> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 38547-38792 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 38547-38792 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8462 0-245 sentence denotes These highly invasive cells are important for mediating initial invasion of the uterine tissue, but are also involved in remodelling the maternal decidua after implantation and in secreting hormones that regulate fetal and maternal growth [24].
T8463 1-6 DT denotes These
T8464 23-28 NNS denotes cells
T8465 7-13 RB denotes highly
T8466 14-22 JJ denotes invasive
T8467 29-32 VBP denotes are
T8468 33-42 JJ denotes important
T8469 43-46 IN denotes for
T8470 47-56 VBG denotes mediating
T8471 57-64 JJ denotes initial
T8472 65-73 NN denotes invasion
T8473 74-76 IN denotes of
T8474 77-80 DT denotes the
T8475 89-95 NN denotes tissue
T8476 81-88 JJ denotes uterine
T8477 95-97 , denotes ,
T8478 97-100 CC denotes but
T8479 101-104 VBP denotes are
T8480 110-118 VBN denotes involved
T8481 105-109 RB denotes also
T8482 119-121 IN denotes in
T8483 122-133 VBG denotes remodelling
T8484 134-137 DT denotes the
T8485 147-154 NN denotes decidua
T8486 138-146 JJ denotes maternal
T8487 155-160 IN denotes after
T8488 161-173 NN denotes implantation
T8489 174-177 CC denotes and
T8490 178-180 IN denotes in
T8491 181-190 VBG denotes secreting
T8492 191-199 NNS denotes hormones
T8493 200-204 WDT denotes that
T8494 205-213 VBP denotes regulate
T8495 214-219 JJ denotes fetal
T8496 233-239 NN denotes growth
T8497 220-223 CC denotes and
T8498 224-232 JJ denotes maternal
T8499 240-241 -LRB- denotes [
T8500 241-243 CD denotes 24
T8501 243-244 -RRB- denotes ]
T8502 244-245 . denotes .
R4954 T8463 T8464 det These,cells
R4955 T8464 T8467 nsubj cells,are
R4956 T8465 T8466 advmod highly,invasive
R4957 T8466 T8464 amod invasive,cells
R4958 T8468 T8467 acomp important,are
R4959 T8469 T8468 prep for,important
R4960 T8470 T8469 pcomp mediating,for
R4961 T8471 T8472 amod initial,invasion
R4962 T8472 T8470 dobj invasion,mediating
R4963 T8473 T8472 prep of,invasion
R4964 T8474 T8475 det the,tissue
R4965 T8475 T8473 pobj tissue,of
R4966 T8476 T8475 amod uterine,tissue
R4967 T8477 T8467 punct ", ",are
R4968 T8478 T8467 cc but,are
R4969 T8479 T8480 auxpass are,involved
R4970 T8480 T8467 conj involved,are
R4971 T8481 T8480 advmod also,involved
R4972 T8482 T8480 prep in,involved
R4973 T8483 T8482 pcomp remodelling,in
R4974 T8484 T8485 det the,decidua
R4975 T8485 T8483 dobj decidua,remodelling
R4976 T8486 T8485 amod maternal,decidua
R4977 T8487 T8483 prep after,remodelling
R4978 T8488 T8487 pobj implantation,after
R4979 T8489 T8482 cc and,in
R4980 T8490 T8482 conj in,in
R4981 T8491 T8490 pcomp secreting,in
R4982 T8492 T8491 dobj hormones,secreting
R4983 T8493 T8494 dep that,regulate
R4984 T8494 T8492 relcl regulate,hormones
R4985 T8495 T8496 amod fetal,growth
R4986 T8496 T8494 dobj growth,regulate
R4987 T8497 T8495 cc and,fetal
R4988 T8498 T8495 conj maternal,fetal
R4989 T8499 T8500 punct [,24
R4990 T8500 T8480 parataxis 24,involved
R4991 T8501 T8500 punct ],24
R4992 T8502 T8467 punct .,are


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8098 23-28 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T8099 81-88 UBERON:0000995 denotes uterine
T8100 89-95 UBERON:0000479 denotes tissue
T8101 147-154 UBERON:0002450 denotes decidua
T8102 161-173 GO:0007566 denotes implantation
T8103 181-190 GO:0046903 denotes secreting
T8104 191-199 CHEBI_GO_EXT:hormone denotes hormones
T8105 205-213 GO:0065007 denotes regulate
T8106 233-239 GO_EXT:biological_growth_entity_or_process denotes growth


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16628246-7985020-85799764 241-243 7985020 denotes 24
T98024 241-243 7985020 denotes 24


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7892 81-88 UBERON:0000995 denotes uterine
T7893 89-95 UBERON:0000479 denotes tissue
T7894 147-154 UBERON:0002450 denotes decidua
T7895 161-173 GO:0007566 denotes implantation
T7896 181-190 GO:0046903 denotes secreting
T7897 205-213 GO:0065007 denotes regulate