> top > docs > PMC:1359074 > spans > 389-532 > annotations

PMC:1359074 / 389-532 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T330 131-140 VB denotes increased
T329 127-130 CC denotes and
T328 125-126 -COMMA- denotes ,
T327 116-125 VB denotes expressed
T326 103-115 RB denotes persistently
T325 100-102 VB denotes is
T324 93-99 NN denotes globin
T323 90-92 JJ denotes ɛy
T322 88-89 -COMMA- denotes ,
T321 83-88 NN denotes p100H
T320 81-82 -COMMA- denotes ,
T319 76-81 NN denotes mouse
T318 61-75 JJ denotes Sox6-deficient
T317 57-60 DT denotes the
T316 54-56 IN denotes In
T315 46-52 NN denotes muscle
T314 42-45 CC denotes and
T313 40-41 -COMMA- denotes ,
T312 31-40 NN denotes cartilage
T311 29-30 -COMMA- denotes ,
T310 23-29 NN denotes system
T309 15-22 JJ denotes nervous
T308 7-14 JJ denotes central
T307 3-6 DT denotes the
T306 0-2 IN denotes of
R98 T310 T306 arg2Of system,of
R99 T310 T307 arg1Of system,the
R100 T310 T308 arg1Of system,central
R101 T310 T309 arg1Of system,nervous
R102 T311 T314 arg1Of ",",and
R103 T312 T311 arg2Of cartilage,","
R106 T314 T313 arg1Of and,","
R107 T315 T314 arg2Of muscle,and
R108 T319 T316 arg2Of mouse,In
R109 T319 T317 arg1Of mouse,the
R110 T319 T318 arg1Of mouse,Sox6-deficient
R111 T319 T320 arg1Of mouse,","
R112 T321 T320 arg2Of p100H,","
R113 T324 T323 arg1Of globin,ɛy
R114 T324 T325 arg1Of globin,is
R115 T324 T327 arg2Of globin,expressed
R116 T327 T325 arg2Of expressed,is
R117 T327 T326 arg1Of expressed,persistently
R118 T327 T329 arg1Of expressed,and
R119 T329 T316 arg1Of and,In
R120 T329 T322 arg1Of and,","
R121 T329 T328 arg1Of and,","


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T151 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T152 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T476 61-65 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P35712 denotes Sox6


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T87 7-14 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0012131 denotes central
T88 7-29 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001017 denotes central nervous system
T89 15-29 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001016 denotes nervous system


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T101 93-99 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005344 denotes globin


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T166 93-99 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005344 denotes globin


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T173 15-22 http://purl.bioontology.org/ontology/ICD10/R45.0 denotes nervous


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T237 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T236 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T881 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T882 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T896 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T897 66-75 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
R586 T881 T897 themeOf Sox6,deficient
R587 T882 T896 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T489 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T490 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T505 66-75 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T506 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
R447 T489 T505 themeOf Sox6,deficient
R448 T490 T506 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T520 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T521 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T536 66-75 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T537 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
R463 T520 T536 themeOf Sox6,deficient
R464 T521 T537 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T871 90-125 Gene_expression denotes ɛy globin is persistently expressed
T850 83-88 Entity denotes p100H
T853 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
R580 T853 T871 themeOf ɛy globin,ɛy globin is persistently expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T655 131-140 VBD denotes increased
T654 127-130 CC denotes and
T653 125-126 , denotes ,
T652 116-125 VBN denotes expressed
T651 103-115 RB denotes persistently
T650 100-102 VBZ denotes is
T649 93-99 NN denotes globin
T648 90-92 JJ denotes ɛy
T647 88-89 , denotes ,
T646 83-88 NNP denotes p100H
T645 81-82 , denotes ,
T644 76-81 NN denotes mouse
T643 61-75 JJ denotes Sox6-deficient
T642 57-60 DT denotes the
T641 54-56 IN denotes In
T640 52-53 . denotes .
T639 46-52 NN denotes muscle
T638 42-45 CC denotes and
T637 40-41 , denotes ,
T636 31-40 NN denotes cartilage
T635 29-30 , denotes ,
T634 23-29 NN denotes system
T633 15-22 JJ denotes nervous
T632 7-14 JJ denotes central
T631 3-6 DT denotes the
T630 0-2 IN denotes of
R327 T631 T634 det the,system
R328 T632 T634 amod central,system
R329 T633 T634 amod nervous,system
R330 T634 T630 pobj system,of
R331 T635 T634 punct ",",system
R332 T636 T634 conj cartilage,system
R333 T637 T636 punct ",",cartilage
R334 T638 T636 cc and,cartilage
R335 T639 T636 conj muscle,cartilage
R337 T641 T652 prep In,expressed
R338 T642 T644 det the,mouse
R339 T643 T644 amod Sox6-deficient,mouse
R340 T644 T641 pobj mouse,In
R341 T645 T652 punct ",",expressed
R342 T646 T652 nsubjpass p100H,expressed
R343 T647 T652 punct ",",expressed
R344 T648 T649 amod ɛy,globin
R345 T649 T652 nsubjpass globin,expressed
R346 T650 T652 auxpass is,expressed
R347 T651 T652 advmod persistently,expressed
R348 T652 T652 ROOT expressed,expressed
R349 T653 T652 punct ",",expressed
R350 T654 T652 cc and,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T214 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T213 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
T212 66-75 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T211 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T210 83-88 Protein denotes p100H
T209 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
R33 T209 T212 themeOf Sox6,deficient
R34 T210 T213 themeOf p100H,expressed
R35 T211 T214 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T25 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T26 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T40 66-75 Negative_regulation denotes deficient
T41 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
R2 T25 T40 themeOf Sox6,deficient
R3 T26 T41 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T50 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T51 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T70 61-65 Protein denotes Sox6
T71 90-99 Protein denotes ɛy globin
T72 116-125 Gene_expression denotes expressed
R12 T71 T72 themeOf ɛy globin,expressed