> top > docs > PMC:1440874 > spans > 12885-14751 > annotations

PMC:1440874 / 12885-14751 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2766 0-1866 sentence denotes Figure 3 Growth and Methylation Defects in Atrxnull ES Cells (A) Cultures were inoculated with equivalent numbers of ES cells bearing different Atrx alleles as indicated, and were serially passaged. After the indicated days of coculture, DNA extracted from a sample of cells was analysed by Southern blot to detect the Atrx alleles. DNA was digested with SpeI, and the membrane was hybridised with the 20/27 probe shown in Figure 2A. The expected sizes of the different alleles are indicated. (B) Schematic diagram of the transcribed portion of the mouse rDNA repeat with the 18S, 5.8S, and 28S genes indicated. The positions of the limit-digesting enzymes BamH (labelled B) and EcoRI (labelled E) and the probes (RIB3 and RIB4) used in the Southern blots shown in (C) are indicated. Below are shown the locations of the methylation-sensitive enzymes (SmaI, PvuI, and MluI) whose methylation status has been analysed in the Southern blots shown in (C). (C) DNA from Atrx-positive (Atrx+, bearing either an Atrx WT or Atrx flox allele) or Atrxnull (bearing the Atrx Δ18Δneo allele) ES cells and 7-d embryoid bodies were digested with the enzymes shown and analysed by Southern blotting using the probes indicated. Arrows indicate the fully methylated copies (cut by only the limit-digesting enzyme). Phosphorimager quantitation of the blots are shown below. The y-axis shows the percentage of copies that are undigested by the methylation-sensitive enzyme as a percentage of the total signal from cut and uncut rDNA. Mean values are indicated by horizontal lines, and the significance of the differences between the Atrx-positive and Atrxnull populations are shown for each enzyme. To investigate a possible cell-cycle defect in the absence of Atrx, we analysed the cell cycle distribution of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-pulsed ES cells by flow cytometry (Figure S1A).
T2767 1683-1685 TO denotes To
T2768 1686-1697 VB denotes investigate
T2769 1754-1762 VBD denotes analysed
T2770 1698-1699 DT denotes a
T2771 1720-1726 NN denotes defect
T2772 1700-1708 JJ denotes possible
T2773 1709-1713 NN denotes cell
T2774 1714-1719 NN denotes cycle
T2775 1713-1714 HYPH denotes -
T2776 1727-1729 IN denotes in
T2777 1730-1733 DT denotes the
T2778 1734-1741 NN denotes absence
T2779 1742-1744 IN denotes of
T2780 1745-1749 NN denotes Atrx
T2781 1749-1751 , denotes ,
T2782 1751-1753 PRP denotes we
T2783 1763-1766 DT denotes the
T2784 1778-1790 NN denotes distribution
T2785 1767-1771 NN denotes cell
T2786 1772-1777 NN denotes cycle
T2787 1791-1793 IN denotes of
T2788 1794-1811 NN denotes bromodeoxyuridine
T2789 1819-1825 VBN denotes pulsed
T2790 1812-1813 -LRB- denotes (
T2791 1813-1817 NN denotes BrdU
T2792 1817-1818 -RRB- denotes )
T2793 1818-1819 HYPH denotes -
T2794 1829-1834 NNS denotes cells
T2795 1826-1828 NN denotes ES
T2796 1835-1837 IN denotes by
T2797 1838-1842 NN denotes flow
T2798 1843-1852 NN denotes cytometry
T2799 1853-1854 -LRB- denotes (
T2800 1861-1864 NN denotes S1A
T2801 1854-1860 NN denotes Figure
T2802 1864-1865 -RRB- denotes )
T2803 1865-1866 . denotes .
R1530 T2767 T2768 aux To,investigate
R1531 T2768 T2769 advcl investigate,analysed
R1532 T2770 T2771 det a,defect
R1533 T2771 T2768 dobj defect,investigate
R1534 T2772 T2771 amod possible,defect
R1535 T2773 T2774 compound cell,cycle
R1536 T2774 T2771 compound cycle,defect
R1537 T2775 T2774 punct -,cycle
R1538 T2776 T2771 prep in,defect
R1539 T2777 T2778 det the,absence
R1540 T2778 T2776 pobj absence,in
R1541 T2779 T2778 prep of,absence
R1542 T2780 T2779 pobj Atrx,of
R1543 T2781 T2769 punct ", ",analysed
R1544 T2782 T2769 nsubj we,analysed
R1545 T2783 T2784 det the,distribution
R1546 T2784 T2769 dobj distribution,analysed
R1547 T2785 T2786 compound cell,cycle
R1548 T2786 T2784 compound cycle,distribution
R1549 T2787 T2784 prep of,distribution
R1550 T2788 T2789 npadvmod bromodeoxyuridine,pulsed
R1551 T2789 T2794 amod pulsed,cells
R1552 T2790 T2788 punct (,bromodeoxyuridine
R1553 T2791 T2788 appos BrdU,bromodeoxyuridine
R1554 T2792 T2789 punct ),pulsed
R1555 T2793 T2789 punct -,pulsed
R1556 T2794 T2787 pobj cells,of
R1557 T2795 T2794 compound ES,cells
R1558 T2796 T2769 prep by,analysed
R1559 T2797 T2798 compound flow,cytometry
R1560 T2798 T2796 pobj cytometry,by
R1561 T2799 T2800 punct (,S1A
R1562 T2800 T2769 parataxis S1A,analysed
R1563 T2801 T2800 compound Figure,S1A
R1564 T2802 T2800 punct ),S1A
R1565 T2803 T2769 punct .,analysed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2387 1709-1713 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T2388 1709-1719 GO:0007049 denotes cell-cycle
T2389 1745-1749 PR_EXT:000004503 denotes Atrx
T2390 1767-1771 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T2391 1767-1777 GO:0007049 denotes cell cycle
T2392 1794-1811 CHEBI:472552 denotes bromodeoxyuridine
T2393 1813-1817 CHEBI:472552 denotes BrdU
T2394 1826-1834 CL:0002322 denotes ES cells
T2395 1829-1834 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2251 1709-1719 GO:0007049 denotes cell-cycle
T2252 1745-1749 PR:000004503 denotes Atrx
T2253 1767-1777 GO:0007049 denotes cell cycle
T2254 1794-1811 CHEBI:472552 denotes bromodeoxyuridine
T2255 1813-1817 CHEBI:472552 denotes BrdU
T2256 1826-1834 CL:0002322 denotes ES cells