> top > docs > PMC:1208879 > spans > 1681-1819 > annotations

PMC:1208879 / 1681-1819 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T865 0-138 sentence denotes Heterozygous mutations of the human PAX6 gene cause aniridia (absence of the iris) and a range of other congenital eye malformations [2].
T866 1-13 JJ denotes Heterozygous
T867 14-23 NNS denotes mutations
T868 47-52 VBP denotes cause
T869 24-26 IN denotes of
T870 27-30 DT denotes the
T871 42-46 NN denotes gene
T872 31-36 JJ denotes human
T873 37-41 NN denotes PAX6
T874 53-61 NN denotes aniridia
T875 62-63 -LRB- denotes (
T876 63-70 NN denotes absence
T877 71-73 IN denotes of
T878 74-77 DT denotes the
T879 78-82 NN denotes iris
T880 82-83 -RRB- denotes )
T881 84-87 CC denotes and
T882 88-89 DT denotes a
T883 90-95 NN denotes range
T884 96-98 IN denotes of
T885 99-104 JJ denotes other
T886 120-133 NNS denotes malformations
T887 105-115 JJ denotes congenital
T888 116-119 NN denotes eye
T889 134-135 -LRB- denotes [
T890 135-136 CD denotes 2
T891 136-137 -RRB- denotes ]
T892 137-138 . denotes .
R287 T866 T867 amod Heterozygous,mutations
R288 T867 T868 nsubj mutations,cause
R289 T869 T867 prep of,mutations
R290 T870 T871 det the,gene
R291 T871 T869 pobj gene,of
R292 T872 T871 amod human,gene
R293 T873 T871 compound PAX6,gene
R294 T874 T868 dobj aniridia,cause
R295 T875 T874 punct (,aniridia
R296 T876 T874 appos absence,aniridia
R297 T877 T876 prep of,absence
R298 T878 T879 det the,iris
R299 T879 T877 pobj iris,of
R300 T880 T874 punct ),aniridia
R301 T881 T874 cc and,aniridia
R302 T882 T883 det a,range
R303 T883 T874 conj range,aniridia
R304 T884 T883 prep of,range
R305 T885 T886 amod other,malformations
R306 T886 T884 pobj malformations,of
R307 T887 T886 amod congenital,malformations
R308 T888 T886 compound eye,malformations
R309 T889 T890 punct [,2
R310 T890 T868 parataxis 2,cause
R311 T891 T890 punct ],2
R312 T892 T868 punct .,cause


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T676 14-23 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutations
T677 31-36 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T678 37-41 PR_EXT:000012318 denotes PAX6
T679 42-46 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T680 78-82 UBERON:0001769 denotes iris
T681 116-119 UBERON:0000970 denotes eye


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T557 31-36 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes human
T558 37-41 PR:000012318 denotes PAX6
T559 42-46 SO:0000704 denotes gene
T560 78-82 UBERON:0001769 denotes iris
T561 116-119 UBERON:0000970 denotes eye