> top > docs > PMC:1310901 > spans > 17339-17534 > annotations

PMC:1310901 / 17339-17534 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8468 24-37 Transcription denotes transcription
T8469 180-188 Gene_expression denotes negative
T8476 18-23 Protein denotes IRF-4
T8477 174-179 Protein denotes IRF-4
R7045 T8476 T8468 themeOf IRF-4,transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T8443 18-23 Protein denotes IRF-4
T8444 24-37 Transcription denotes transcription
T8445 174-179 Protein denotes IRF-4
T8446 180-188 Gene_expression denotes negative true
R7036 T8443 T8444 themeOf IRF-4,transcription
R7037 T8445 T8446 themeOf IRF-4,negative


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8388 57-62 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T8389 189-194 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T8390 57-76 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0009986 denotes cells is associated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7839 0-195 Sentence denotes This implied that IRF-4 transcription in SD-1 and BV-173 cells is associated with less promoter methylation (in BV-173 especially at HpaII sites) as compared with the tested IRF-4-negative cells.
T128 0-195 Sentence denotes This implied that IRF-4 transcription in SD-1 and BV-173 cells is associated with less promoter methylation (in BV-173 especially at HpaII sites) as compared with the tested IRF-4-negative cells.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8074 0-4 DT denotes This
T8075 5-12 VB denotes implied
T8076 13-17 IN denotes that
T8077 18-23 NN denotes IRF-4
T8078 24-37 NN denotes transcription
T8079 38-40 IN denotes in
T8080 41-45 NN denotes SD-1
T8081 46-49 CC denotes and
T8082 50-56 NN denotes BV-173
T8083 57-62 NN denotes cells
T8084 63-65 VB denotes is
T8085 66-76 VB denotes associated
T8086 77-81 IN denotes with
T8087 82-86 JJ denotes less
T8088 87-95 NN denotes promoter
T8089 96-107 NN denotes methylation
T8090 108-109 -LRB- denotes (
T8091 109-111 IN denotes in
T8092 112-118 NN denotes BV-173
T8093 119-129 RB denotes especially
T8094 130-132 IN denotes at
T8095 133-138 NN denotes HpaII
T8096 139-144 NN denotes sites
T8097 144-145 -RRB- denotes )
T8098 146-148 IN denotes as
T8099 149-157 VB denotes compared
T8100 158-162 IN denotes with
T8101 163-166 DT denotes the
T8102 167-173 VB denotes tested
T8103 174-188 JJ denotes IRF-4-negative
T8104 189-194 NN denotes cells
R6721 T8074 T8075 arg1Of This,implied
R6722 T8078 T8077 arg1Of transcription,IRF-4
R6723 T8078 T8079 arg1Of transcription,in
R6724 T8078 T8084 arg1Of transcription,is
R6725 T8078 T8085 arg2Of transcription,associated
R6726 T8080 T8081 arg1Of SD-1,and
R6727 T8082 T8081 arg2Of BV-173,and
R6728 T8083 T8079 arg2Of cells,in
R6729 T8083 T8080 arg1Of cells,SD-1
R6730 T8083 T8082 arg1Of cells,BV-173
R6731 T8085 T8075 arg2Of associated,implied
R6732 T8085 T8076 arg1Of associated,that
R6733 T8085 T8084 arg2Of associated,is
R6734 T8085 T8086 arg1Of associated,with
R6735 T8085 T8090 arg1Of associated,(
R6736 T8085 T8098 arg1Of associated,as
R6737 T8089 T8086 arg2Of methylation,with
R6738 T8089 T8087 arg1Of methylation,less
R6739 T8089 T8088 arg1Of methylation,promoter
R6740 T8091 T8090 arg2Of in,(
R6741 T8092 T8091 arg2Of BV-173,in
R6742 T8092 T8094 arg1Of BV-173,at
R6743 T8094 T8093 arg1Of at,especially
R6744 T8096 T8094 arg2Of sites,at
R6745 T8096 T8095 arg1Of sites,HpaII
R6746 T8097 T8090 arg3Of ),(
R6747 T8099 T8098 arg2Of compared,as
R6748 T8099 T8100 arg1Of compared,with
R6749 T8104 T8100 arg2Of cells,with
R6750 T8104 T8101 arg1Of cells,the
R6751 T8104 T8102 arg2Of cells,tested
R6752 T8104 T8103 arg1Of cells,IRF-4-negative


