> top > docs > PMC:1255741 > spans > 404-654 > annotations

PMC:1255741 / 404-654 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T142 4-6 IN denotes in
T143 7-16 JJ denotes olfactory
T144 17-25 NN denotes behavior
T145 25-26 . denotes .
T146 26-185 sentence denotes AMPAR modification was obtained by depletion of the GluR-B subunit or expression of unedited GluR-B(Q), both leading to increased Ca2+ permeability of AMPARs.
T147 27-32 NN denotes AMPAR
T148 33-45 NN denotes modification
T149 50-58 VBN denotes obtained
T150 46-49 VBD denotes was
T151 59-61 IN denotes by
T152 62-71 NN denotes depletion
T153 72-74 IN denotes of
T154 75-78 DT denotes the
T155 86-93 NN denotes subunit
T156 79-83 NN denotes GluR
T157 84-85 NN denotes B
T158 83-84 HYPH denotes -
T159 94-96 CC denotes or
T160 97-107 NN denotes expression
T161 108-110 IN denotes of
T162 111-119 JJ denotes unedited
T163 127-128 NN denotes Q
T164 120-124 NN denotes GluR
T165 124-125 HYPH denotes -
T166 125-126 NN denotes B
T167 126-127 -LRB- denotes (
T168 128-129 -RRB- denotes )
T169 129-131 , denotes ,
T170 131-135 DT denotes both
T171 136-143 VBG denotes leading
T172 144-146 IN denotes to
T173 147-156 VBN denotes increased
T174 162-174 NN denotes permeability
T175 157-160 NN denotes Ca2
T176 160-161 SYM denotes +
T177 175-177 IN denotes of
T178 178-184 NNS denotes AMPARs
T179 184-185 . denotes .
T181 186-190 NNS denotes Mice
T183 191-195 IN denotes with
T184 196-200 DT denotes this
T185 218-224 NN denotes switch
T186 201-211 JJ denotes functional
T187 212-217 NN denotes AMPAR
T188 224-226 , denotes ,
T189 226-238 RB denotes specifically
T190 239-241 IN denotes in
R75 T155 T153 pobj subunit,of
R76 T156 T157 compound GluR,B
R78 T158 T157 punct -,B
R83 T163 T161 pobj Q,of
R84 T164 T163 nmod GluR,Q
R85 T165 T163 punct -,Q
R86 T166 T163 nmod B,Q
R87 T167 T163 punct (,Q
R94 T174 T172 pobj permeability,to
R95 T175 T174 nmod Ca2,permeability
R96 T176 T175 punct +,Ca2
R103 T185 T183 pobj switch,with
R104 T186 T185 amod functional,switch
R105 T187 T185 compound AMPAR,switch
R65 T143 T144 amod olfactory,behavior
R66 T144 T142 pobj behavior,in
R68 T147 T148 compound AMPAR,modification
R69 T148 T149 nsubjpass modification,obtained
R70 T150 T149 auxpass was,obtained
R71 T151 T149 prep by,obtained
R72 T152 T151 pobj depletion,by
R73 T153 T152 prep of,depletion
R74 T154 T155 det the,subunit
R77 T157 T155 compound B,subunit
R79 T159 T152 cc or,depletion
R80 T160 T152 conj expression,depletion
R81 T161 T160 prep of,expression
R82 T162 T163 amod unedited,Q
R88 T168 T163 punct ),Q
R89 T169 T149 punct ", ",obtained
R90 T170 T171 nsubj both,leading
R91 T171 T149 advcl leading,obtained
R92 T172 T171 prep to,leading
R93 T173 T174 amod increased,permeability
R97 T177 T174 prep of,permeability
R98 T178 T177 pobj AMPARs,of
R99 T179 T149 punct .,obtained
R101 T183 T181 prep with,Mice
R102 T184 T185 det this,switch
R106 T188 T185 punct ", ",switch
R107 T189 T190 advmod specifically,in
R108 T190 T185 prep in,switch


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T372 7-16 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T373 17-25 GO_PATO_EXT:biological_behavior denotes behavior
T374 27-32 GO_EXT:0004971 denotes AMPAR
T375 33-45 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes modification
T376 79-83 GO_EXT:0008066 denotes GluR
T377 79-85 PR_EXT:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T378 97-107 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T379 113-119 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_process denotes edited
T380 120-124 GO_EXT:0008066 denotes GluR
T381 120-126 PR_EXT:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T382 127-128 CHEBI_SO_EXT:glutamine denotes Q
T383 157-161 CHEBI:29108 denotes Ca2+
T384 178-184 GO_EXT:0004971 denotes AMPARs
T385 186-190 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes Mice
T386 212-217 GO_EXT:0004971 denotes AMPAR


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T327 7-16 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T328 79-85 PR:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T329 97-107 GO:0010467 denotes expression
T330 120-126 PR:000008234 denotes GluR-B
T331 157-161 CHEBI:29108 denotes Ca2+
T332 186-190 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes Mice