> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 6924-7204 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 6924-7204 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1914 0-280 sentence denotes The PST domain was largely devoid of predicted secondary structure except for the C-terminal region, which contained two predicted beta sheets within the highly conserved domain, one in the 'GLISP' motif and one in the 'SPVPQ' motif (identical to the pattern shown in Figure 1c).
T1915 1-4 DT denotes The
T1916 9-15 NN denotes domain
T1917 5-8 NN denotes PST
T1918 16-19 VBD denotes was
T1919 20-27 RB denotes largely
T1920 28-34 JJ denotes devoid
T1921 35-37 IN denotes of
T1922 38-47 VBN denotes predicted
T1923 58-67 NN denotes structure
T1924 48-57 JJ denotes secondary
T1925 68-74 IN denotes except
T1926 75-78 IN denotes for
T1927 79-82 DT denotes the
T1928 94-100 NN denotes region
T1929 83-84 NN denotes C
T1930 85-93 JJ denotes terminal
T1931 84-85 HYPH denotes -
T1932 100-102 , denotes ,
T1933 102-107 WDT denotes which
T1934 108-117 VBD denotes contained
T1935 118-121 CD denotes two
T1936 137-143 NNS denotes sheets
T1937 122-131 VBN denotes predicted
T1938 132-136 NN denotes beta
T1939 144-150 IN denotes within
T1940 151-154 DT denotes the
T1941 172-178 NN denotes domain
T1942 155-161 RB denotes highly
T1943 162-171 JJ denotes conserved
T1944 178-180 , denotes ,
T1945 180-183 CD denotes one
T1946 184-186 IN denotes in
T1947 187-190 DT denotes the
T1948 192-197 NN denotes GLISP
T1949 191-192 `` denotes '
T1950 199-204 NN denotes motif
T1951 197-198 '' denotes '
T1952 205-208 CC denotes and
T1953 209-212 CD denotes one
T1954 213-215 IN denotes in
T1955 216-219 DT denotes the
T1956 221-226 NN denotes SPVPQ
T1957 220-221 `` denotes '
T1958 228-233 NN denotes motif
T1959 226-227 '' denotes '
T1960 234-235 -LRB- denotes (
T1961 235-244 JJ denotes identical
T1962 245-247 IN denotes to
T1963 248-251 DT denotes the
T1964 252-259 NN denotes pattern
T1965 260-265 VBN denotes shown
T1966 266-268 IN denotes in
T1967 269-275 NN denotes Figure
T1968 276-278 CD denotes 1c
T1969 278-279 -RRB- denotes )
T1970 279-280 . denotes .
R1160 T1915 T1916 det The,domain
R1161 T1916 T1918 nsubj domain,was
R1162 T1917 T1916 compound PST,domain
R1163 T1919 T1918 advmod largely,was
R1164 T1920 T1918 acomp devoid,was
R1165 T1921 T1920 prep of,devoid
R1166 T1922 T1923 amod predicted,structure
R1167 T1923 T1921 pobj structure,of
R1168 T1924 T1923 amod secondary,structure
R1169 T1925 T1918 prep except,was
R1170 T1926 T1925 prep for,except
R1171 T1927 T1928 det the,region
R1172 T1928 T1926 pobj region,for
R1173 T1929 T1930 npadvmod C,terminal
R1174 T1930 T1928 amod terminal,region
R1175 T1931 T1930 punct -,terminal
R1176 T1932 T1928 punct ", ",region
R1177 T1933 T1934 dep which,contained
R1178 T1934 T1928 relcl contained,region
R1179 T1935 T1936 nummod two,sheets
R1180 T1936 T1934 dobj sheets,contained
R1181 T1937 T1936 amod predicted,sheets
R1182 T1938 T1936 compound beta,sheets
R1183 T1939 T1936 prep within,sheets
R1184 T1940 T1941 det the,domain
R1185 T1941 T1939 pobj domain,within
R1186 T1942 T1941 advmod highly,domain
R1187 T1943 T1941 amod conserved,domain
R1188 T1944 T1936 punct ", ",sheets
R1189 T1945 T1936 appos one,sheets
R1190 T1946 T1945 prep in,one
R1191 T1947 T1948 det the,GLISP
R1192 T1948 T1950 nmod GLISP,motif
R1193 T1949 T1948 punct ',GLISP
R1194 T1950 T1946 pobj motif,in
R1195 T1951 T1950 punct ',motif
R1196 T1952 T1945 cc and,one
R1197 T1953 T1945 conj one,one
R1198 T1954 T1953 prep in,one
R1199 T1955 T1956 det the,SPVPQ
R1200 T1956 T1958 nmod SPVPQ,motif
R1201 T1957 T1956 punct ',SPVPQ
R1202 T1958 T1954 pobj motif,in
R1203 T1959 T1958 punct ',motif
R1204 T1960 T1961 punct (,identical
R1205 T1961 T1918 parataxis identical,was
R1206 T1962 T1961 prep to,identical
R1207 T1963 T1964 det the,pattern
R1208 T1964 T1962 pobj pattern,to
R1209 T1965 T1964 acl shown,pattern
R1210 T1966 T1965 prep in,shown
R1211 T1967 T1966 pobj Figure,in
R1212 T1968 T1967 nummod 1c,Figure
R1213 T1969 T1961 punct ),identical
R1214 T1970 T1918 punct .,was


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1743 9-15 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T1744 83-93 CHEBI_SO_EXT:C_terminus_or_C_terminal_region denotes C-terminal
T1745 162-171 SO_EXT:biological_conservation_process_or_quality denotes conserved
T1746 172-178 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T1747 199-204 SO_EXT:sequence_or_structure_motif denotes motif
T1748 228-233 SO_EXT:sequence_or_structure_motif denotes motif


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1709 9-15 SO:0000417 denotes domain
T1710 172-178 SO:0000417 denotes domain