> top > docs > PMC:1183529 > spans > 22446-23161 > annotations

PMC:1183529 / 22446-23161 JSONTXT

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Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12692 81-90 UBERON:0001103 denotes diaphragm
T12693 114-119 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes Human
T12694 120-124 PR:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12695 192-201 UBERON:0001103 denotes diaphragm
T12696 383-387 PR:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12697 473-477 PR:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12698 489-493 GO:0016265 denotes died
T12699 573-577 SO:0000704 denotes gene


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
16103912-12725592-85559757 106-108 12725592 denotes 12
16103912-8982564-85559758 109-111 8982564 denotes 35
16103912-7815446-85559759 395-397 7815446 denotes 36
16103912-8953633-85559760 398-400 8953633 denotes 37
16103912-6601906-85559761 544-546 6601906 denotes 38
T6329 106-108 12725592 denotes 12
T4249 109-111 8982564 denotes 35
T59577 395-397 7815446 denotes 36
T58251 398-400 8953633 denotes 37
T12323 544-546 6601906 denotes 38


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T12849 9-19 GO_SO_EXT:chromosome denotes chromosome
T12850 81-90 UBERON:0001103 denotes diaphragm
T12851 114-119 NCBITaxon:9606 denotes Human
T12852 120-124 PR_EXT:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12853 133-143 GO_SO_EXT:chromosome denotes Chromosome
T12854 192-201 UBERON:0001103 denotes diaphragm
T12855 214-228 GO_SO_EXT:sequence_rearrangement_entity_or_process denotes rearrangements
T12856 353-367 GO_EXT:biological_translocation_entity_or_process denotes translocations
T12857 383-387 PR_EXT:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12858 435-444 SO_EXT:sequence_deletion_entity_or_process denotes deletions
T12859 473-477 PR_EXT:000017653 denotes FOG2
T12860 489-493 GO:0016265 denotes died
T12861 573-577 SO_EXT:0000704 denotes gene
T12862 585-596 GO_SO_EXT:chromosome denotes chromosomal
T12863 597-610 GO_SO_EXT:sequence_rearrangement_entity_or_process denotes rearrangement
T12864 614-622 SO_EXT:sequence_deletion_entity_or_process denotes deletion
T12865 654-658 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness denotes null
T12866 659-667 SO_EXT:sequence_alteration_entity_or_process denotes mutation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13230 0-8 JJ denotes Numerous
T13231 20-33 NNS denotes abnormalities
T13232 9-19 NN denotes chromosome
T13233 44-49 VBN denotes found
T13234 34-38 VBP denotes have
T13235 39-43 VBN denotes been
T13236 50-52 IN denotes in
T13237 53-64 NN denotes association
T13238 65-69 IN denotes with
T13239 70-80 JJ denotes congenital
T13240 91-104 NNS denotes abnormalities
T13241 81-90 NN denotes diaphragm
T13242 105-106 -LRB- denotes [
T13243 109-111 CD denotes 35
T13244 106-108 CD denotes 12
T13245 108-109 , denotes ,
T13246 111-112 -RRB- denotes ]
T13247 112-113 . denotes .
T13248 113-269 sentence denotes Human FOG2 maps to Chromosome 8q23.1, and, importantly, several patients with diaphragm defects and rearrangements involving this locus have been reported.
T13249 114-119 JJ denotes Human
T13250 120-124 NN denotes FOG2
T13251 125-129 VBZ denotes maps
T13252 130-132 IN denotes to
T13253 133-143 NN denotes Chromosome
T13254 144-150 CD denotes 8q23.1
T13255 150-152 , denotes ,
T13256 152-155 CC denotes and
T13257 155-157 , denotes ,
T13258 157-168 RB denotes importantly
T13259 260-268 VBN denotes reported
T13260 168-170 , denotes ,
T13261 170-177 JJ denotes several
T13262 178-186 NNS denotes patients
T13263 187-191 IN denotes with
T13264 192-201 NN denotes diaphragm
T13265 202-209 NNS denotes defects
T13266 210-213 CC denotes and
T13267 214-228 NNS denotes rearrangements
T13268 229-238 VBG denotes involving
T13269 239-243 DT denotes this
T13270 244-249 NN denotes locus
T13271 250-254 VBP denotes have
T13272 255-259 VBN denotes been
T13273 268-269 . denotes .
T13274 269-402 sentence denotes Specifically, there are three unrelated CDH patients with cytogenetically balanced translocations at or near the FOG2 locus [36,37].