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8342 0-4 DT denotes This
T8343 5-12 VBD denotes implied
T8344 13-17 IN denotes that
T8345 18-23 JJ denotes IRF-4
T8346 24-37 NN denotes transcription
T8347 38-40 IN denotes in
T8348 41-45 NN denotes SD-1
T8349 46-49 CC denotes and
T8350 50-56 JJ denotes BV-173
T8351 57-62 NNS denotes cells
T8352 63-65 VBZ denotes is
T8353 66-76 VBN denotes associated
T8354 77-81 IN denotes with
T8355 82-86 JJR denotes less
T8356 87-95 NN denotes promoter
T8357 96-107 NN denotes methylation
T8358 108-109 -LRB- denotes (
T8359 109-111 IN denotes in
T8360 112-118 NN denotes BV-173
T8361 119-129 RB denotes especially
T8362 130-132 IN denotes at
T8363 133-138 NNP denotes HpaII
T8364 139-144 NNS denotes sites
T8365 144-145 -RRB- denotes )
T8366 146-148 IN denotes as
T8367 149-157 VBN denotes compared
T8368 158-162 IN denotes with
T8369 163-166 DT denotes the
T8370 167-173 VBN denotes tested
T8371 174-188 JJ denotes IRF-4-negative
T8372 189-194 NNS denotes cells
T8373 194-195 . denotes .
R6982 T8342 T8343 nsubj This,implied
R6983 T8343 T8343 ROOT implied,implied
R6984 T8344 T8353 mark that,associated
R6985 T8345 T8346 amod IRF-4,transcription
R6986 T8346 T8353 nsubjpass transcription,associated
R6987 T8347 T8346 prep in,transcription
R6988 T8348 T8347 pobj SD-1,in
R6989 T8349 T8348 cc and,SD-1
R7009 T8369 T8372 det the,cells
R7010 T8370 T8372 amod tested,cells
R7011 T8371 T8372 amod IRF-4-negative,cells
R7012 T8372 T8368 pobj cells,with
R7013 T8373 T8343 punct .,implied
R6990 T8350 T8351 amod BV-173,cells
R6991 T8351 T8348 conj cells,SD-1
R6992 T8352 T8353 auxpass is,associated
R6993 T8353 T8343 ccomp associated,implied
R6994 T8354 T8353 prep with,associated
R6995 T8355 T8356 amod less,promoter
R6996 T8356 T8357 compound promoter,methylation
R6997 T8357 T8354 pobj methylation,with
R6998 T8358 T8357 punct (,methylation
R6999 T8359 T8357 prep in,methylation
R7000 T8360 T8359 pobj BV-173,in
R7001 T8361 T8362 advmod especially,at
R7002 T8362 T8357 prep at,methylation
R7003 T8363 T8364 compound HpaII,sites
R7004 T8364 T8362 pobj sites,at
R7005 T8365 T8353 punct ),associated
R7006 T8366 T8367 mark as,compared
R7007 T8367 T8343 advcl compared,implied
R7008 T8368 T8367 prep with,compared


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7846 96-107 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032259 denotes methylation
T7851 24-37 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0006351 denotes transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8461 18-23 Protein denotes IRF-4
T8462 133-144 Protein denotes HpaII sites
T8463 24-37 Transcription denotes transcription
R7042 T8461 T8463 themeOf IRF-4,transcription


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation
T7827 18-23 Protein denotes IRF-4
T7828 24-37 Transcription denotes transcription
T7829 174-179 Protein denotes IRF-4
T7830 180-188 Gene_expression denotes negative true
R6495 T7827 T7828 themeOf IRF-4,transcription
R6496 T7829 T7830 themeOf IRF-4,negative


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T8111 18-23 Q15306 denotes IRF-4
T8112 174-179 Q15306 denotes IRF-4


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7813 18-23 Protein denotes IRF-4
T7814 24-37 Transcription denotes transcription
T7815 174-179 Protein denotes IRF-4
T7816 180-188 Gene_expression denotes negative
R6489 T7813 T7814 themeOf IRF-4,transcription
R6490 T7815 T7816 themeOf IRF-4,negative