> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 21050-21151 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 21050-21151 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T5752 100-101 . denotes .
T5751 92-100 NN denotes turnover
T5750 84-91 NN denotes protein
T5749 79-83 NN denotes PAX6
T5748 76-78 IN denotes in
T5747 71-75 NN denotes role
T5746 69-70 DT denotes a
T5745 60-63 MD denotes may
T5744 57-59 PRP denotes it
T5743 55-57 , denotes ,
T5742 54-55 -RRB- denotes ]
T5741 52-54 CD denotes 46
T5740 51-52 -LRB- denotes [
T5739 39-50 NN denotes degradation
T5738 31-38 NN denotes protein
T5737 28-30 IN denotes in
T5736 64-68 VB denotes play
T5735 14-16 VBZ denotes is
T5734 7-13 NN denotes TRIM11
T5733 17-27 VBN denotes implicated
T5732 1-6 IN denotes Since
T5731 0-101 sentence denotes Since TRIM11 is implicated in protein degradation [46], it may play a role in PAX6 protein turnover.
R3394 T5732 T5733 mark Since,implicated
R3395 T5733 T5736 advcl implicated,play
R3396 T5734 T5733 nsubjpass TRIM11,implicated
R3397 T5735 T5733 auxpass is,implicated
R3398 T5737 T5733 prep in,implicated
R3399 T5738 T5739 compound protein,degradation
R3400 T5739 T5737 pobj degradation,in
R3401 T5740 T5741 punct [,46
R3402 T5741 T5733 parataxis 46,implicated
R3403 T5742 T5741 punct ],46
R3404 T5743 T5736 punct ", ",play
R3405 T5744 T5736 nsubj it,play
R3406 T5745 T5736 aux may,play
R3407 T5746 T5747 det a,role
R3408 T5747 T5736 dobj role,play
R3409 T5748 T5736 prep in,play
R3410 T5749 T5750 compound PAX6,protein
R3411 T5750 T5751 compound protein,turnover
R3412 T5751 T5748 pobj turnover,in
R3413 T5752 T5736 punct .,play


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4932 84-91 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein
T4931 79-83 PR_EXT:000012318 denotes PAX6
T4930 31-50 GO:0030163 denotes protein degradation
T4929 31-38 CHEBI_PR_EXT:protein denotes protein
T4928 7-13 PR_EXT:000016642 denotes TRIM11


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T4672 79-83 PR:000012318 denotes PAX6
T4671 31-50 GO:0030163 denotes protein degradation
T4670 7-13 PR:000016642 denotes TRIM11