> top > docs > PMC:116589 > spans > 5908-6046 > annotations
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PMC:116589 / 5908-6046 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1727 0-138 sentence denotes Cells expressing one or other of the two GFP variant reporters were clearly distinguishable within a mixed population (Fig. 1a,1b,1c,1d).
T1728 1-6 NNS denotes Cells
T1729 64-68 VBD denotes were
T1730 7-17 VBG denotes expressing
T1731 18-21 CD denotes one
T1732 25-30 NN denotes other
T1733 22-24 CC denotes or
T1734 31-33 IN denotes of
T1735 34-37 DT denotes the
T1736 54-63 NNS denotes reporters
T1737 38-41 CD denotes two
T1738 42-45 NN denotes GFP
T1739 46-53 JJ denotes variant
T1740 69-76 RB denotes clearly
T1741 77-92 JJ denotes distinguishable
T1742 93-99 IN denotes within
T1743 100-101 DT denotes a
T1744 108-118 NN denotes population
T1745 102-107 VBN denotes mixed
T1746 119-120 -LRB- denotes (
T1747 134-136 NN denotes 1d
T1748 120-124 NN denotes Fig.
T1749 125-127 NN denotes 1a
T1750 127-128 , denotes ,
T1751 128-130 NN denotes 1b
T1752 130-131 , denotes ,
T1753 131-133 NN denotes 1c
T1754 133-134 , denotes ,
T1755 136-137 -RRB- denotes )
T1756 137-138 . denotes .
R1014 T1728 T1729 nsubj Cells,were
R1015 T1730 T1728 acl expressing,Cells
R1016 T1731 T1732 nummod one,other
R1017 T1732 T1730 dobj other,expressing
R1018 T1733 T1732 cc or,other
R1019 T1734 T1732 prep of,other
R1020 T1735 T1736 det the,reporters
R1021 T1736 T1734 pobj reporters,of
R1022 T1737 T1736 nummod two,reporters
R1023 T1738 T1736 nmod GFP,reporters
R1024 T1739 T1738 amod variant,GFP
R1025 T1740 T1741 advmod clearly,distinguishable
R1026 T1741 T1729 acomp distinguishable,were
R1027 T1742 T1729 prep within,were
R1028 T1743 T1744 det a,population
R1029 T1744 T1742 pobj population,within
R1030 T1745 T1744 amod mixed,population
R1031 T1746 T1747 punct (,1d
R1032 T1747 T1729 parataxis 1d,were
R1033 T1748 T1747 nmod Fig.,1d
R1034 T1749 T1747 nmod 1a,1d
R1035 T1750 T1747 punct ",",1d
R1036 T1751 T1747 nmod 1b,1d
R1037 T1752 T1747 punct ",",1d
R1038 T1753 T1747 nmod 1c,1d
R1039 T1754 T1747 punct ",",1d
R1040 T1755 T1747 punct ),1d
R1041 T1756 T1729 punct .,were


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1279 1-6 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes Cells
T1280 7-17 GO:0010467 denotes expressing
T1281 46-53 SO_EXT:sequence_variant_or_variation denotes variant


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1149 7-17 GO:0010467 denotes expressing