T13275 270-282 RB denotes Specifically
T13276 290-293 VBP denotes are
T13277 282-284 , denotes ,
T13278 284-289 EX denotes there
T13279 294-299 CD denotes three
T13280 314-322 NNS denotes patients
T13281 300-309 JJ denotes unrelated
T13282 310-313 NN denotes CDH
T13283 323-327 IN denotes with
T13284 328-343 RB denotes cytogenetically
T13285 344-352 VBN denotes balanced
T13286 353-367 NNS denotes translocations
T13287 368-370 IN denotes at
T13288 371-373 CC denotes or
T13289 374-378 IN denotes near
T13290 379-382 DT denotes the
T13291 388-393 NN denotes locus
T13292 383-387 NN denotes FOG2
T13293 394-395 -LRB- denotes [
T13294 398-400 CD denotes 37
T13295 395-397 CD denotes 36
T13296 397-398 , denotes ,
T13297 400-401 -RRB- denotes ]
T13298 401-402 . denotes .
T13299 402-551 sentence denotes Additionally, two patients with deletions apparently encompassing the FOG2 locus have died from multiple congenital anomalies including CDH [38–40].
T13300 403-415 RB denotes Additionally
T13301 489-493 VBN denotes died
T13302 415-417 , denotes ,
T13303 417-420 CD denotes two
T13304 421-429 NNS denotes patients
T13305 430-434 IN denotes with
T13306 435-444 NNS denotes deletions
T13307 445-455 RB denotes apparently
T13308 456-468 VBG denotes encompassing
T13309 469-472 DT denotes the
T13310 478-483 NN denotes locus
T13311 473-477 NN denotes FOG2
T13312 484-488 VBP denotes have
T13313 494-498 IN denotes from
T13314 499-507 JJ denotes multiple
T13315 519-528 NNS denotes anomalies
T13316 508-518 JJ denotes congenital
T13317 529-538 VBG denotes including
T13318 539-542 NN denotes CDH
T13319 543-544 -LRB- denotes [
T13320 544-546 CD denotes 38
T13321 546-547 SYM denotes
T13322 547-549 CD denotes 40
T13323 549-550 -RRB- denotes ]
T13324 550-551 . denotes .
T13325 551-715 sentence denotes Inactivation of this gene due to chromosomal rearrangement or deletion would result in a heterozygous null mutation similar to that found in the patient we report.
T13326 552-564 NN denotes Inactivation
T13327 629-635 VB denotes result
T13328 565-567 IN denotes of
T13329 568-572 DT denotes this
T13330 573-577 NN denotes gene
T13331 578-581 IN denotes due
T13332 582-584 IN denotes to
T13333 585-596 JJ denotes chromosomal
T13334 597-610 NN denotes rearrangement
T13335 611-613 CC denotes or
T13336 614-622 NN denotes deletion
T13337 623-628 MD denotes would
T13338 636-638 IN denotes in
T13339 639-640 DT denotes a
T13340 659-667 NN denotes mutation
T13341 641-653 JJ denotes heterozygous
T13342 654-658 JJ denotes null
T13343 668-675 JJ denotes similar
T13344 676-678 IN denotes to
T13345 679-683 DT denotes that
T13346 684-689 VBN denotes found
T13347 690-692 IN denotes in
T13348 693-696 DT denotes the
T13349 697-704 NN denotes patient
T13350 705-707 PRP denotes we
T13351 708-714 VBP denotes report
T13352 714-715 . denotes .
