> top > docs > PMC:1482699 > spans > 12767-12944 > annotations

PMC:1482699 / 12767-12944 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8018 21-25 VBD denotes were
T8029 0-4 JJ denotes peak
T8030 5-13 NN denotes location
T8031 14-16 IN denotes of
T8032 17-20 NN denotes Wg2
T8033 26-35 JJ denotes dependent
T8034 36-38 IN denotes on
T8035 39-42 DT denotes the
T8036 43-51 NN denotes presence
T8037 52-54 IN denotes of
T8038 55-57 NN denotes hg
T8039 58-59 -LRB- denotes [
T8040 59-61 CD denotes 24
T8041 61-62 -RRB- denotes ]
T8042 63-64 -LRB- denotes (
T8043 64-69 NN denotes Table
T8044 70-71 CD denotes 1
T8045 71-72 -RRB- denotes )
T8046 72-73 . denotes .
T8048 74-76 IN denotes In
T8050 77-80 DT denotes the
T8051 89-94 NN denotes study
T8052 81-88 JJ denotes present
T8053 94-96 , denotes ,
T8054 96-100 RB denotes only
T8055 121-125 NNS denotes mice
T8056 101-111 JJ denotes homozygous
T8057 112-120 JJ denotes congenic
T8058 131-144 VBN denotes characterized
T8059 126-130 VBD denotes were
T8060 144-146 , denotes ,
T8061 146-150 RB denotes thus
T8062 150-152 , denotes ,
T8063 152-155 DT denotes the
T8064 169-176 NNS denotes effects
T8065 156-168 JJ denotes overdominant
R2441 T8029 T8030 amod peak,location
R2449 T8031 T8030 prep of,location
R2452 T8032 T8031 pobj Wg2,of
R2456 T8033 T8018 acomp dependent,were
R2462 T8034 T8033 prep on,dependent
R2465 T8035 T8036 det the,presence
R2467 T8036 T8034 pobj presence,on
R2470 T8037 T8036 prep of,presence
R2474 T8038 T8037 pobj hg,of
R2477 T8039 T8040 punct [,24
R2480 T8040 T8018 parataxis 24,were
R2484 T8041 T8040 punct ],24
R2488 T8042 T8043 punct (,Table
R2492 T8043 T8018 parataxis Table,were
R2493 T8044 T8043 nummod 1,Table
R2494 T8045 T8043 punct ),Table
R2496 T8046 T8018 punct .,were
R2504 T8050 T8051 det the,study
R2507 T8051 T8048 pobj study,In
R2512 T8052 T8051 amod present,study
R2521 T8054 T8055 advmod only,mice
R2525 T8055 T8058 nsubjpass mice,characterized
R2529 T8056 T8055 amod homozygous,mice
R2533 T8057 T8055 amod congenic,mice
R2538 T8059 T8058 auxpass were,characterized
R2552 T8063 T8064 det the,effects
R2559 T8065 T8064 amod overdominant,effects


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6935 121-125 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6829 121-125 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice