> top > docs > PMC:1315279 > spans > 1367-1429 > annotations

PMC:1315279 / 1367-1429 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T492 5-6 . denotes .
T494 7-18 RB denotes Furthermore
T495 35-40 VBN denotes shown
T496 18-20 , denotes ,
T497 20-22 FW denotes in
T498 23-27 FW denotes vivo
T499 28-30 PRP denotes it
T500 31-34 VBD denotes was
T501 41-45 IN denotes that
T503 46-54 NNS denotes sections
T504 55-57 IN denotes of
T505 58-62 NN denotes bone
R244 T494 T495 advmod Furthermore,shown
R245 T496 T495 punct ", ",shown
R246 T497 T498 advmod in,vivo
R247 T498 T495 advmod vivo,shown
R248 T499 T495 nsubjpass it,shown
R249 T500 T495 auxpass was,shown
R253 T504 T503 prep of,sections
R254 T505 T504 pobj bone,of


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T208 58-62 UBERON_EXT:bone_element_or_tissue denotes bone