> top > docs > PMC:1310620 > spans > 8673-9311 > annotations

PMC:1310620 / 8673-9311 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2209 0-11 NN denotes Correlation
T2210 106-116 VBN denotes determined
T2211 12-14 IN denotes of
T2212 15-19 DT denotes each
T2213 20-22 IN denotes of
T2214 23-26 DT denotes the
T2215 45-52 NNS denotes factors
T2216 27-30 CD denotes six
T2217 31-44 NN denotes transcription
T2218 53-57 IN denotes with
T2219 58-62 DT denotes each
T2220 63-65 IN denotes of
T2221 66-69 DT denotes the
T2222 96-101 NNS denotes genes
T2223 70-81 NN denotes antioxidant
T2224 82-84 CC denotes or
T2225 85-88 NN denotes DNA
T2226 89-95 NN denotes repair
T2227 102-105 VBD denotes was
T2228 117-119 IN denotes by
T2229 120-127 NNP denotes Pearson
T2230 130-141 NN denotes correlation
T2231 127-129 POS denotes 's
T2232 142-151 VBG denotes following
T2233 152-163 JJ denotes logarithmic
T2234 164-178 NN denotes transformation
T2235 178-179 . denotes .
T2236 179-299 sentence denotes The transformation was necessary due to the wide biological variation in expression of each gene among the individuals.
T2237 180-183 DT denotes The
T2238 184-198 NN denotes transformation
T2239 199-202 VBD denotes was
T2240 203-212 JJ denotes necessary
T2241 213-216 IN denotes due
T2242 217-219 IN denotes to
T2243 220-223 DT denotes the
T2244 240-249 NN denotes variation
T2245 224-228 JJ denotes wide
T2246 229-239 JJ denotes biological
T2247 250-252 IN denotes in
T2248 253-263 NN denotes expression
T2249 264-266 IN denotes of
T2250 267-271 DT denotes each
T2251 272-276 NN denotes gene
T2252 277-282 IN denotes among
T2253 283-286 DT denotes the
T2254 287-298 NNS denotes individuals
T2255 298-299 . denotes .
T2256 299-508 sentence denotes Significance level was defined as p < 0.01 following Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparison, specifically comparison of each of six transcription factors to each of the antioxidant or DNA repair genes.
T2257 300-312 NN denotes Significance
T2258 313-318 NN denotes level
T2259 323-330 VBN denotes defined
T2260 319-322 VBD denotes was
T2261 331-333 IN denotes as
T2262 334-335 NN denotes p
T2263 336-337 SYM denotes <
T2264 338-342 CD denotes 0.01
T2265 343-352 VBG denotes following
T2266 353-363 NNP denotes Bonferroni
T2267 364-374 NN denotes adjustment
T2268 375-378 IN denotes for
T2269 379-387 JJ denotes multiple
T2270 388-398 NN denotes comparison
T2271 398-400 , denotes ,
T2272 400-412 RB denotes specifically
T2273 413-423 NN denotes comparison
T2274 424-426 IN denotes of
T2275 427-431 DT denotes each
T2276 432-434 IN denotes of
T2277 435-438 CD denotes six
T2278 453-460 NNS denotes factors
T2279 439-452 NN denotes transcription
T2280 461-463 IN denotes to
T2281 464-468 DT denotes each
T2282 469-471 IN denotes of
T2283 472-475 DT denotes the
T2284 502-507 NNS denotes genes
T2285 476-487 NN denotes antioxidant
T2286 488-490 CC denotes or
T2287 491-494 NN denotes DNA
T2288 495-501 NN denotes repair
T2289 507-508 . denotes .
T2290 508-638 sentence denotes Comparison for significant differences between pairs of correlation coefficients was done by Fisher's Z-transformation test [16].
T2291 509-519 NN denotes Comparison
T2292 594-598 VBN denotes done
T2293 520-523 IN denotes for
T2294 524-535 JJ denotes significant
T2295 536-547 NNS denotes differences
T2296 548-555 IN denotes between
T2297 556-561 NNS denotes pairs
T2298 562-564 IN denotes of
T2299 565-576 NN denotes correlation
T2300 577-589 NNS denotes coefficients
T2301 590-593 VBD denotes was
T2302 599-601 IN denotes by
T2303 602-608 NNP denotes Fisher
T2304 628-632 NN denotes test
T2305 608-610 POS denotes 's
T2306 611-612 NN denotes Z
T2307 613-627 NN denotes transformation
T2308 612-613 HYPH denotes -
T2309 633-634 -LRB- denotes [
T2310 634-636 CD denotes 16
T2311 636-637 -RRB- denotes ]
T2312 637-638 . denotes .
