> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 1326-1620 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 1326-1620 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T817 0-8 VBN denotes unmasked
T833 9-11 IN denotes in
T834 12-19 JJ denotes several
T835 20-22 IN denotes of
T836 23-26 DT denotes the
T837 27-34 NNS denotes strains
T838 35-44 VBG denotes including
T839 45-48 NN denotes sex
T840 49-57 JJ denotes specific
T841 48-49 HYPH denotes -
T842 58-65 NNS denotes effects
T843 65-66 . denotes .
T844 66-78 sentence denotes Conclusion
T845 68-78 NN denotes Conclusion
T846 78-276 sentence denotes The speed congenic strains developed herein constitute an invaluable genomic resource and provide the foundation to identify the specific nature of genetic variation influencing growth and obesity.
T847 79-82 DT denotes The
T848 98-105 NNS denotes strains
T849 83-88 NN denotes speed
T850 89-97 JJ denotes congenic
T851 123-133 VBP denotes constitute
T852 106-115 VBN denotes developed
T853 116-122 RB denotes herein
T854 134-136 DT denotes an
T855 156-164 NN denotes resource
T856 137-147 JJ denotes invaluable
T857 148-155 JJ denotes genomic
T858 165-168 CC denotes and
T859 169-176 VBP denotes provide
T860 177-180 DT denotes the
T861 181-191 NN denotes foundation
T862 192-194 TO denotes to
T863 195-203 VB denotes identify
T864 204-207 DT denotes the
T865 217-223 NN denotes nature
T866 208-216 JJ denotes specific
T867 224-226 IN denotes of
T868 227-234 JJ denotes genetic
T869 235-244 NN denotes variation
T870 245-256 VBG denotes influencing
T871 257-263 NN denotes growth
T872 264-267 CC denotes and
T873 268-275 NN denotes obesity
T874 275-276 . denotes .
T2716 289-292 DT denotes The
R239 T833 T817 prep in,unmasked
R240 T834 T833 pobj several,in
R241 T835 T834 prep of,several
R242 T836 T837 det the,strains
R243 T837 T835 pobj strains,of
R244 T838 T817 prep including,unmasked
R245 T839 T840 npadvmod sex,specific
R246 T840 T842 amod specific,effects
R248 T842 T838 pobj effects,including
R249 T843 T817 punct .,unmasked
R250 T847 T848 det The,strains
R251 T848 T851 nsubj strains,constitute
R254 T852 T848 acl developed,strains
R255 T853 T852 advmod herein,developed
R256 T854 T855 det an,resource
R257 T855 T851 dobj resource,constitute
R260 T858 T851 cc and,constitute
R261 T859 T851 conj provide,constitute
R262 T860 T861 det the,foundation
R263 T861 T859 dobj foundation,provide
R264 T862 T863 aux to,identify
R265 T863 T861 advcl identify,foundation
R266 T864 T865 det the,nature
R267 T865 T863 dobj nature,identify
R269 T867 T865 prep of,nature
R270 T868 T869 amod genetic,variation
R271 T869 T867 pobj variation,of
R272 T870 T869 acl influencing,variation
R273 T871 T870 dobj growth,influencing
R274 T872 T871 cc and,growth
R275 T873 T871 conj obesity,growth
R276 T874 T851 punct .,constitute
R247 T841 T840 punct -,specific
R252 T849 T850 npadvmod speed,congenic
R253 T850 T848 amod congenic,strains
R258 T856 T855 amod invaluable,resource
R259 T857 T855 amod genomic,resource
R268 T866 T865 amod specific,nature


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T569 148-155 SO_EXT:0001026 denotes genomic
T570 227-234 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genetic
T571 235-244 SO_EXT:sequence_variation_entity_or_quality denotes variation
T572 257-263 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T543 148-155 SO:0001026 denotes genomic
T544 227-234 SO:0000704 denotes genetic