> top > docs > PMC:1255741 > spans > 7656-7845 > annotations

PMC:1255741 / 7656-7845 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1902 178-181 CC denotes and
T1903 182-188 NN denotes memory
T1885 85-89 NN denotes GluR
T1891 101-106 NN denotes AMPAR
T1870 0-5 DT denotes These
T1871 6-13 NNS denotes efforts
T1872 14-21 VBD denotes allowed
T1873 22-24 PRP denotes us
T1874 28-35 VB denotes dissect
T1875 25-27 TO denotes to
T1876 35-37 , denotes ,
T1877 37-41 DT denotes both
T1878 42-51 RB denotes spatially
T1879 52-55 CC denotes and
T1880 56-71 RB denotes mechanistically
T1881 71-73 , denotes ,
T1882 73-76 DT denotes the
T1883 77-81 NN denotes role
T1884 82-84 IN denotes of
T1886 90-91 NN denotes B
T1887 89-90 HYPH denotes -
T1888 92-100 VBN denotes mediated
T1889 91-92 HYPH denotes -
T1890 107-117 NNS denotes properties
T1892 118-120 IN denotes in
T1893 121-129 VBN denotes selected
T1894 136-143 NNS denotes regions
T1895 130-135 NN denotes brain
T1896 144-146 IN denotes in
T1897 147-151 NN denotes odor
T1898 152-160 NN denotes learning
T1899 160-162 , denotes ,
T1900 162-176 NN denotes discrimination
T1901 176-178 , denotes ,
T1904 188-189 . denotes .
R1421 T1900 T1898 conj discrimination,learning
R1422 T1904 T1872 punct .,allowed
R1423 T1903 T1900 conj memory,discrimination
R1393 T1875 T1874 aux to,dissect
R1407 T1889 T1888 punct -,mediated
R1409 T1891 T1890 compound AMPAR,properties
R1410 T1890 T1884 pobj properties,of
R1389 T1871 T1872 nsubj efforts,allowed
R1391 T1874 T1872 ccomp dissect,allowed
R1392 T1870 T1871 det These,efforts
R1394 T1873 T1874 nsubj us,dissect
R1395 T1877 T1878 advmod both,spatially
R1396 T1878 T1874 advmod spatially,dissect
R1397 T1876 T1874 punct ", ",dissect
R1398 T1880 T1878 conj mechanistically,spatially
R1399 T1881 T1874 punct ", ",dissect
R1400 T1879 T1878 cc and,spatially
R1401 T1883 T1874 dobj role,dissect
R1402 T1882 T1883 det the,role
R1403 T1885 T1886 compound GluR,B
R1404 T1886 T1888 npadvmod B,mediated
R1405 T1884 T1883 prep of,role
R1406 T1888 T1890 amod mediated,properties
R1408 T1887 T1886 punct -,B
R1411 T1893 T1894 amod selected,regions
R1412 T1894 T1892 pobj regions,in
R1413 T1892 T1883 prep in,role
R1414 T1896 T1883 prep in,role
R1415 T1897 T1898 compound odor,learning
R1416 T1895 T1894 compound brain,regions
R1417 T1899 T1898 punct ", ",learning
R1418 T1898 T1896 pobj learning,in
R1419 T1901 T1900 punct ", ",discrimination
R1420 T1902 T1900 cc and,discrimination


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2275 85-89 GO_EXT:0008066 denotes GluR
T2276 85-91 PR_EXT:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T2277 101-106 GO_EXT:0004971 denotes AMPAR
T2278 130-143 UBERON:0002616 denotes brain regions
T2279 147-160 GO:0008355 denotes odor learning
T2280 182-188 GO:0007613 denotes memory


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2042 85-91 PR:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T2043 130-143 UBERON:0002616 denotes brain regions
T2044 147-160 GO:0008355 denotes odor learning
T2045 182-188 GO:0007613 denotes memory