PMC:1129089 / 10075-11125 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1129089","source_url":"","text":"Figure 2 Tissue distribution of mMagT1 mRNA. A, Northern blot analysis of mMagT1 mRNA in MDCT cells or mouse tissues. Tissues were harvested and poly(A)+ RNA prepared by standard techniques. Each lane was loaded with 8 µg of poly(A)+ RNA. The same blot was stripped and hybridized with 32P-labeled β-actin as a control for loading. B, real-time reverse transcription PCR analysis of mMagT1 RNA in tissues harvested from mice maintained on normal magnesium diet. mMagT1 and murine β-actin RNA was measured with Real-Time RT PCR (AB7000TM, Applied Biosystems) using SYBR GreenTM fluorescence. Standard curves for MagT1 and β-actin were generated by serial dilution of each plasmid DNA. The expression level of the mMagT1 transcript was normalized to that of the mouse β-actin transcript measured in the same 1.0 μg RNA sample. Results are normalized to the small intestine and expressed as fold-difference. Mean mRNA levels of kidney, colon, heart, brain, lung, and liver tissues were significantly greater, p\u003e0.01, than small intestine ans spleen. ","tracks":[]}