> top > docs > PMC:1310620 > spans > 17838-18039 > annotations

PMC:1310620 / 17838-18039 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4955 0-201 sentence denotes CEBPG is known to have stimulatory effect on the IL-6 and IL-8 promoters in B cell lines [21], and can also act as a dominant negative regulator of CEBPA and CEBPB in fibroblast and B cell lines [20].
T4956 1-6 NN denotes CEBPG
T4957 10-15 VBN denotes known
T4958 7-9 VBZ denotes is
T4959 16-18 TO denotes to
T4960 19-23 VB denotes have
T4961 24-35 JJ denotes stimulatory
T4962 36-42 NN denotes effect
T4963 43-45 IN denotes on
T4964 46-49 DT denotes the
T4965 64-73 NNS denotes promoters
T4966 50-52 NN denotes IL
T4967 52-53 HYPH denotes -
T4968 53-54 CD denotes 6
T4969 55-58 CC denotes and
T4970 59-61 NN denotes IL
T4971 61-62 HYPH denotes -
T4972 62-63 CD denotes 8
T4973 74-76 IN denotes in
T4974 77-78 NN denotes B
T4975 79-83 NN denotes cell
T4976 84-89 NNS denotes lines
T4977 90-91 -LRB- denotes [
T4978 91-93 CD denotes 21
T4979 93-94 -RRB- denotes ]
T4980 94-96 , denotes ,
T4981 96-99 CC denotes and
T4982 100-103 MD denotes can
T4983 109-112 VB denotes act
T4984 104-108 RB denotes also
T4985 113-115 IN denotes as
T4986 116-117 DT denotes a
T4987 136-145 NN denotes regulator
T4988 118-126 JJ denotes dominant
T4989 127-135 JJ denotes negative
T4990 146-148 IN denotes of
T4991 149-154 NN denotes CEBPA
T4992 155-158 CC denotes and
T4993 159-164 NN denotes CEBPB
T4994 165-167 IN denotes in
T4995 168-178 NN denotes fibroblast
T4996 190-195 NNS denotes lines
T4997 179-182 CC denotes and
T4998 183-184 NN denotes B
T4999 185-189 NN denotes cell
T5000 196-197 -LRB- denotes [
T5001 197-199 CD denotes 20
T5002 199-200 -RRB- denotes ]
T5003 200-201 . denotes .
R3030 T4956 T4957 nsubjpass CEBPG,known
R3031 T4958 T4957 auxpass is,known
R3032 T4959 T4960 aux to,have
R3033 T4960 T4957 xcomp have,known
R3034 T4961 T4962 amod stimulatory,effect
R3035 T4962 T4960 dobj effect,have
R3036 T4963 T4962 prep on,effect
R3037 T4964 T4965 det the,promoters
R3038 T4965 T4963 pobj promoters,on
R3039 T4966 T4965 nmod IL,promoters
R3040 T4967 T4966 punct -,IL
R3041 T4968 T4966 nummod 6,IL
R3042 T4969 T4966 cc and,IL
R3043 T4970 T4966 conj IL,IL
R3044 T4971 T4970 punct -,IL
R3045 T4972 T4970 nummod 8,IL
R3046 T4973 T4962 prep in,effect
R3047 T4974 T4975 compound B,cell
R3048 T4975 T4976 compound cell,lines
R3049 T4976 T4973 pobj lines,in
R3050 T4977 T4978 punct [,21
R3051 T4978 T4957 parataxis 21,known
R3052 T4979 T4978 punct ],21
R3053 T4980 T4957 punct ", ",known
R3054 T4981 T4957 cc and,known
R3055 T4982 T4983 aux can,act
R3056 T4983 T4957 conj act,known
R3057 T4984 T4983 advmod also,act
R3058 T4985 T4983 prep as,act
R3059 T4986 T4987 det a,regulator
R3061 T4988 T4987 amod dominant,regulator
R3062 T4989 T4987 amod negative,regulator
R3063 T4990 T4987 prep of,regulator
R3064 T4991 T4990 pobj CEBPA,of
R3065 T4992 T4991 cc and,CEBPA
R3066 T4993 T4991 conj CEBPB,CEBPA
R3067 T4994 T4983 prep in,act
R3068 T4995 T4996 nmod fibroblast,lines
R3069 T4996 T4994 pobj lines,in
R3070 T4997 T4995 cc and,fibroblast
R3071 T4998 T4995 conj B,fibroblast
R3072 T4999 T4996 compound cell,lines
R3073 T5000 T5001 punct [,20
R3074 T5001 T4983 parataxis 20,act
R3075 T5002 T5001 punct ],20
R3076 T5003 T4957 punct .,known
R3060 T4987 T4985 pobj regulator,as


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16255782-12177065-8759928 91-93 12177065 denotes 21
16255782-7501458-8759929 197-199 7501458 denotes 20


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3857 1-6 PR_EXT:000005311 denotes CEBPG
T3858 50-54 PR_EXT:000001393 denotes IL-6
T3859 59-63 PR_EXT:000001395 denotes IL-8
T3860 64-73 SO_EXT:0000167 denotes promoters
T3861 77-83 CL:0000236 denotes B cell
T3862 79-83 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T3863 127-145 GO_EXT:negative_regulator denotes negative regulator
T3864 149-154 PR_EXT:000005307 denotes CEBPA
T3865 159-164 PR_EXT:000005308 denotes CEBPB
T3866 168-178 CL:0000057 denotes fibroblast
T3867 183-189 CL:0000236 denotes B cell
T3868 185-189 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4089 1-6 PR:000005311 denotes CEBPG
T4090 50-54 PR:000001393 denotes IL-6
T4091 59-63 PR:000001395 denotes IL-8
T4092 64-73 SO:0000167 denotes promoters
T4093 77-83 CL:0000236 denotes B cell
T4094 149-154 PR:000005307 denotes CEBPA
T4095 159-164 PR:000005308 denotes CEBPB
T4096 168-178 CL:0000057 denotes fibroblast
T4097 183-189 CL:0000236 denotes B cell