> top > docs > PMC:1315279 > spans > 1494-1614 > annotations

PMC:1315279 / 1494-1614 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T521 3-7 IN denotes with
T522 8-13 PRP$ denotes their
T523 47-55 NNS denotes controls
T524 14-17 NN denotes age
T525 18-25 VBN denotes matched
T526 17-18 HYPH denotes -
T527 26-30 JJ denotes wild
T528 31-35 NN denotes type
T529 30-31 HYPH denotes -
T530 36-46 NN denotes littermate
T531 55-57 , denotes ,
T532 57-62 WDT denotes which
T533 63-72 VBD denotes exhibited
T534 73-78 JJ denotes fatty
T535 84-90 NN denotes marrow
T536 79-83 NN denotes bone
T537 90-91 . denotes .
T539 92-95 PRP$ denotes Our
T540 96-104 NNS denotes findings
T541 105-113 VBP denotes identify
R271 T522 T523 poss their,controls
R272 T523 T521 pobj controls,with
R273 T524 T525 npadvmod age,matched
R274 T525 T523 amod matched,controls
R275 T526 T525 punct -,matched
R276 T527 T528 amod wild,type
R277 T528 T523 compound type,controls
R278 T529 T528 punct -,type
R279 T530 T523 compound littermate,controls
R280 T531 T523 punct ", ",controls
R281 T532 T533 dep which,exhibited
R282 T533 T523 relcl exhibited,controls
R283 T534 T535 amod fatty,marrow
R284 T535 T533 dobj marrow,exhibited
R285 T536 T535 compound bone,marrow
R287 T539 T540 poss Our,findings
R289 T540 T541 nsubj findings,identify


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T112 79-90 UBERON:0002371 denotes bone marrow


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T215 26-35 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T216 73-78 CHEBI_UBERON_EXT:triglyceride_or_adipose_tissue denotes fatty
T217 79-90 UBERON:0002371 denotes bone marrow