> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 28295-28438 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 28295-28438 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18769 0-143 sentence denotes The most notable candidate genes located within the HG1 interval are the signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (Stat1) and Stat4.
T18770 1-4 DT denotes The
T18771 28-33 NNS denotes genes
T18772 5-9 RBS denotes most
T18773 10-17 JJ denotes notable
T18774 18-27 NN denotes candidate
T18775 66-69 VBP denotes are
T18776 34-41 VBN denotes located
T18777 42-48 IN denotes within
T18778 49-52 DT denotes the
T18779 57-65 NN denotes interval
T18780 53-56 NN denotes HG1
T18781 70-73 DT denotes the
T18782 81-91 NN denotes transducer
T18783 74-80 NN denotes signal
T18784 92-95 CC denotes and
T18785 96-105 NN denotes activator
T18786 106-108 IN denotes of
T18787 109-122 NN denotes transcription
T18788 123-124 CD denotes 1
T18789 125-126 -LRB- denotes (
T18790 126-131 NN denotes Stat1
T18791 131-132 -RRB- denotes )
T18792 133-136 CC denotes and
T18793 137-142 NN denotes Stat4
T18794 142-143 . denotes .
R5339 T18770 T18771 det The,genes
R5340 T18771 T18775 nsubj genes,are
R5342 T18772 T18773 advmod most,notable
R5343 T18773 T18771 amod notable,genes
R5344 T18774 T18771 compound candidate,genes
R5346 T18776 T18771 acl located,genes
R5348 T18777 T18776 prep within,located
R5349 T18778 T18779 det the,interval
R5351 T18779 T18777 pobj interval,within
R5352 T18780 T18779 compound HG1,interval
R5354 T18781 T18782 det the,transducer
R5355 T18782 T18775 attr transducer,are
R5356 T18783 T18782 compound signal,transducer
R5358 T18784 T18782 cc and,transducer
R5359 T18785 T18782 conj activator,transducer
R5361 T18786 T18785 prep of,activator
R5362 T18787 T18786 pobj transcription,of
R5363 T18788 T18787 nummod 1,transcription
R5365 T18789 T18787 punct (,transcription
R5366 T18790 T18787 appos Stat1,transcription
R5367 T18791 T18787 punct ),transcription
R5369 T18792 T18787 cc and,transcription
R5370 T18793 T18787 conj Stat4,transcription
R5371 T18794 T18775 punct .,are


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17580 74-91 GO_EXT:0004871 denotes signal transducer
T17579 28-33 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T17581 74-124 PR_EXT:000002087 denotes signal transducer and activator of transcription 1
T17582 109-122 GO_EXT:transcription denotes transcription
T17583 126-131 PR_EXT:000002087 denotes Stat1
T17584 137-142 PR_EXT:000002090 denotes Stat4


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17391 28-33 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T17392 74-124 PR:000002087 denotes signal transducer and activator of transcription 1
T17393 126-131 PR:000002087 denotes Stat1
T17394 137-142 PR:000002090 denotes Stat4