R3189 T13230 T13231 amod Numerous,abnormalities
R3190 T13231 T13233 nsubjpass abnormalities,found
R3191 T13232 T13231 compound chromosome,abnormalities
R3192 T13234 T13233 aux have,found
R3193 T13235 T13233 auxpass been,found
R3194 T13236 T13233 prep in,found
R3195 T13237 T13236 pobj association,in
R3196 T13238 T13237 prep with,association
R3197 T13239 T13240 amod congenital,abnormalities
R3198 T13240 T13238 pobj abnormalities,with
R3199 T13241 T13240 compound diaphragm,abnormalities
R3200 T13242 T13243 punct [,35
R3201 T13243 T13233 parataxis 35,found
R3202 T13244 T13243 nummod 12,35
R3203 T13245 T13243 punct ",",35
R3204 T13246 T13243 punct ],35
R3205 T13247 T13233 punct .,found
R3206 T13249 T13250 amod Human,FOG2
R3207 T13250 T13251 nsubj FOG2,maps
R3208 T13252 T13251 prep to,maps
R3209 T13253 T13252 pobj Chromosome,to
R3210 T13254 T13253 nummod 8q23.1,Chromosome
R3211 T13255 T13251 punct ", ",maps
R3212 T13256 T13251 cc and,maps
R3213 T13257 T13251 punct ", ",maps
R3214 T13258 T13259 advmod importantly,reported
R3215 T13259 T13251 conj reported,maps
R3216 T13260 T13259 punct ", ",reported
R3217 T13261 T13262 amod several,patients
R3218 T13262 T13259 nsubjpass patients,reported
R3219 T13263 T13262 prep with,patients
R3220 T13264 T13265 compound diaphragm,defects
R3221 T13265 T13263 pobj defects,with
R3222 T13266 T13265 cc and,defects
R3223 T13267 T13265 conj rearrangements,defects
R3224 T13268 T13267 acl involving,rearrangements
R3225 T13269 T13270 det this,locus
R3226 T13270 T13268 dobj locus,involving
R3227 T13271 T13259 aux have,reported
R3228 T13272 T13259 auxpass been,reported
R3229 T13273 T13259 punct .,reported
R3230 T13275 T13276 advmod Specifically,are
R3231 T13277 T13276 punct ", ",are
R3232 T13278 T13276 expl there,are
R3233 T13279 T13280 nummod three,patients
R3234 T13280 T13276 attr patients,are
R3235 T13281 T13280 amod unrelated,patients
R3236 T13282 T13280 compound CDH,patients
R3237 T13283 T13280 prep with,patients
R3238 T13284 T13285 advmod cytogenetically,balanced
R3239 T13285 T13286 amod balanced,translocations
R3240 T13286 T13283 pobj translocations,with
R3241 T13287 T13286 prep at,translocations
R3242 T13288 T13287 cc or,at
R3243 T13289 T13287 conj near,at
R3244 T13290 T13291 det the,locus
R3245 T13291 T13289 pobj locus,near
R3246 T13292 T13291 compound FOG2,locus
R3247 T13293 T13294 punct [,37
R3248 T13294 T13276 parataxis 37,are
R3249 T13295 T13294 nummod 36,37
R3250 T13296 T13294 punct ",",37
R3251 T13297 T13294 punct ],37
R3252 T13298 T13276 punct .,are
R3253 T13300 T13301 advmod Additionally,died
R3254 T13302 T13301 punct ", ",died
R3255 T13303 T13304 nummod two,patients
R3256 T13304 T13301 nsubj patients,died
R3257 T13305 T13304 prep with,patients
R3258 T13306 T13305 pobj deletions,with
R3259 T13307 T13308 advmod apparently,encompassing
R3260 T13308 T13306 acl encompassing,deletions
R3261 T13309 T13310 det the,locus
R3262 T13310 T13308 dobj locus,encompassing
R3263 T13311 T13310 compound FOG2,locus
R3264 T13312 T13301 aux have,died
R3265 T13313 T13301 prep from,died
R3266 T13314 T13315 amod multiple,anomalies
R3267 T13315 T13313 pobj anomalies,from
R3268 T13316 T13315 amod congenital,anomalies
R3269 T13317 T13315 prep including,anomalies
R3270 T13318 T13317 pobj CDH,including
R3271 T13319 T13320 punct [,38
R3272 T13320 T13301 parataxis 38,died
R3273 T13321 T13322 punct –,40
R3274 T13322 T13320 prep 40,38
R3275 T13323 T13320 punct ],38
R3276 T13324 T13301 punct .,died
R3277 T13326 T13327 nsubj Inactivation,result
R3278 T13328 T13326 prep of,Inactivation
R3279 T13329 T13330 det this,gene
R3280 T13330 T13328 pobj gene,of
R3281 T13331 T13326 prep due,Inactivation
R3282 T13332 T13331 pcomp to,due
R3283 T13333 T13334 amod chromosomal,rearrangement
R3284 T13334 T13331 pobj rearrangement,due
R3285 T13335 T13334 cc or,rearrangement
R3286 T13336 T13334 conj deletion,rearrangement
R3287 T13337 T13327 aux would,result
R3288 T13338 T13327 prep in,result
R3289 T13339 T13340 det a,mutation
R3290 T13340 T13338 pobj mutation,in
R3291 T13341 T13340 amod heterozygous,mutation
R3292 T13342 T13340 amod null,mutation
R3293 T13343 T13340 amod similar,mutation
R3294 T13344 T13343 prep to,similar
R3295 T13345 T13344 pobj that,to
R3296 T13346 T13345 acl found,that
R3297 T13347 T13346 prep in,found
R3298 T13348 T13349 det the,patient
R3299 T13349 T13347 pobj patient,in
R3300 T13350 T13351 nsubj we,report
R3301 T13351 T13349 advcl report,patient
R3302 T13352 T13327 punct .,result