> top > docs > PMC:1253828 > spans > 2144-2325 > annotations

PMC:1253828 / 2144-2325 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1042 0-181 sentence denotes Metallothioneins (MTs), small, cysteine-rich proteins, play an important role in metal homeostasis and detoxification due to their ability to bind different heavy metal ions (1–3).
T1043 1-17 NNS denotes Metallothioneins
T1044 56-60 VBP denotes play
T1045 18-19 -LRB- denotes (
T1046 19-22 NNS denotes MTs
T1047 22-23 -RRB- denotes )
T1048 23-25 , denotes ,
T1049 25-30 JJ denotes small
T1050 46-54 NN denotes proteins
T1051 30-32 , denotes ,
T1052 32-40 NN denotes cysteine
T1053 41-45 JJ denotes rich
T1054 40-41 HYPH denotes -
T1055 54-56 , denotes ,
T1056 61-63 DT denotes an
T1057 74-78 NN denotes role
T1058 64-73 JJ denotes important
T1059 79-81 IN denotes in
T1060 82-87 NN denotes metal
T1061 88-99 NN denotes homeostasis
T1062 100-103 CC denotes and
T1063 104-118 NN denotes detoxification
T1064 119-122 IN denotes due
T1065 123-125 IN denotes to
T1066 126-131 PRP$ denotes their
T1067 132-139 NN denotes ability
T1068 140-142 TO denotes to
T1069 143-147 VB denotes bind
T1070 148-157 JJ denotes different
T1071 170-174 NNS denotes ions
T1072 158-163 JJ denotes heavy
T1073 164-169 NN denotes metal
T1074 175-176 -LRB- denotes (
T1075 176-177 CD denotes 1
T1076 177-178 SYM denotes
T1077 178-179 CD denotes 3
T1078 179-180 -RRB- denotes )
T1079 180-181 . denotes .
R396 T1043 T1044 nsubj Metallothioneins,play
R397 T1045 T1043 punct (,Metallothioneins
R398 T1046 T1043 appos MTs,Metallothioneins
R399 T1047 T1043 punct ),Metallothioneins
R400 T1048 T1043 punct ", ",Metallothioneins
R401 T1049 T1050 amod small,proteins
R402 T1050 T1043 appos proteins,Metallothioneins
R403 T1051 T1050 punct ", ",proteins
R404 T1052 T1053 npadvmod cysteine,rich
R405 T1053 T1050 amod rich,proteins
R406 T1054 T1053 punct -,rich
R407 T1055 T1044 punct ", ",play
R408 T1056 T1057 det an,role
R409 T1057 T1044 dobj role,play
R410 T1058 T1057 amod important,role
R411 T1059 T1044 prep in,play
R412 T1060 T1061 compound metal,homeostasis
R413 T1061 T1059 pobj homeostasis,in
R414 T1062 T1061 cc and,homeostasis
R415 T1063 T1061 conj detoxification,homeostasis
R416 T1064 T1044 prep due,play
R417 T1065 T1064 pcomp to,due
R418 T1066 T1067 poss their,ability
R419 T1067 T1064 pobj ability,due
R420 T1068 T1069 aux to,bind
R421 T1069 T1067 acl bind,ability
R422 T1070 T1071 amod different,ions
R423 T1071 T1069 dobj ions,bind
R424 T1072 T1073 amod heavy,metal
R425 T1073 T1071 compound metal,ions
R426 T1074 T1075 punct (,1
R427 T1075 T1067 parataxis 1,ability
R428 T1076 T1077 punct –,3
R429 T1077 T1075 prep 3,1
R430 T1078 T1075 punct ),1
R431 T1079 T1044 punct .,play


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16221973-9671693-77403393 176-177 9671693 denotes 1
16221973-10742189-77403393 176-177 10742189 denotes 1
16221973-14643422-77403393 176-177 14643422 denotes 1


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T721 88-99 GO:0042592 denotes homeostasis
T722 104-118 GO:0098754 denotes detoxification
T723 170-174 CHEBI:24870 denotes ions


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T827 32-40 CHEBI_SO_EXT:cysteine denotes cysteine
T828 46-54 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes proteins
T829 82-87 CHEBI_EXT:metal denotes metal
T830 88-99 GO:0042592 denotes homeostasis
T831 104-118 GO:0098754 denotes detoxification
T832 143-147 CHEMINF_GO_EXT:chemical_binding_or_bond_formation denotes bind
T833 164-169 CHEBI_EXT:metal denotes metal
T834 170-174 CHEBI:24870 denotes ions