PMC:1134658 / 116-487
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T208 | 0-10 | NN | denotes | Background |
T209 | 11-15 | NN | denotes | Bone |
T210 | 16-29 | JJ | denotes | morphogenetic |
T211 | 30-38 | NN | denotes | proteins |
T212 | 39-40 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T213 | 40-44 | NN | denotes | BMPs |
T214 | 44-45 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T215 | 46-52 | VB | denotes | belong |
T216 | 53-55 | TO | denotes | to |
T217 | 56-59 | DT | denotes | the |
T218 | 60-65 | NN | denotes | TGF-β |
T219 | 66-77 | NN | denotes | superfamily |
T220 | 78-81 | CC | denotes | and |
T221 | 82-85 | VB | denotes | are |
T222 | 86-94 | VB | denotes | secreted |
T223 | 95-103 | NN | denotes | proteins |
T224 | 104-108 | IN | denotes | with |
T225 | 109-120 | JJ | denotes | pleiotropic |
T226 | 121-126 | NN | denotes | roles |
T227 | 127-129 | IN | denotes | in |
T228 | 130-134 | JJ | denotes | many |
T229 | 135-144 | JJ | denotes | different |
T230 | 145-149 | NN | denotes | cell |
T231 | 150-155 | NN | denotes | types |
T232 | 157-158 | DT | denotes | A |
T233 | 159-168 | JJ | denotes | potential |
T234 | 169-173 | NN | denotes | role |
T235 | 174-176 | IN | denotes | of |
T236 | 177-182 | NN | denotes | BMP-6 |
T237 | 183-185 | IN | denotes | in |
T238 | 186-189 | DT | denotes | the |
T239 | 190-196 | JJ | denotes | immune |
T240 | 197-203 | NN | denotes | system |
T241 | 204-207 | VB | denotes | has |
T242 | 208-212 | VB | denotes | been |
T243 | 213-220 | VB | denotes | implied |
T244 | 221-223 | IN | denotes | by |
T245 | 224-231 | JJ | denotes | various |
T246 | 232-239 | NN | denotes | studies |
T247 | 240-242 | IN | denotes | of |
T248 | 243-252 | JJ | denotes | malignant |
T249 | 253-256 | CC | denotes | and |
T250 | 257-267 | JJ | denotes | rheumatoid |
T251 | 268-276 | NN | denotes | diseases |
T252 | 278-280 | IN | denotes | In |
T253 | 281-284 | DT | denotes | the |
T254 | 285-292 | JJ | denotes | present |
T255 | 293-298 | NN | denotes | study |
T256 | 298-299 | -COMMA- | denotes | , |
T257 | 300-302 | PRP | denotes | we |
T258 | 303-311 | VB | denotes | explored |
T259 | 312-315 | DT | denotes | the |
T260 | 316-320 | NN | denotes | role |
T261 | 321-323 | IN | denotes | of |
T262 | 324-329 | NN | denotes | BMP-6 |
T263 | 330-332 | IN | denotes | in |
T264 | 333-339 | JJ | denotes | normal |
T265 | 340-345 | JJ | denotes | human |
T266 | 346-356 | JJ | denotes | peripheral |
T267 | 357-362 | NN | denotes | blood |
T268 | 363-364 | NN | denotes | B |
T269 | 365-370 | NN | denotes | cells |
R85 | T211 | T209 | arg1Of | proteins,Bone |
R86 | T211 | T210 | arg1Of | proteins,morphogenetic |
R87 | T211 | T212 | arg1Of | proteins,( |
R88 | T211 | T215 | arg1Of | proteins,belong |
R89 | T211 | T221 | arg1Of | proteins,are |
R90 | T213 | T212 | arg2Of | BMPs,( |
R91 | T214 | T212 | arg3Of | ),( |
R92 | T215 | T216 | arg1Of | belong,to |
R93 | T215 | T220 | arg1Of | belong,and |
R94 | T219 | T216 | arg2Of | superfamily,to |
R95 | T219 | T217 | arg1Of | superfamily,the |
R96 | T219 | T218 | arg1Of | superfamily,TGF-β |
R97 | T221 | T220 | arg2Of | are,and |
R98 | T221 | T227 | arg1Of | are,in |
R99 | T223 | T221 | arg2Of | proteins,are |
R100 | T223 | T222 | arg2Of | proteins,secreted |
R101 | T223 | T224 | arg1Of | proteins,with |
R102 | T226 | T224 | arg2Of | roles,with |
R103 | T226 | T225 | arg1Of | roles,pleiotropic |
R104 | T231 | T227 | arg2Of | types,in |
R105 | T231 | T228 | arg1Of | types,many |
R106 | T231 | T229 | arg1Of | types,different |
R107 | T231 | T230 | arg1Of | types,cell |
R108 | T234 | T232 | arg1Of | role,A |
R109 | T234 | T233 | arg1Of | role,potential |
R110 | T234 | T235 | arg1Of | role,of |
R111 | T234 | T237 | arg1Of | role,in |
R112 | T234 | T241 | arg1Of | role,has |
R113 | T234 | T242 | arg1Of | role,been |
R114 | T234 | T243 | arg2Of | role,implied |
R115 | T236 | T235 | arg2Of | BMP-6,of |
