> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 54186-54335 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 54186-54335 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12326 0-149 sentence denotes After embryos were washed thoroughly in PBS, they were dehydrated through an ethanol series and xylene, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned at 5 μm.
T12327 1-6 IN denotes After
T12328 20-26 VBN denotes washed
T12329 7-14 NNS denotes embryos
T12330 15-19 VBD denotes were
T12331 56-66 VBN denotes dehydrated
T12332 27-37 RB denotes thoroughly
T12333 38-40 IN denotes in
T12334 41-44 NN denotes PBS
T12335 44-46 , denotes ,
T12336 46-50 PRP denotes they
T12337 51-55 VBD denotes were
T12338 67-74 IN denotes through
T12339 75-77 DT denotes an
T12340 86-92 NNS denotes series
T12341 78-85 NN denotes ethanol
T12342 93-96 CC denotes and
T12343 97-103 NN denotes xylene
T12344 103-105 , denotes ,
T12345 105-113 VBN denotes embedded
T12346 114-116 IN denotes in
T12347 117-125 NN denotes paraffin
T12348 125-127 , denotes ,
T12349 127-130 CC denotes and
T12350 131-140 VBN denotes sectioned
T12351 141-143 IN denotes at
T12352 144-145 CD denotes 5
T12353 146-148 NNS denotes μm
T12354 148-149 . denotes .
R7693 T12327 T12328 mark After,washed
R7694 T12328 T12331 advcl washed,dehydrated
R7695 T12329 T12328 nsubjpass embryos,washed
R7696 T12330 T12328 auxpass were,washed
R7697 T12332 T12328 advmod thoroughly,washed
R7698 T12333 T12328 prep in,washed
R7699 T12334 T12333 pobj PBS,in
R7700 T12335 T12331 punct ", ",dehydrated
R7701 T12336 T12331 nsubjpass they,dehydrated
R7702 T12337 T12331 auxpass were,dehydrated
R7703 T12338 T12331 prep through,dehydrated
R7704 T12339 T12340 det an,series
R7705 T12340 T12338 pobj series,through
R7706 T12341 T12340 compound ethanol,series
R7707 T12342 T12340 cc and,series
R7708 T12343 T12340 conj xylene,series
R7709 T12344 T12331 punct ", ",dehydrated
R7710 T12345 T12331 conj embedded,dehydrated
R7711 T12346 T12345 prep in,embedded
R7712 T12347 T12346 pobj paraffin,in
R7713 T12348 T12345 punct ", ",embedded
R7714 T12349 T12345 cc and,embedded
R7715 T12350 T12345 conj sectioned,embedded
R7716 T12351 T12350 prep at,sectioned
R7717 T12352 T12353 nummod 5,μm
R7718 T12353 T12351 pobj μm,at
R7719 T12354 T12331 punct .,dehydrated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12256 7-14 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T12257 78-85 CHEBI:16236 denotes ethanol
T12258 97-103 CHEBI:27338 denotes xylene


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12222 7-14 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T12223 78-85 CHEBI:16236 denotes ethanol
T12224 97-103 CHEBI:27338 denotes xylene