> top > docs > PMC:1315279 > spans > 298-388 > annotations

PMC:1315279 / 298-388 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T267 30-38 VBN denotes remained
T288 3-5 , denotes ,
T289 5-8 PRP$ denotes its
T290 21-25 NN denotes role
T291 9-20 JJ denotes physiologic
T292 26-29 VBZ denotes has
T293 39-46 JJ denotes elusive
T294 46-47 . denotes .
T296 48-54 RB denotes Herein
T297 58-64 VBP denotes report
T298 55-57 PRP denotes we
T299 65-68 DT denotes the
T300 69-79 NN denotes generation
T301 80-82 IN denotes of
T302 83-88 NN denotes Sam68
T304 88-89 HYPH denotes -
R51 T288 T267 punct ", ",remained
R52 T289 T290 poss its,role
R53 T290 T267 nsubj role,remained
R54 T291 T290 amod physiologic,role
R55 T292 T267 aux has,remained
R56 T293 T267 acomp elusive,remained
R57 T294 T267 punct .,remained
R58 T296 T297 advmod Herein,report
R59 T298 T297 nsubj we,report
R60 T299 T300 det the,generation
R61 T300 T297 dobj generation,report
R62 T301 T300 prep of,generation


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T71 83-88 PR:000009279 denotes Sam68


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T138 9-20 GO_PATO_EXT:physiological_process_or_quality denotes physiologic
T139 83-88 PR_EXT:000009279 denotes Sam68