> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 25947-26209 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 25947-26209 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5163 0-262 sentence denotes These observations suggest that the mitotic defect observed in embryos is unlikely to be a direct, cell-autonomous effect of the absence of Atrx, and is more likely to be a secondary effect resulting from the failure to develop a normal trophoblast (see below).
T5164 1-6 DT denotes These
T5165 7-19 NNS denotes observations
T5166 20-27 VBP denotes suggest
T5167 28-32 IN denotes that
T5168 72-74 VBZ denotes is
T5169 33-36 DT denotes the
T5170 45-51 NN denotes defect
T5171 37-44 JJ denotes mitotic
T5172 52-60 VBN denotes observed
T5173 61-63 IN denotes in
T5174 64-71 NNS denotes embryos
T5175 75-83 JJ denotes unlikely
T5176 84-86 TO denotes to
T5177 87-89 VB denotes be
T5178 90-91 DT denotes a
T5179 116-122 NN denotes effect
T5180 92-98 JJ denotes direct
T5181 98-100 , denotes ,
T5182 100-104 NN denotes cell
T5183 105-115 JJ denotes autonomous
T5184 104-105 HYPH denotes -
T5185 123-125 IN denotes of
T5186 126-129 DT denotes the
T5187 130-137 NN denotes absence
T5188 138-140 IN denotes of
T5189 141-145 NN denotes Atrx
T5190 145-147 , denotes ,
T5191 147-150 CC denotes and
T5192 151-153 VBZ denotes is
T5193 154-158 RBR denotes more
T5194 159-165 JJ denotes likely
T5195 166-168 TO denotes to
T5196 169-171 VB denotes be
T5197 172-173 DT denotes a
T5198 184-190 NN denotes effect
T5199 174-183 JJ denotes secondary
T5200 191-200 VBG denotes resulting
T5201 201-205 IN denotes from
T5202 206-209 DT denotes the
T5203 210-217 NN denotes failure
T5204 218-220 TO denotes to
T5205 221-228 VB denotes develop
T5206 229-230 DT denotes a
T5207 238-249 NN denotes trophoblast
T5208 231-237 JJ denotes normal
T5209 250-251 -LRB- denotes (
T5210 251-254 VB denotes see
T5211 255-260 RB denotes below
T5212 260-261 -RRB- denotes )
T5213 261-262 . denotes .
R3218 T5164 T5165 det These,observations
R3219 T5165 T5166 nsubj observations,suggest
R3220 T5167 T5168 mark that,is
R3222 T5168 T5166 ccomp is,suggest
R3223 T5169 T5170 det the,defect
R3224 T5170 T5168 nsubj defect,is
R3226 T5171 T5170 amod mitotic,defect
R3227 T5172 T5170 acl observed,defect
R3229 T5173 T5172 prep in,observed
R3230 T5174 T5173 pobj embryos,in
R3231 T5175 T5168 acomp unlikely,is
R3233 T5176 T5177 aux to,be
R3234 T5177 T5175 xcomp be,unlikely
R3236 T5178 T5179 det a,effect
R3237 T5179 T5177 attr effect,be
R3238 T5180 T5179 amod direct,effect
R3239 T5181 T5179 punct ", ",effect
R3240 T5182 T5183 npadvmod cell,autonomous
R3242 T5183 T5179 amod autonomous,effect
R3243 T5184 T5183 punct -,autonomous
R3244 T5185 T5179 prep of,effect
R3245 T5186 T5187 det the,absence
R3247 T5187 T5185 pobj absence,of
R3248 T5188 T5187 prep of,absence
R3250 T5189 T5188 pobj Atrx,of
R3251 T5190 T5168 punct ", ",is
R3253 T5191 T5168 cc and,is
R3254 T5192 T5168 conj is,is
R3255 T5193 T5194 advmod more,likely
R3257 T5194 T5192 acomp likely,is
R3259 T5195 T5196 aux to,be
R3261 T5196 T5194 xcomp be,likely
R3262 T5197 T5198 det a,effect
R3263 T5198 T5196 attr effect,be
R3265 T5199 T5198 amod secondary,effect
R3266 T5200 T5198 acl resulting,effect
R3268 T5201 T5200 prep from,resulting
R3269 T5202 T5203 det the,failure
R3270 T5203 T5201 pobj failure,from
R3272 T5204 T5205 aux to,develop
R3273 T5205 T5203 acl develop,failure
R3274 T5206 T5207 det a,trophoblast
R3276 T5207 T5205 dobj trophoblast,develop
R3277 T5208 T5207 amod normal,trophoblast
R3278 T5209 T5210 punct (,see
R3280 T5210 T5194 parataxis see,likely
R3281 T5211 T5210 advmod below,see
R3282 T5212 T5210 punct ),see
R3283 T5213 T5166 punct .,suggest


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3951 37-44 GO:0007067 denotes mitotic
T3952 64-71 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T3953 100-104 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T3954 141-145 PR_EXT:000004503 denotes Atrx
T3955 238-249 UBERON:0000088 denotes trophoblast


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3669 37-44 GO:0007067 denotes mitotic
T3670 64-71 UBERON:0000922 denotes embryos
T3671 141-145 PR:000004503 denotes Atrx
T3672 238-249 UBERON:0000088 denotes trophoblast