R116 | T240 | T237 | arg2Of | system,in |
R117 | T240 | T238 | arg1Of | system,the |
R118 | T240 | T239 | arg1Of | system,immune |
R119 | T243 | T241 | arg2Of | implied,has |
R120 | T243 | T242 | arg2Of | implied,been |
R121 | T246 | T243 | arg1Of | studies,implied |
R122 | T246 | T244 | arg2Of | studies,by |
R123 | T246 | T245 | arg1Of | studies,various |
R124 | T246 | T247 | arg1Of | studies,of |
R125 | T248 | T249 | arg1Of | malignant,and |
R126 | T250 | T249 | arg2Of | rheumatoid,and |
R127 | T251 | T247 | arg2Of | diseases,of |
R128 | T251 | T248 | arg1Of | diseases,malignant |
R129 | T251 | T250 | arg1Of | diseases,rheumatoid |
R130 | T255 | T252 | arg2Of | study,In |
R131 | T255 | T253 | arg1Of | study,the |
R132 | T255 | T254 | arg1Of | study,present |
R133 | T257 | T258 | arg1Of | we,explored |
R134 | T258 | T252 | arg1Of | explored,In |
R135 | T258 | T256 | arg1Of | explored,"," |
R136 | T260 | T258 | arg2Of | role,explored |
R137 | T260 | T259 | arg1Of | role,the |
R138 | T260 | T261 | arg1Of | role,of |
R139 | T260 | T263 | arg1Of | role,in |
R140 | T262 | T261 | arg2Of | BMP-6,of |
R141 | T269 | T263 | arg2Of | cells,in |
R142 | T269 | T264 | arg1Of | cells,normal |
R143 | T269 | T265 | arg1Of | cells,human |
R144 | T269 | T266 | arg1Of | cells,peripheral |
R145 | T269 | T267 | arg1Of | cells,blood |
R146 | T269 | T268 | arg1Of | cells,B |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T519 | 0-10 | NNP | denotes | Background |
T520 | 11-15 | NNP | denotes | Bone |
T521 | 16-29 | JJ | denotes | morphogenetic |
T522 | 30-38 | NNS | denotes | proteins |
T523 | 39-40 | -LRB- | denotes | ( |
T524 | 40-44 | NNS | denotes | BMPs |
T525 | 44-45 | -RRB- | denotes | ) |
T526 | 46-52 | VBP | denotes | belong |
T527 | 53-55 | TO | denotes | to |
T528 | 56-59 | DT | denotes | the |
T529 | 60-65 | NNP | denotes | TGF-β |
T530 | 66-77 | RB | denotes | superfamily |
T531 | 78-81 | CC | denotes | and |
T532 | 82-85 | VBP | denotes | are |
T533 | 86-94 | VBN | denotes | secreted |
T534 | 95-103 | NNS | denotes | proteins |
T535 | 104-108 | IN | denotes | with |
T536 | 109-120 | JJ | denotes | pleiotropic |
T537 | 121-126 | NNS | denotes | roles |
T538 | 127-129 | IN | denotes | in |
T539 | 130-134 | JJ | denotes | many |
T540 | 135-144 | JJ | denotes | different |
T541 | 145-149 | NN | denotes | cell |
T542 | 150-155 | NNS | denotes | types |
T543 | 155-156 | . | denotes | . |
T544 | 157-158 | DT | denotes | A |
T545 | 159-168 | JJ | denotes | potential |
T546 | 169-173 | NN | denotes | role |
T547 | 174-176 | IN | denotes | of |
T548 | 177-182 | NN | denotes | BMP-6 |
T549 | 183-185 | IN | denotes | in |
T550 | 186-189 | DT | denotes | the |
T551 | 190-196 | JJ | denotes | immune |
T552 | 197-203 | NN | denotes | system |
T553 | 204-207 | VBZ | denotes | has |
T554 | 208-212 | VBN | denotes | been |
T555 | 213-220 | VBN | denotes | implied |
T556 | 221-223 | IN | denotes | by |
T557 | 224-231 | JJ | denotes | various |
T558 | 232-239 | NNS | denotes | studies |
T559 | 240-242 | IN | denotes | of |
T560 | 243-252 | JJ | denotes | malignant |
T561 | 253-256 | CC | denotes | and |
T562 | 257-267 | JJ | denotes | rheumatoid |
T563 | 268-276 | NNS | denotes | diseases |
T564 | 276-277 | . | denotes | . |
T565 | 278-280 | IN | denotes | In |
T566 | 281-284 | DT | denotes | the |
T567 | 285-292 | JJ | denotes | present |
T568 | 293-298 | NN | denotes | study |
T569 | 298-299 | , | denotes | , |
T570 | 300-302 | PRP | denotes | we |
T571 | 303-311 | VBD | denotes | explored |
T572 | 312-315 | DT | denotes | the |
T573 | 316-320 | NN | denotes | role |
T574 | 321-323 | IN | denotes | of |
T575 | 324-329 | NN | denotes | BMP-6 |
T576 | 330-332 | IN | denotes | in |
T577 | 333-339 | JJ | denotes | normal |
T578 | 340-345 | JJ | denotes | human |
T579 | 346-356 | JJ | denotes | peripheral |
T580 | 357-362 | NN | denotes | blood |
T581 | 363-364 | NNP | denotes | B |
