> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 28808-28902 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 28808-28902 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7617 93-94 . denotes .
T7616 83-93 NN denotes activation
T7615 78-82 NN denotes HIS3
T7614 74-77 IN denotes for
T7613 68-73 VB denotes check
T7612 65-67 TO denotes to
T7611 55-64 NN denotes histidine
T7610 47-54 VBG denotes lacking
T7609 40-46 NN denotes medium
T7608 37-39 IN denotes on
T7607 25-29 VBD denotes were
T7606 23-24 -RRB- denotes )
T7605 18-19 SYM denotes ×
T7604 16-17 CD denotes 5
T7603 20-23 CD denotes 107
T7602 15-16 -LRB- denotes (
T7601 30-36 VBN denotes plated
T7600 1-14 NNS denotes Transformants
T7599 0-94 sentence denotes Transformants (5 × 107) were plated on medium lacking histidine to check for HIS3 activation.
R4825 T7600 T7601 nsubjpass Transformants,plated
R4826 T7602 T7603 punct (,107
R4827 T7603 T7600 parataxis 107,Transformants
R4828 T7604 T7603 nummod 5,107
R4829 T7605 T7603 punct ×,107
R4830 T7606 T7603 punct ),107
R4831 T7607 T7601 auxpass were,plated
R4832 T7608 T7601 prep on,plated
R4833 T7609 T7608 pobj medium,on
R4834 T7610 T7609 acl lacking,medium
R4835 T7611 T7610 dobj histidine,lacking
R4836 T7612 T7613 aux to,check
R4837 T7613 T7601 advcl check,plated
R4838 T7614 T7613 prep for,check
R4839 T7615 T7616 compound HIS3,activation
R4840 T7616 T7614 pobj activation,for
R4841 T7617 T7601 punct .,plated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7358 78-82 PR_EXT:P06633 denotes HIS3
T7357 55-64 CHEBI_SO_EXT:histidine denotes histidine
T7356 1-14 GO_EXT:transfectant_or_tranformant denotes Transformants


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7302 78-82 PR:P06633 denotes HIS3