> top > docs > PMC:1310620 > spans > 9312-9542 > annotations

PMC:1310620 / 9312-9542 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2314 0-8 NN denotes Analysis
T2315 112-120 VBN denotes assessed
T2316 9-11 IN denotes of
T2317 12-15 DT denotes the
T2318 16-28 NN denotes relationship
T2319 29-36 IN denotes between
T2320 37-46 RB denotes virtually
T2321 47-58 VBN denotes multiplexed
T2322 46-47 HYPH denotes -
T2323 80-84 NNS denotes data
T2324 59-69 NN denotes transcript
T2325 70-79 NN denotes abundance
T2326 85-88 IN denotes for
T2327 89-93 DT denotes each
T2328 94-98 NN denotes gene
T2329 99-103 IN denotes with
T2330 104-107 NN denotes age
T2331 108-111 VBD denotes was
T2332 121-123 IN denotes by
T2333 124-131 NNP denotes Pearson
T2334 134-145 NN denotes correlation
T2335 131-133 POS denotes 's
T2336 145-147 , denotes ,
T2337 147-151 IN denotes with
T2338 152-158 NN denotes gender
T2339 159-161 IN denotes by
T2340 162-163 NN denotes t
T2341 164-168 NN denotes test
T2342 163-164 HYPH denotes -
T2343 168-170 , denotes ,
T2344 170-173 CC denotes and
T2345 174-178 IN denotes with
T2346 179-186 NN denotes smoking
T2347 187-194 NN denotes history
T2348 195-197 IN denotes by
T2349 198-203 NN denotes ANOVA
T2350 204-212 VBN denotes followed
T2351 213-215 IN denotes by
T2352 216-222 NNP denotes Duncan
T2353 225-229 NN denotes test
T2354 222-224 POS denotes 's
T2355 229-230 . denotes .
R1542 T2321 T2323 amod multiplexed,data
R1543 T2322 T2321 punct -,multiplexed
R1544 T2323 T2319 pobj data,between
R1545 T2324 T2325 compound transcript,abundance
R1546 T2325 T2323 compound abundance,data
R1555 T2334 T2332 pobj correlation,by
R1556 T2335 T2333 case 's,Pearson
R1562 T2341 T2339 pobj test,by
R1563 T2342 T2341 punct -,test
R1574 T2353 T2351 pobj test,by
R1575 T2354 T2352 case 's,Duncan
R1536 T2314 T2315 nsubjpass Analysis,assessed
R1537 T2316 T2314 prep of,Analysis
R1538 T2317 T2318 det the,relationship
R1539 T2318 T2316 pobj relationship,of
R1540 T2319 T2318 prep between,relationship
R1541 T2320 T2321 advmod virtually,multiplexed
R1547 T2326 T2318 prep for,relationship
R1548 T2327 T2328 det each,gene
R1549 T2328 T2326 pobj gene,for
R1550 T2329 T2318 prep with,relationship
R1551 T2330 T2329 pobj age,with
R1552 T2331 T2315 auxpass was,assessed
R1553 T2332 T2315 prep by,assessed
R1554 T2333 T2334 poss Pearson,correlation
R1557 T2336 T2315 punct ", ",assessed
R1558 T2337 T2315 prep with,assessed
R1559 T2338 T2337 pobj gender,with
R1560 T2339 T2338 prep by,gender
R1561 T2340 T2341 compound t,test
R1564 T2343 T2337 punct ", ",with
R1565 T2344 T2337 cc and,with
R1566 T2345 T2337 conj with,with
R1567 T2346 T2347 compound smoking,history
R1568 T2347 T2345 pobj history,with
R1569 T2348 T2347 prep by,history
R1570 T2349 T2348 pobj ANOVA,by
R1571 T2350 T2349 acl followed,ANOVA
R1572 T2351 T2350 agent by,followed
R1573 T2352 T2353 poss Duncan,test
R1576 T2355 T2315 punct .,assessed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2145 59-69 SO_EXT:0000673 denotes transcript
T2146 94-98 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2160 59-69 SO:0000673 denotes transcript
T2161 94-98 SO:0000704 denotes gene