> top > docs > PMC:1310620 > spans > 21316-21521 > annotations

PMC:1310620 / 21316-21521 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5588 0-205 sentence denotes A biomarker combining polymorphisms that affect regulation with those that affect function of antioxidant and DNA repair genes is likely to be the most accurate for identifying individuals at risk for BC.
T5589 1-2 DT denotes A
T5590 3-12 NN denotes biomarker
T5591 128-130 VBZ denotes is
T5592 13-22 VBG denotes combining
T5593 23-36 NNS denotes polymorphisms
T5594 37-41 WDT denotes that
T5595 42-48 VBP denotes affect
T5596 49-59 NN denotes regulation
T5597 60-64 IN denotes with
T5598 65-70 DT denotes those
T5599 71-75 WDT denotes that
T5600 76-82 VBP denotes affect
T5601 83-91 NN denotes function
T5602 92-94 IN denotes of
T5603 95-106 NN denotes antioxidant
T5604 122-127 NNS denotes genes
T5605 107-110 CC denotes and
T5606 111-114 NN denotes DNA
T5607 115-121 NN denotes repair
T5608 131-137 JJ denotes likely
T5609 138-140 TO denotes to
T5610 141-143 VB denotes be
T5611 144-147 DT denotes the
T5612 153-161 JJ denotes accurate
T5613 148-152 RBS denotes most
T5614 162-165 IN denotes for
T5615 166-177 VBG denotes identifying
T5616 178-189 NNS denotes individuals
T5617 190-192 IN denotes at
T5618 193-197 NN denotes risk
T5619 198-201 IN denotes for
T5620 202-204 NN denotes BC
T5621 204-205 . denotes .
R3605 T5599 T5600 dep that,affect
R3609 T5600 T5598 relcl affect,those
R3612 T5601 T5600 dobj function,affect
R3616 T5602 T5601 prep of,function
R3621 T5603 T5604 nmod antioxidant,genes
R3623 T5604 T5602 pobj genes,of
R3628 T5605 T5603 cc and,antioxidant
R3630 T5589 T5590 det A,biomarker
R3631 T5606 T5607 compound DNA,repair
R3632 T5590 T5591 nsubj biomarker,is
R3633 T5592 T5590 acl combining,biomarker
R3634 T5593 T5592 dobj polymorphisms,combining
R3635 T5607 T5603 conj repair,antioxidant
R3636 T5594 T5595 dep that,affect
R3637 T5595 T5593 relcl affect,polymorphisms
R3638 T5608 T5591 acomp likely,is
R3639 T5596 T5595 dobj regulation,affect
R3640 T5597 T5592 prep with,combining
R3641 T5598 T5597 pobj those,with
R3642 T5609 T5610 aux to,be
R3643 T5610 T5608 xcomp be,likely
R3644 T5611 T5612 det the,accurate
R3645 T5612 T5610 attr accurate,be
R3647 T5613 T5612 advmod most,accurate
R3650 T5614 T5610 prep for,be
R3656 T5615 T5614 pcomp identifying,for
R3659 T5616 T5615 dobj individuals,identifying
R3663 T5617 T5616 prep at,individuals
R3666 T5618 T5617 pobj risk,at
R3670 T5619 T5618 prep for,risk
R3674 T5620 T5619 pobj BC,for
R3677 T5621 T5591 punct .,is


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3973 3-12 CHEBI_SO_EXT:biomarker denotes biomarker
T3974 23-36 SO_EXT:polymorphism denotes polymorphisms
T3975 49-59 GO:0065007 denotes regulation
T3976 95-106 CHEBI_GO_EXT:antioxidant denotes antioxidant
T3977 99-106 CHEBI_MOP_EXT:oxidising_agent_or_oxidation denotes oxidant
T3978 111-114 CHEBI_SO_EXT:DNA denotes DNA
T3979 111-121 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T3980 122-127 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes genes
T3981 178-189 NCBITaxon:1 denotes individuals


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4159 49-59 GO:0065007 denotes regulation
T4160 111-121 GO:0006281 denotes DNA repair
T4161 122-127 SO:0000704 denotes genes
T4162 178-189 NCBITaxon:1 denotes individuals