> top > docs > PMC:1435744 > spans > 146-260 > annotations

PMC:1435744 / 146-260 JSONTXT

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T903 10-15 SO_EXT:sequence_or_structure_motif denotes motif
T904 22-29 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domains
T905 38-46 CHEBI_EXT:residue denotes residues
T906 85-92 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein
T907 93-100 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T827 22-29 SO:0000417 denotes domains


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1029 10-15 NN denotes motif
T1030 4-9 NN denotes alpha
T1031 22-29 NNS denotes domains
T1032 16-17 -LRB- denotes (
T1033 17-20 NN denotes SAM
T1034 20-21 -RRB- denotes )
T1035 30-33 VBP denotes are
T1036 34-35 SYM denotes ~
T1037 35-37 CD denotes 70
T1038 38-46 NNS denotes residues
T1039 47-51 JJ denotes long
T1040 52-55 CC denotes and
T1041 56-60 VBP denotes have
T1042 66-74 VBN denotes reported
T1043 61-65 VBN denotes been
T1044 75-77 IN denotes as
T1045 78-84 JJ denotes common
T1047 85-92 NN denotes protein
T1048 93-100 NN denotes protein
T1049 92-93 HYPH denotes -
T1050 101-112 NN denotes interaction
R21 T1029 T1031 nmod motif,domains
R22 T1030 T1029 nmod alpha,motif
R23 T1031 T1035 nsubj domains,are
R24 T1032 T1029 punct (,motif
R25 T1033 T1029 appos SAM,motif
R26 T1034 T1031 punct ),domains
R34 T1043 T1042 auxpass been,reported
R38 T1047 T1048 compound protein,protein
R40 T1049 T1048 punct -,protein
R27 T1036 T1037 punct ~,70
R28 T1037 T1038 nummod 70,residues
R29 T1038 T1039 npadvmod residues,long
R30 T1039 T1035 acomp long,are
R31 T1040 T1035 cc and,are
R32 T1041 T1042 aux have,reported
R35 T1044 T1042 prep as,reported
R39 T1048 T1050 compound protein,interaction
R33 T1042 T1035 conj reported,are