T582 | 365-370 | NNS | denotes | cells |
T583 | 370-371 | . | denotes | . |
R312 | T519 | T520 | compound | Background,Bone |
R313 | T520 | T522 | nmod | Bone,proteins |
R314 | T521 | T522 | amod | morphogenetic,proteins |
R316 | T523 | T526 | punct | (,belong |
R317 | T524 | T526 | nsubj | BMPs,belong |
R318 | T525 | T526 | punct | ),belong |
R320 | T527 | T526 | prep | to,belong |
R321 | T528 | T529 | det | the,TGF-β |
R322 | T529 | T527 | pobj | TGF-β,to |
R323 | T530 | T526 | dobj | superfamily,belong |
R324 | T531 | T526 | cc | and,belong |
R325 | T532 | T526 | conj | are,belong |
R326 | T533 | T534 | amod | secreted,proteins |
R327 | T534 | T532 | attr | proteins,are |
R328 | T535 | T534 | prep | with,proteins |
R329 | T536 | T537 | amod | pleiotropic,roles |
R330 | T537 | T535 | pobj | roles,with |
R331 | T538 | T537 | prep | in,roles |
R332 | T539 | T542 | amod | many,types |
R333 | T540 | T542 | amod | different,types |
R334 | T541 | T542 | compound | cell,types |
R335 | T542 | T538 | pobj | types,in |
R337 | T544 | T546 | det | A,role |
R338 | T545 | T546 | amod | potential,role |
R339 | T546 | T555 | nsubjpass | role,implied |
R340 | T547 | T546 | prep | of,role |
R341 | T548 | T547 | pobj | BMP-6,of |
R342 | T549 | T546 | prep | in,role |
R343 | T550 | T552 | det | the,system |
R344 | T551 | T552 | amod | immune,system |
R345 | T552 | T549 | pobj | system,in |
R346 | T553 | T555 | aux | has,implied |
R347 | T554 | T555 | auxpass | been,implied |
R348 | T555 | T555 | ROOT | implied,implied |
R349 | T556 | T555 | agent | by,implied |
R350 | T557 | T558 | amod | various,studies |
R351 | T558 | T556 | pobj | studies,by |
R352 | T559 | T558 | prep | of,studies |
R353 | T560 | T563 | amod | malignant,diseases |
R354 | T561 | T560 | cc | and,malignant |
R355 | T562 | T560 | conj | rheumatoid,malignant |
R356 | T563 | T559 | pobj | diseases,of |
R357 | T564 | T555 | punct | .,implied |
R358 | T565 | T571 | prep | In,explored |
R359 | T566 | T568 | det | the,study |
R360 | T567 | T568 | amod | present,study |
R361 | T568 | T565 | pobj | study,In |
R362 | T569 | T571 | punct | ",",explored |
R363 | T570 | T571 | nsubj | we,explored |
R364 | T571 | T571 | ROOT | explored,explored |
R365 | T572 | T573 | det | the,role |
R366 | T573 | T571 | dobj | role,explored |
R367 | T574 | T573 | prep | of,role |
R368 | T575 | T574 | pobj | BMP-6,of |
R369 | T576 | T573 | prep | in,role |
R370 | T577 | T582 | amod | normal,cells |
R371 | T578 | T579 | amod | human,peripheral |
R372 | T579 | T580 | compound | peripheral,blood |
R373 | T580 | T582 | compound | blood,cells |
R374 | T581 | T582 | compound | B,cells |
R375 | T582 | T576 | pobj | cells,in |
R376 | T583 | T571 | punct | .,explored |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T103 | 357-362 | | denotes | blood |
T102 | 190-203 | | denotes | immune system |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T181 | 11-38 | | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T744 | 365-370 | | denotes | cells |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T161 | 0-10 | Sentence | denotes | Background |
T162 | 11-156 | Sentence | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to the TGF-β superfamily and are secreted proteins with pleiotropic roles in many different cell types. |
T163 | 157-277 | Sentence | denotes | A potential role of BMP-6 in the immune system has been implied by various studies of malignant and rheumatoid diseases. |
T164 | 278-371 | Sentence | denotes | In the present study, we explored the role of BMP-6 in normal human peripheral blood B cells. |
T3 | 0-10 | Sentence | denotes | Background |
T4 | 11-156 | Sentence | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to the TGF-β superfamily and are secreted proteins with pleiotropic roles in many different cell types. |
T5 | 157-277 | Sentence | denotes | A potential role of BMP-6 in the immune system has been implied by various studies of malignant and rheumatoid diseases. |