R1444 T2215 T2213 pobj factors,of
R1445 T2216 T2215 nummod six,factors
R1446 T2217 T2215 compound transcription,factors
R1451 T2222 T2220 pobj genes,of
R1452 T2223 T2222 nmod antioxidant,genes
R1453 T2224 T2223 cc or,antioxidant
R1454 T2225 T2226 compound DNA,repair
R1455 T2226 T2223 conj repair,antioxidant
R1459 T2230 T2228 pobj correlation,by
R1460 T2231 T2229 case 's,Pearson
R1471 T2244 T2241 pobj variation,due
R1472 T2245 T2244 amod wide,variation
R1473 T2246 T2244 amod biological,variation
R1503 T2278 T2276 pobj factors,of
R1504 T2279 T2278 compound transcription,factors
R1509 T2284 T2282 pobj genes,of
R1510 T2285 T2284 nmod antioxidant,genes
R1511 T2286 T2285 cc or,antioxidant
R1512 T2287 T2288 compound DNA,repair
R1513 T2288 T2285 conj repair,antioxidant
R1527 T2304 T2302 pobj test,by
R1528 T2305 T2303 case 's,Fisher
R1529 T2306 T2307 compound Z,transformation
R1531 T2308 T2307 punct -,transformation
R1439 T2209 T2210 nsubjpass Correlation,determined
R1440 T2211 T2209 prep of,Correlation
R1441 T2212 T2211 pobj each,of
R1442 T2213 T2212 prep of,each
R1443 T2214 T2215 det the,factors
R1447 T2218 T2209 prep with,Correlation
R1448 T2219 T2218 pobj each,with
R1449 T2220 T2219 prep of,each
R1450 T2221 T2222 det the,genes
R1456 T2227 T2210 auxpass was,determined
R1457 T2228 T2210 prep by,determined
R1458 T2229 T2230 poss Pearson,correlation
R1461 T2232 T2230 prep following,correlation
R1462 T2233 T2234 amod logarithmic,transformation
R1463 T2234 T2232 pobj transformation,following
R1464 T2235 T2210 punct .,determined
R1465 T2237 T2238 det The,transformation
R1466 T2238 T2239 nsubj transformation,was
R1467 T2240 T2239 acomp necessary,was
R1468 T2241 T2239 prep due,was
R1469 T2242 T2241 pcomp to,due
R1470 T2243 T2244 det the,variation
R1474 T2247 T2244 prep in,variation
R1475 T2248 T2247 pobj expression,in
R1476 T2249 T2248 prep of,expression
R1477 T2250 T2251 det each,gene
R1478 T2251 T2249 pobj gene,of
R1479 T2252 T2244 prep among,variation
R1480 T2253 T2254 det the,individuals
R1481 T2254 T2252 pobj individuals,among
R1482 T2255 T2239 punct .,was
R1483 T2257 T2258 compound Significance,level
R1484 T2258 T2259 nsubjpass level,defined
R1485 T2260 T2259 auxpass was,defined
R1486 T2261 T2259 prep as,defined
R1487 T2262 T2261 pobj p,as
R1488 T2263 T2264 punct <,0.01
R1489 T2264 T2262 amod 0.01,p
R1490 T2265 T2259 prep following,defined
R1491 T2266 T2267 compound Bonferroni,adjustment
R1492 T2267 T2265 pobj adjustment,following
R1493 T2268 T2267 prep for,adjustment
R1494 T2269 T2270 amod multiple,comparison
R1495 T2270 T2268 pobj comparison,for
R1496 T2271 T2270 punct ", ",comparison
R1497 T2272 T2273 advmod specifically,comparison
R1498 T2273 T2270 appos comparison,comparison
R1499 T2274 T2273 prep of,comparison
R1500 T2275 T2274 pobj each,of
R1501 T2276 T2275 prep of,each
R1502 T2277 T2278 nummod six,factors
R1505 T2280 T2273 prep to,comparison
R1506 T2281 T2280 pobj each,to
R1507 T2282 T2281 prep of,each
R1508 T2283 T2284 det the,genes
R1514 T2289 T2259 punct .,defined
R1515 T2291 T2292 nsubjpass Comparison,done
R1516 T2293 T2291 prep for,Comparison
R1517 T2294 T2295 amod significant,differences
R1518 T2295 T2293 pobj differences,for
R1519 T2296 T2291 prep between,Comparison
R1520 T2297 T2296 pobj pairs,between
R1521 T2298 T2297 prep of,pairs
R1522 T2299 T2300 compound correlation,coefficients
R1523 T2300 T2298 pobj coefficients,of
R1524 T2301 T2292 auxpass was,done
R1525 T2302 T2292 prep by,done
R1526 T2303 T2304 poss Fisher,test
R1530 T2307 T2304 compound transformation,test
R1532 T2309 T2310 punct [,16
R1533 T2310 T2292 parataxis 16,done
R1534 T2311 T2310 punct ],16
R1535 T2312 T2292 punct .,done


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2127 31-44 GO_EXT:transcription denotes transcription
T2128 31-52 GO_EXT:transcription_factor denotes transcription factors
T2129 70-81 CHEBI_GO_EXT:antioxidant denotes antioxidant
T2130 74-81 CHEBI_MOP_EXT:oxidising_agent_or_oxidation denotes oxidant
T2131 85-88 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T2132 85-95 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T2133 96-101 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T2134 229-239 CHEBI_GO_EXT:biological_process_or_quality_or_role denotes biological
T2135 253-263 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T2136 272-276 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T2137 287-298 NCBITaxon:1 denotes individuals
T2138 439-452 GO_EXT:transcription denotes transcription
T2139 439-460 GO_EXT:transcription_factor denotes transcription factors
T2140 476-487 CHEBI_GO_EXT:antioxidant denotes antioxidant
T2141 480-487 CHEBI_MOP_EXT:oxidising_agent_or_oxidation denotes oxidant
T2142 491-494 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T2143 491-501 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T2144 502-507 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2153 85-95 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T2154 96-101 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T2155 253-263 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T2156 272-276 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T2157 287-298 NCBITaxon:1 denotes individuals
T2158 491-501 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T2159 502-507 SO:0000704 denotes genes