> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 26691-26834 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 26691-26834 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18456 2-5 NN denotes fat
T18457 6-16 NN denotes deposition
T18458 17-18 -LRB- denotes (
T18459 18-23 NN denotes Table
T18460 24-25 CD denotes 3
T18461 25-26 -RRB- denotes )
T18462 26-27 . denotes .
T18464 28-30 IN denotes As
T18465 31-42 VBN denotes illustrated
T18466 75-83 VBZ denotes exhibits
T18467 43-45 IN denotes in
T18468 46-52 NN denotes Figure
T18469 53-54 CD denotes 4
T18470 55-58 DT denotes the
T18471 68-74 NN denotes region
T18472 59-61 NN denotes 2M
T18473 62-67 NN denotes donor
T18474 84-90 JJ denotes strong
T18475 95-102 NNS denotes effects
T18476 91-94 NN denotes sex
T18477 103-105 IN denotes on
T18478 106-109 DT denotes the
T18479 110-114 NN denotes rate
T18480 115-117 IN denotes of
T18481 118-123 NN denotes lipid
T18482 124-131 NN denotes storage
T18483 131-133 , denotes ,
T18484 133-142 JJ denotes dependent
R4924 T18456 T18457 compound fat,deposition
R4927 T18458 T18459 punct (,Table
R4929 T18460 T18459 nummod 3,Table
R4931 T18461 T18459 punct ),Table
R4934 T18464 T18465 mark As,illustrated
R4935 T18465 T18466 advcl illustrated,exhibits
R4937 T18467 T18465 prep in,illustrated
R4939 T18468 T18467 pobj Figure,in
R4945 T18469 T18468 nummod 4,Figure
R4946 T18470 T18471 det the,region
R4947 T18471 T18466 nsubj region,exhibits
R4949 T18472 T18471 compound 2M,region
R4950 T18473 T18471 compound donor,region
R4951 T18474 T18475 amod strong,effects
R4953 T18475 T18466 dobj effects,exhibits
R4954 T18476 T18475 compound sex,effects
R4956 T18477 T18475 prep on,effects
R4957 T18478 T18479 det the,rate
R4961 T18479 T18477 pobj rate,on
R4963 T18480 T18479 prep of,rate
R4964 T18481 T18482 compound lipid,storage
R4965 T18482 T18480 pobj storage,of
R4967 T18483 T18466 punct ", ",exhibits
R4968 T18484 T18466 advcl dependent,exhibits


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17541 2-5 CHEBI_UBERON_EXT:triglyceride_or_adipose_tissue denotes fat
T17542 118-123 CHEBI:18059 denotes lipid
T17543 118-131 GO:0019915 denotes lipid storage


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17367 118-123 CHEBI:18059 denotes lipid
T17368 118-131 GO:0019915 denotes lipid storage