> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 1936-2140 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 1936-2140 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T918 0-204 sentence denotes Homozygous mutations in man and mouse are lethal and result in severe developmental abnormalities including anophthalmia, severe reduction of the olfactory structures and gross brain malformations [2,6].
T919 1-11 JJ denotes Homozygous
T920 12-21 NNS denotes mutations
T921 39-42 VBP denotes are
T922 22-24 IN denotes in
T923 25-28 NN denotes man
T924 29-32 CC denotes and
T925 33-38 NN denotes mouse
T926 43-49 JJ denotes lethal
T927 50-53 CC denotes and
T928 54-60 VBP denotes result
T929 61-63 IN denotes in
T930 64-70 JJ denotes severe
T931 85-98 NNS denotes abnormalities
T932 71-84 JJ denotes developmental
T933 99-108 VBG denotes including
T934 109-121 NN denotes anophthalmia
T935 121-123 , denotes ,
T936 123-129 JJ denotes severe
T937 130-139 NN denotes reduction
T938 140-142 IN denotes of
T939 143-146 DT denotes the
T940 157-167 NNS denotes structures
T941 147-156 JJ denotes olfactory
T942 168-171 CC denotes and
T943 172-177 JJ denotes gross
T944 184-197 NNS denotes malformations
T945 178-183 NN denotes brain
T946 198-199 -LRB- denotes [
T947 201-202 CD denotes 6
T948 199-200 CD denotes 2
T949 200-201 , denotes ,
T950 202-203 -RRB- denotes ]
T951 203-204 . denotes .
R336 T919 T920 amod Homozygous,mutations
R337 T920 T921 nsubj mutations,are
R338 T922 T920 prep in,mutations
R339 T923 T922 pobj man,in
R340 T924 T923 cc and,man
R341 T925 T923 conj mouse,man
R342 T926 T921 acomp lethal,are
R343 T927 T921 cc and,are
R344 T928 T921 conj result,are
R345 T929 T928 prep in,result
R346 T930 T931 amod severe,abnormalities
R347 T931 T929 pobj abnormalities,in
R348 T932 T931 amod developmental,abnormalities
R349 T933 T931 prep including,abnormalities
R350 T934 T933 pobj anophthalmia,including
R351 T935 T934 punct ", ",anophthalmia
R352 T936 T937 amod severe,reduction
R353 T937 T934 conj reduction,anophthalmia
R354 T938 T937 prep of,reduction
R355 T939 T940 det the,structures
R356 T940 T938 pobj structures,of
R357 T941 T940 amod olfactory,structures
R358 T942 T937 cc and,reduction
R359 T943 T944 amod gross,malformations
R360 T944 T937 conj malformations,reduction
R361 T945 T944 compound brain,malformations
R362 T946 T947 punct [,6
R363 T947 T928 parataxis 6,result
R364 T948 T947 nummod 2,6
R365 T949 T947 punct ",",6
R366 T950 T947 punct ],6
R367 T951 T921 punct .,are


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T687 12-21 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutations
T688 25-28 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes man
T689 33-38 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T690 43-49 GO_EXT:fatality_or_lethality denotes lethal
T691 147-156 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T692 178-183 UBERON:0000955 denotes brain


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T566 25-28 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes man
T567 33-38 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T568 147-156 GO:0007608 denotes olfactory
T569 178-183 UBERON:0000955 denotes brain