> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 26858-27147 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 26858-27147 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T7133 245-251 NN denotes mutant
T7132 263-275 NN denotes substitution
T7131 241-244 DT denotes the
T7130 232-240 VBZ denotes contains
T7129 226-231 WDT denotes which
T7128 224-226 , denotes ,
T7127 223-224 SYM denotes '
T7126 222-223 CD denotes 3
T7125 221-222 HYPH denotes -
T7124 215-218 NN denotes TTG
T7123 211-214 NN denotes GTA
T7122 207-210 NN denotes CCA
T7121 203-206 NN denotes TGG
T7120 199-202 NN denotes TCT
T7119 195-198 NN denotes TAA
T7118 191-194 NN denotes CCG
T7117 187-190 NN denotes TTA
T7116 183-186 NN denotes TTT
T7115 179-182 NN denotes CGC
T7114 175-178 NN denotes GGC
T7113 171-174 NN denotes TGC
T7112 167-170 NN denotes TTT
T7111 166-167 HYPH denotes -
T7110 165-166 SYM denotes '
T7109 164-165 CD denotes 5
T7108 219-221 NN denotes AG
T7107 158-163 NN denotes ST006
T7106 147-150 NN denotes PCR
T7105 139-146 JJ denotes reverse
T7104 151-157 NN denotes primer
T7103 135-138 DT denotes the
T7102 129-134 VBG denotes using
T7101 125-128 CC denotes but
T7100 123-125 , denotes ,
T7099 106-113 NN denotes PAX6PST
T7098 114-123 NN denotes construct
T7097 102-105 DT denotes the
T7096 99-101 IN denotes as
T7095 90-94 JJ denotes same
T7094 95-98 NN denotes way
T7093 86-89 DT denotes the
T7092 83-85 IN denotes in
T7091 69-72 VBD denotes was
T7090 67-68 -RRB- denotes )
T7089 62-67 NN denotes Q422R
T7088 61-62 -LRB- denotes (
T7087 59-60 NN denotes G
T7086 58-59 SYM denotes >
T7085 53-58 NN denotes 1627A
T7084 44-52 NN denotes mutation
T7083 40-43 DT denotes the
T7082 29-39 VBG denotes containing
T7081 73-82 VBN denotes generated
T7080 8-11 NN denotes PST
T7079 12-18 NN denotes domain
T7078 3-7 NN denotes PAX6
T7077 19-28 NN denotes construct
T7076 1-2 DT denotes A
T7075 0-289 sentence denotes A PAX6 PST domain construct containing the mutation 1627A>G (Q422R) was generated in the same way as the PAX6PST construct, but using the reverse PCR primer ST006 5'-TTT TGC GGC CGC TTT TTA CCG TAA TCT TGG CCA GTA TTG AG-3', which contains the mutant nucleotide substitution (underlined).
T7138 288-289 . denotes .
T7137 287-288 -RRB- denotes )
T7136 277-287 JJ denotes underlined
T7135 276-277 -LRB- denotes (
T7134 252-262 NN denotes nucleotide
R4450 T7076 T7077 det A,construct
R4451 T7077 T7081 nsubjpass construct,generated
R4452 T7078 T7079 compound PAX6,domain
R4453 T7079 T7077 compound domain,construct
R4454 T7080 T7079 compound PST,domain
R4455 T7082 T7077 acl containing,construct
R4456 T7083 T7084 det the,mutation
R4457 T7084 T7082 dobj mutation,containing
R4458 T7085 T7084 appos 1627A,mutation
R4459 T7086 T7087 punct >,G
R4460 T7087 T7085 prep G,1627A
R4461 T7088 T7084 punct (,mutation
R4462 T7089 T7084 appos Q422R,mutation
R4463 T7090 T7084 punct ),mutation
R4464 T7091 T7081 auxpass was,generated
R4465 T7092 T7081 prep in,generated
R4466 T7093 T7094 det the,way
R4467 T7094 T7092 pobj way,in
R4468 T7095 T7094 amod same,way
R4469 T7096 T7094 prep as,way
R4470 T7097 T7098 det the,construct
R4471 T7098 T7096 pobj construct,as
R4472 T7099 T7098 compound PAX6PST,construct
R4473 T7100 T7092 punct ", ",in
R4474 T7101 T7092 cc but,in
R4475 T7102 T7092 conj using,in
R4476 T7103 T7104 det the,primer
R4477 T7104 T7102 dobj primer,using
R4478 T7105 T7104 amod reverse,primer
R4479 T7106 T7104 compound PCR,primer
R4480 T7107 T7108 nmod ST006,AG
R4481 T7108 T7104 appos AG,primer
R4482 T7109 T7108 nummod 5,AG
R4483 T7110 T7109 punct ',5
R4484 T7111 T7108 punct -,AG
R4485 T7112 T7108 compound TTT,AG
R4486 T7113 T7108 compound TGC,AG
R4487 T7114 T7108 compound GGC,AG
R4488 T7115 T7108 compound CGC,AG
R4489 T7116 T7108 compound TTT,AG
R4490 T7117 T7108 compound TTA,AG
R4491 T7118 T7108 compound CCG,AG
R4492 T7119 T7108 compound TAA,AG
R4493 T7120 T7108 compound TCT,AG
R4494 T7121 T7108 compound TGG,AG
R4495 T7122 T7108 compound CCA,AG
R4496 T7123 T7108 compound GTA,AG
R4497 T7124 T7108 compound TTG,AG
R4498 T7125 T7108 punct -,AG
R4499 T7126 T7108 nummod 3,AG
R4500 T7127 T7108 punct ',AG
R4501 T7128 T7104 punct ", ",primer
R4502 T7129 T7130 dep which,contains
R4503 T7130 T7104 relcl contains,primer
R4504 T7131 T7132 det the,substitution
R4505 T7132 T7130 dobj substitution,contains
R4506 T7133 T7132 compound mutant,substitution
R4507 T7134 T7132 compound nucleotide,substitution
R4508 T7135 T7136 punct (,underlined
R4509 T7136 T7104 parataxis underlined,primer
R4510 T7137 T7136 punct ),underlined
R4511 T7138 T7081 punct .,generated


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6791 263-275 SO_EXT:sequence_substitution_entity_or_process denotes substitution
T6790 252-262 CHEBI_SO_EXT:nucleotide denotes nucleotide
T6789 245-251 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T6788 139-146,151-157 SO_EXT:0000132 denotes reverse primer
T6786 114-123 SO_EXT:engineered_biological_sequence denotes construct
T6785 59-60 CHEBI_EXT:guanine_nucleobase_or_nucleoside_or_nucleotide_molecular_entity_or_group denotes G
T6784 44-52 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutation
T6783 19-28 SO_EXT:engineered_biological_sequence denotes construct
T6782 12-18 SO_EXT:0000417 denotes domain
T6781 3-7 PR_EXT:000012318 denotes PAX6


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6730 139-146,151-157 SO:0000132 denotes reverse primer
T6728 12-18 SO:0000417 denotes domain
T6727 3-7 PR:000012318 denotes PAX6