40 RB denotes Secondly
T19049 52-57 VBN denotes found
T19050 40-42 , denotes ,
T19051 42-47 NN denotes Carp2
T19052 48-51 VBD denotes was
T19053 58-60 TO denotes to
T19054 61-69 VB denotes interact
T19055 70-74 IN denotes with
T19056 75-77 NN denotes hg
T19057 78-81 CC denotes and
T19058 82-87 NN denotes MMU11
T19059 91-100 VBN denotes saturated
T19060 88-90 VBZ denotes is
T19061 101-105 IN denotes with
T19062 106-111 NNS denotes genes
T19063 112-120 VBN denotes involved
R5835 T19043 T19041 nsubjpass sexes,analyzed
R5839 T19044 T19041 auxpass were,analyzed
R5846 T19045 T19041 advmod together,analyzed
R5853 T19048 T19049 advmod Secondly,found
R5857 T19050 T19049 punct ", ",found
R5862 T19051 T19049 nsubjpass Carp2,found
R5865 T19052 T19049 auxpass was,found
R5869 T19053 T19054 aux to,interact
R5872 T19054 T19049 xcomp interact,found
R5873 T19055 T19054 prep with,interact
R5874 T19056 T19055 pobj hg,with
R5875 T19057 T19049 cc and,found
R5876 T19058 T19059 nsubjpass MMU11,saturated
R5879 T19059 T19049 conj saturated,found
R5880 T19060 T19059 auxpass is,saturated
R5881 T19061 T19059 prep with,saturated
R5882 T19062 T19061 pobj genes,with
R5883 T19063 T19062 acl involved,genes


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17605 106-111 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17407 106-111 SO:0000704 denotes genes