PMC:1481596 / 26016-27023
{"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"16722537-15567849-1694493","span":{"begin":166,"end":168},"obj":"15567849"},{"id":"16722537-8386320-1694494","span":{"begin":250,"end":252},"obj":"8386320"},{"id":"16722537-15692041-1694495","span":{"begin":522,"end":524},"obj":"15692041"}],"text":"The MAPK cascade module consists of three sequentially acting protein kinases: MAP kinase kinase kinase (STE11) MAP kinase kinase (STE7) and MAP kinase (KSS1, FUS3) [22]. MKKl and MKK2 are two redundant protein kinase kinases (most similar to STE7) [23]. Their redundancy is properly captured by the ∨ (OR) in their functional group (H). The MAP kinases KSS1 and FUS3 are two separate kinases both activated by STE7 each of which is essential for a different program: FUS3 – for mating; KSS1 – for the filamentous growth [24]. Once again this is correctly captured by ∨ (OR) in groups F and G. STE5 is a scaffold protein of the MAPK module. It recruits MAPK module kinases (STE11, STE7, FUS3). This is consistent with the central position of a functional group containing STE5 in the tree and relative to the paths of STE7, STE11 and FUS3. Finally, nuclear proteins DIG1 and DIG2 (necessary for transcription inhibition, which are regulated by both FUS3 and KSS1) enter at the endpoint (node F) in the tree."}