T6 | 278-371 | Sentence | denotes | In the present study, we explored the role of BMP-6 in normal human peripheral blood B cells. |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T857 | 60-65 | Protein | denotes | TGF-β |
T858 | 177-182 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
T859 | 324-329 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T756 | 60-77 | Protein | denotes | TGF-β superfamily |
T757 | 177-182 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
T758 | 257-276 | Protein | denotes | rheumatoid diseases |
T759 | 324-329 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T107 | 60-65 | Protein | denotes | TGF-β |
T108 | 177-182 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
T109 | 324-329 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T422 | 11-38 | P12644 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T423 | 11-38 | P12643 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T424 | 11-38 | P18075 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T425 | 11-38 | P22004 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T426 | 40-44 | P12643 | denotes | BMPs |
T427 | 40-44 | P22004 | denotes | BMPs |
T428 | 40-44 | P12644 | denotes | BMPs |
T429 | 40-44 | P18075 | denotes | BMPs |
T430 | 60-65 | P01137 | denotes | TGF-β |
T431 | 177-180 | P12644 | denotes | BMP |
T432 | 177-180 | P22004 | denotes | BMP |
T433 | 177-180 | P12643 | denotes | BMP |
T434 | 177-180 | P18075 | denotes | BMP |
T435 | 177-182 | P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T436 | 324-327 | P12644 | denotes | BMP |
T437 | 324-327 | P22004 | denotes | BMP |
T438 | 324-327 | P12643 | denotes | BMP |
T439 | 324-327 | P18075 | denotes | BMP |
T440 | 324-329 | P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T62 | 60-65 | Protein | denotes | TGF-β |
T63 | 177-182 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
T64 | 324-329 | Protein | denotes | BMP-6 |
Id | Subject | Object | Predicate | Lexical cue |
T16 | 11-38 | D019485 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T17 | 11-38 | D019485 | denotes | Bone morphogenetic proteins |
T18 | 60-65 | D016212 | denotes | TGF-β |
T19 | 60-65 | D016212 | denotes | TGF-β |
T20 | 60-77 | PR:000000008 | denotes | TGF-β superfamily |
T21 | 95-103 | CHEBI:36080 | denotes | proteins |
T22 | 177-182 | D055418 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T23 | 177-182 | D055418 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T24 | 177-182 | Q04906 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T25 | 177-182 | PR:000000167 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T26 | 177-182 | P20722 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T27 | 177-182 | PR:Q04906 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T28 | 177-182 | P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T29 | 177-182 | PR:P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T30 | 177-182 | PR:P20722 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T31 | 190-203 | D007154 | denotes | immune system |
T32 | 190-203 | D007154 | denotes | immune system |
T33 | 190-203 | UBERON:0002405 | denotes | immune system |
T34 | 324-329 | D055418 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T35 | 324-329 | D055418 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T36 | 324-329 | Q04906 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T37 | 324-329 | PR:000000167 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T38 | 324-329 | P20722 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T39 | 324-329 | PR:Q04906 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T40 | 324-329 | P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T41 | 324-329 | PR:P22004 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T42 | 324-329 | PR:P20722 | denotes | BMP-6 |
T43 | 340-345 | D006801 | denotes | human |