> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 24721-24926 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 24721-24926 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18074 0-205 sentence denotes In contrast, we selected not only against known QTL, we also screened for genome wide heterozygosity increasing the probability that effects observed are due to genetic variation within each donor region.
T18075 1-3 IN denotes In
T18076 62-70 VBD denotes screened
T18077 4-12 NN denotes contrast
T18078 12-14 , denotes ,
T18079 14-16 PRP denotes we
T18080 17-25 VBD denotes selected
T18081 26-29 RB denotes not
T18082 30-34 RB denotes only
T18083 35-42 IN denotes against
T18084 43-48 VBN denotes known
T18085 49-52 NN denotes QTL
T18086 52-54 , denotes ,
T18087 54-56 PRP denotes we
T18088 57-61 RB denotes also
T18089 71-74 IN denotes for
T18090 75-81 NN denotes genome
T18091 82-86 JJ denotes wide
T18092 87-101 NN denotes heterozygosity
T18093 102-112 VBG denotes increasing
T18094 113-116 DT denotes the
T18095 117-128 NN denotes probability
T18096 129-133 IN denotes that
T18097 151-154 VBP denotes are
T18098 134-141 NNS denotes effects
T18099 142-150 VBN denotes observed
T18100 155-158 IN denotes due
T18101 159-161 IN denotes to
T18102 162-169 JJ denotes genetic
T18103 170-179 NN denotes variation
T18104 180-186 IN denotes within
T18105 187-191 DT denotes each
T18106 198-204 NN denotes region
T18107 192-197 NN denotes donor
T18108 204-205 . denotes .
R4454 T18103 T18100 pobj variation,due
R4456 T18104 T18103 prep within,variation
R4458 T18105 T18106 det each,region
R4459 T18106 T18104 pobj region,within
R4461 T18107 T18106 compound donor,region
R4462 T18108 T18076 punct .,screened
R5128 T18075 T18076 prep In,screened
R5132 T18077 T18075 pobj contrast,In
R5135 T18078 T18076 punct ", ",screened
R5139 T18079 T18080 nsubj we,selected
R5142 T18080 T18076 ccomp selected,screened
R5146 T18081 T18080 preconj not,selected
R5150 T18082 T18081 advmod only,not
R5152 T18083 T18080 conj against,selected
R5156 T18084 T18085 amod known,QTL
R5158 T18085 T18083 pobj QTL,against
R5159 T18086 T18076 punct ", ",screened
R5162 T18087 T18076 nsubj we,screened
R5168 T18088 T18076 advmod also,screened
R5172 T18089 T18076 prep for,screened
R5175 T18090 T18091 npadvmod genome,wide
R5177 T18091 T18092 amod wide,heterozygosity
R5180 T18092 T18089 pobj heterozygosity,for
R5183 T18093 T18076 advcl increasing,screened
R5187 T18094 T18095 det the,probability
R5191 T18095 T18093 dobj probability,increasing
R5194 T18096 T18097 mark that,are
R5195 T18097 T18095 acl are,probability
R5196 T18098 T18097 nsubj effects,are
R5197 T18099 T18098 acl observed,effects
R5199 T18100 T18097 prep due,are
R5203 T18101 T18100 pcomp to,due
R5206 T18102 T18103 amod genetic,variation


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17513 49-52 SO_EXT:0000771 denotes QTL
T17514 75-81 SO_EXT:0001026 denotes genome
T17515 162-169 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genetic
T17516 170-179 SO_EXT:sequence_variation_entity_or_quality denotes variation


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17350 49-52 SO:0000771 denotes QTL
T17351 75-81 SO:0001026 denotes genome
T17352 162-169 SO:0000704 denotes genetic