> top > docs > PMC:1253828 > spans > 23942-24177 > annotations

PMC:1253828 / 23942-24177 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7102 0-235 sentence denotes Specific binding of MTF-1 was observed with EMSA for MRE2 oligonucleotide and protein extract from an Mtf1loxP liver, but not an Mtf1Mx-cre liver extract lacking MTF-1, confirming the participation of MTF-1 in the complex (Figure 4c).
T7103 1-9 JJ denotes Specific
T7104 10-17 NN denotes binding
T7105 31-39 VBN denotes observed
T7106 18-20 IN denotes of
T7107 21-24 NN denotes MTF
T7108 24-25 HYPH denotes -
T7109 25-26 CD denotes 1
T7110 27-30 VBD denotes was
T7111 40-44 IN denotes with
T7112 45-49 NN denotes EMSA
T7113 50-53 IN denotes for
T7114 54-58 NN denotes MRE2
T7115 59-74 NN denotes oligonucleotide
T7116 75-78 CC denotes and
T7117 79-86 NN denotes protein
T7118 87-94 NN denotes extract
T7119 95-99 IN denotes from
T7120 100-102 DT denotes an
T7121 112-117 NN denotes liver
T7122 103-111 NN denotes Mtf1loxP
T7123 147-154 NN denotes extract
T7124 117-119 , denotes ,
T7125 119-122 CC denotes but
T7126 123-126 RB denotes not
T7127 127-129 DT denotes an
T7128 141-146 NN denotes liver
T7129 130-136 NN denotes Mtf1Mx
T7130 137-140 NN denotes cre
T7131 136-137 HYPH denotes -
T7132 155-162 VBG denotes lacking
T7133 163-166 NN denotes MTF
T7134 166-167 HYPH denotes -
T7135 167-168 CD denotes 1
T7136 168-170 , denotes ,
T7137 170-180 VBG denotes confirming
T7138 181-184 DT denotes the
T7139 185-198 NN denotes participation
T7140 199-201 IN denotes of
T7141 202-205 NN denotes MTF
T7142 205-206 HYPH denotes -
T7143 206-207 CD denotes 1
T7144 208-210 IN denotes in
T7145 211-214 DT denotes the
T7146 215-222 NN denotes complex
T7147 223-224 -LRB- denotes (
T7148 231-233 NN denotes 4c
T7149 224-230 NN denotes Figure
T7150 233-234 -RRB- denotes )
T7151 234-235 . denotes .
R4656 T7103 T7104 amod Specific,binding
R4657 T7104 T7105 nsubjpass binding,observed
R4658 T7106 T7104 prep of,binding
R4659 T7107 T7106 pobj MTF,of
R4660 T7108 T7107 punct -,MTF
R4661 T7109 T7107 nummod 1,MTF
R4662 T7110 T7105 auxpass was,observed
R4663 T7111 T7105 prep with,observed
R4664 T7112 T7111 pobj EMSA,with
R4665 T7113 T7112 prep for,EMSA
R4666 T7114 T7115 compound MRE2,oligonucleotide
R4667 T7115 T7113 pobj oligonucleotide,for
R4668 T7116 T7115 cc and,oligonucleotide
R4669 T7117 T7118 compound protein,extract
R4670 T7118 T7115 conj extract,oligonucleotide
R4671 T7119 T7118 prep from,extract
R4672 T7120 T7121 det an,liver
R4673 T7121 T7123 nmod liver,extract
R4674 T7122 T7121 nmod Mtf1loxP,liver
R4675 T7123 T7119 pobj extract,from
R4676 T7124 T7121 punct ", ",liver
R4677 T7125 T7121 cc but,liver
R4678 T7126 T7125 neg not,but
R4679 T7127 T7128 det an,liver
R4680 T7128 T7121 conj liver,liver
R4681 T7129 T7130 compound Mtf1Mx,cre
R4682 T7130 T7128 compound cre,liver
R4683 T7131 T7130 punct -,cre
R4684 T7132 T7123 acl lacking,extract
R4685 T7133 T7132 dobj MTF,lacking
R4686 T7134 T7133 punct -,MTF
R4687 T7135 T7133 nummod 1,MTF
R4688 T7136 T7105 punct ", ",observed
R4689 T7137 T7105 advcl confirming,observed
R4690 T7138 T7139 det the,participation
R4691 T7139 T7137 dobj participation,confirming
R4692 T7140 T7139 prep of,participation
R4693 T7141 T7140 pobj MTF,of
R4694 T7142 T7141 punct -,MTF
R4695 T7143 T7141 nummod 1,MTF
R4696 T7144 T7139 prep in,participation
R4697 T7145 T7146 det the,complex
R4698 T7146 T7144 pobj complex,in
R4699 T7147 T7148 punct (,4c
R4700 T7148 T7137 parataxis 4c,confirming
R4701 T7149 T7148 compound Figure,4c
R4702 T7150 T7148 punct ),4c
R4703 T7151 T7105 punct .,observed


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7178 21-26 PR:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7179 103-107 PR:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T7180 107-111 SO:0000346 denotes loxP
T7181 112-117 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T7182 130-134 PR:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T7183 134-136 PR:000010788 denotes Mx
T7184 141-146 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T7185 163-168 PR:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7186 202-207 PR:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7187 215-222 GO:0032991 denotes complex


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7230 10-17 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes binding
T7231 21-26 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7232 59-74 CHEBI_SO_EXT:oligonucleotide denotes oligonucleotide
T7233 79-86 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein
T7234 103-107 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T7235 107-111 SO_EXT:0000346 denotes loxP
T7236 112-117 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T7237 130-134 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes Mtf1
T7238 134-136 PR_EXT:000010788 denotes Mx
T7239 141-146 UBERON:0002107 denotes liver
T7240 163-168 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7241 202-207 PR_EXT:000010717 denotes MTF-1
T7242 215-222 GO:0032991 denotes complex