> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 17418-17533 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 17418-17533 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11762 0-115 sentence denotes In contrast to those results, HG11 mice displayed significant differences in growth and obesity between the sexes.
T11763 1-3 IN denotes In
T11764 41-50 VBD denotes displayed
T11765 4-12 NN denotes contrast
T11766 13-15 IN denotes to
T11767 16-21 DT denotes those
T11768 22-29 NNS denotes results
T11769 29-31 , denotes ,
T11770 31-35 NN denotes HG11
T11771 36-40 NNS denotes mice
T11772 51-62 JJ denotes significant
T11773 63-74 NNS denotes differences
T11774 75-77 IN denotes in
T11775 78-84 NN denotes growth
T11776 85-88 CC denotes and
T11777 89-96 NN denotes obesity
T11778 97-104 IN denotes between
T11779 105-108 DT denotes the
T11780 109-114 NNS denotes sexes
T11781 114-115 . denotes .
R3306 T11763 T11764 prep In,displayed
R3309 T11765 T11763 pobj contrast,In
R3314 T11766 T11765 prep to,contrast
R3318 T11767 T11768 det those,results
R3321 T11768 T11766 pobj results,to
R3325 T11769 T11764 punct ", ",displayed
R3329 T11770 T11771 compound HG11,mice
R3333 T11771 T11764 nsubj mice,displayed
R3337 T11772 T11773 amod significant,differences
R3341 T11773 T11764 dobj differences,displayed
R3345 T11774 T11773 prep in,differences
R3353 T11775 T11774 pobj growth,in
R3356 T11776 T11775 cc and,growth
R3359 T11777 T11775 conj obesity,growth
R3362 T11778 T11764 prep between,displayed
R3365 T11779 T11780 det the,sexes
R3369 T11780 T11778 pobj sexes,between
R3371 T11781 T11764 punct .,displayed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T11010 36-40 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T11011 78-84 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T10914 36-40 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice