> top > docs > PMC:1310901 > spans > 0-195 > annotations

PMC:1310901 / 0-195 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T868 0-15 Negative_regulation denotes Down-regulation
T869 19-49 Protein denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T870 55-65 Gene_expression denotes expression
T871 169-172 Protein denotes bcr
T872 173-176 Protein denotes abl
R630 T869 T870 themeOf interferon regulatory factor 4,expression
R631 T870 T868 themeOf expression,Down-regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T804 0-15 Negative_regulation denotes Down-regulation
T805 19-49 Protein denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T806 55-65 Gene_expression denotes expression
T807 169-172 Protein denotes bcr
T808 173-176 Protein denotes abl
R692 T805 T806 themeOf interferon regulatory factor 4,expression
R693 T806 T804 themeOf expression,Down-regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T698 78-83 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T105 0-144 Sentence denotes Down-regulation of interferon regulatory factor 4 gene expression in leukemic cells due to hypermethylation of CpG motifs in the promoter region
T1 0-144 Sentence denotes Down-regulation of interferon regulatory factor 4 gene expression in leukemic cells due to hypermethylation of CpG motifs in the promoter region
T2 147-155 Sentence denotes Abstract


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T129 0-15 NN denotes Down-regulation
T130 16-18 IN denotes of
T131 19-29 NN denotes interferon
T132 30-40 JJ denotes regulatory
T133 41-47 NN denotes factor
T134 48-49 CD denotes 4
T135 50-54 NN denotes gene
T136 55-65 NN denotes expression
T137 66-68 IN denotes in
T138 69-77 JJ denotes leukemic
T139 78-83 NN denotes cells
T140 84-87 JJ denotes due
T141 88-90 TO denotes to
T142 91-107 NN denotes hypermethylation
T143 108-110 IN denotes of
T144 111-114 NN denotes CpG
T145 115-121 NN denotes motifs
T146 122-124 IN denotes in
T147 125-128 DT denotes the
T148 129-137 NN denotes promoter
T149 138-144 NN denotes region
T150 156-164 IN denotes Although
T151 165-168 DT denotes the
T152 169-176 NN denotes bcr-abl
T153 177-190 NN denotes translocation
T154 191-194 VB denotes has
R41 T129 T130 arg1Of Down-regulation,of
R42 T129 T137 arg1Of Down-regulation,in
R43 T136 T130 arg2Of expression,of
R44 T136 T131 arg1Of expression,interferon
R45 T136 T132 arg1Of expression,regulatory
R46 T136 T133 arg1Of expression,factor
R47 T136 T134 arg1Of expression,4
R48 T136 T135 arg1Of expression,gene
R49 T139 T137 arg2Of cells,in
R50 T139 T138 arg1Of cells,leukemic
R51 T139 T140 arg1Of cells,due
R52 T140 T141 arg1Of due,to
R53 T142 T141 arg2Of hypermethylation,to
R54 T142 T143 arg1Of hypermethylation,of
R55 T145 T143 arg2Of motifs,of
R56 T145 T144 arg1Of motifs,CpG
R57 T145 T146 arg1Of motifs,in
R58 T149 T146 arg2Of region,in
R59 T149 T147 arg1Of region,the
R60 T149 T148 arg1Of region,promoter
R61 T153 T151 arg1Of translocation,the
R62 T153 T152 arg1Of translocation,bcr-abl
R63 T153 T154 arg1Of translocation,has


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T420 0-15 NN denotes Down-regulation
T421 16-18 IN denotes of
T422 19-29 NN denotes interferon
T423 30-40 JJ denotes regulatory
T424 41-47 NN denotes factor
T425 48-49 CD denotes 4
T426 50-54 NN denotes gene
T427 55-65 NN denotes expression
T428 66-68 IN denotes in
T429 69-77 JJ denotes leukemic
T430 78-83 NNS denotes cells
T431 84-87 JJ denotes due
T432 88-90 TO denotes to
T433 91-107 NN denotes hypermethylation
T434 108-110 IN denotes of
T435 111-114 NNP denotes CpG
T436 115-121 NNS denotes motifs
T437 122-124 IN denotes in
T438 125-128 DT denotes the
T439 129-137 NN denotes promoter
T440 138-144 NN denotes region
T441 156-164 IN denotes Although
T442 165-168 DT denotes the
T443 169-176 JJ denotes bcr-abl
T444 177-190 NN denotes translocation
T445 191-194 VBZ denotes has
R326 T437 T433 prep in,hypermethylation
R327 T438 T440 det the,region
R328 T439 T440 compound promoter,region
R329 T440 T437 pobj region,in
R331 T442 T444 det the,translocation
R332 T443 T444 amod bcr-abl,translocation
R318 T429 T430 amod leukemic,cells
R319 T430 T428 pobj cells,in
R320 T431 T420 amod due,Down-regulation
R321 T432 T431 pcomp to,due
R322 T433 T432 pobj hypermethylation,to
R323 T434 T433 prep of,hypermethylation
R324 T435 T436 compound CpG,motifs
R325 T436 T434 pobj motifs,of
R309 T420 T420 ROOT Down-regulation,Down-regulation
R310 T421 T420 prep of,Down-regulation
R311 T422 T424 nmod interferon,factor
R312 T423 T424 amod regulatory,factor
R313 T424 T421 pobj factor,of
R314 T425 T427 nummod 4,expression
R315 T426 T427 compound gene,expression
R316 T427 T420 conj expression,Down-regulation
R317 T428 T427 prep in,expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T114 5-15 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0065007 denotes regulation
T117 50-65 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0010467 denotes gene expression


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T838 19-54 Protein denotes interferon regulatory factor 4 gene
T839 55-65 Gene_expression denotes expression
T840 0-15 Negative_regulation denotes Down-regulation
T841 169-172 Protein denotes bcr
T842 173-176 Protein denotes abl
R615 T838 T839 themeOf interferon regulatory factor 4 gene,expression
R616 T839 T840 themeOf expression,Down-regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T71 0-15 Negative_regulation denotes Down-regulation
T72 19-49 Protein denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T73 55-65 Gene_expression denotes expression
T74 169-172 Protein denotes bcr
T75 173-176 Protein denotes abl
R648 T72 T73 themeOf interferon regulatory factor 4,expression
R649 T73 T71 themeOf expression,Down-regulation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T388 19-49 Q02556 denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T389 19-49 Q14653 denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T390 19-49 Q92985 denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T391 19-49 Q15306 denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T392 19-49 Q13568 denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T393 169-172 P11274 denotes bcr
T394 173-176 P00519 denotes abl


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue Negation Speculation
T35 0-15 Negative_regulation denotes Down-regulation
T36 19-49 Protein denotes interferon regulatory factor 4
T37 55-65 Gene_expression denotes expression true
T38 169-172 Protein denotes bcr true
T39 173-176 Protein denotes abl
T40 177-190 Localization denotes translocation
R19 T36 T37 themeOf interferon regulatory factor 4,expression
R20 T37 T35 themeOf expression,Down-regulation
R21 T38 T40 themeOf bcr,translocation