> top > docs > PMC:1420271 > spans > 9617-9746 > annotations

PMC:1420271 / 9617-9746 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13015 5-9 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T13016 30-35 CHEBI:27026 denotes toxin
T13017 78-95 SO:0001644 denotes targeting vectors


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13033 5-9 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T13034 10-18 SO_EXT:sequence_coding_function denotes encoding
T13035 30-35 CHEBI_EXT:27026 denotes toxin
T13036 48-56 SO_EXT:sequence_insertion_process denotes inserted
T13037 78-95 SO_EXT:0001644 denotes targeting vectors


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13126 0-129 sentence denotes The gene encoding diphtheria toxin A (DTA) was inserted at the 3' end of the targeting vectors to facilitate negative selection.
T13127 1-4 DT denotes The
T13128 36-37 NN denotes A
T13129 5-9 NN denotes gene
T13130 10-18 VBG denotes encoding
T13131 19-29 NN denotes diphtheria
T13132 30-35 NN denotes toxin
T13133 48-56 VBN denotes inserted
T13134 38-39 -LRB- denotes (
T13135 39-42 NN denotes DTA
T13136 42-43 -RRB- denotes )
T13137 44-47 VBD denotes was
T13138 57-59 IN denotes at
T13139 60-63 DT denotes the
T13140 67-70 NN denotes end
T13141 64-65 CD denotes 3
T13142 65-66 SYM denotes '
T13143 71-73 IN denotes of
T13144 74-77 DT denotes the
T13145 88-95 NNS denotes vectors
T13146 78-87 NN denotes targeting
T13147 96-98 TO denotes to
T13148 99-109 VB denotes facilitate
T13149 110-118 JJ denotes negative
T13150 119-128 NN denotes selection
T13151 128-129 . denotes .
R3683 T13127 T13128 det The,A
R3684 T13128 T13133 nsubjpass A,inserted
R3685 T13129 T13128 nmod gene,A
R3686 T13130 T13128 amod encoding,A
R3687 T13131 T13128 compound diphtheria,A
R3688 T13132 T13128 compound toxin,A
R3689 T13134 T13128 punct (,A
R3690 T13135 T13128 appos DTA,A
R3691 T13136 T13133 punct ),inserted
R3692 T13137 T13133 auxpass was,inserted
R3693 T13138 T13133 prep at,inserted
R3694 T13139 T13140 det the,end
R3695 T13140 T13138 pobj end,at
R3696 T13141 T13140 nummod 3,end
R3697 T13142 T13141 punct ',3
R3698 T13143 T13140 prep of,end
R3699 T13144 T13145 det the,vectors
R3700 T13145 T13143 pobj vectors,of
R3701 T13146 T13145 compound targeting,vectors
R3702 T13147 T13148 aux to,facilitate
R3703 T13148 T13133 advcl facilitate,inserted
R3704 T13149 T13150 amod negative,selection
R3705 T13150 T13148 dobj selection,facilitate
R3706 T13151 T13133 punct .,inserted