> top > docs > PMC:1064873 > spans > 207-302 > annotations

PMC:1064873 / 207-302 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T417 53-63 OCCURRENCE denotes inhibiting
T390 92-94 stop denotes We
T389 50-52 country_code denotes by
T124 92-94 PRP denotes We
T123 90-91 . denotes .
T122 83-90 NN denotes pathway
T121 73-82 VBG denotes signaling
T120 70-72 CD denotes 28
T119 68-70 NNP denotes CD
T118 64-67 DT denotes the
T117 53-63 VBG denotes inhibiting
T116 50-52 IN denotes by
T115 41-49 NN denotes response
T114 32-40 NN denotes cytokine
T113 27-31 NN denotes cell
T112 25-27 NNP denotes T-
T111 8-24 JJ denotes antigen-specific
T110 4-7 DT denotes the


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T879 68-72 UMLS/C1332709 denotes CD28
T876 8-15 UMLS/C0003320 denotes antigen
T844 68-72 UMLS/C1426202 denotes CD28
T826 16-24 UMLS/C1552740 denotes specific
T700 25-31 UMLS/C0039194 denotes T-cell
T698 16-24 UMLS/C0205369 denotes specific
T688 68-72 UMLS/C0075747 denotes CD28
T596 32-40 UMLS/C1524094 denotes cytokine
T519 41-49 UMLS/C1704632 denotes response
T517 73-90 UMLS/C0086982 denotes signaling pathway
T442 32-40 UMLS/C0079189 denotes cytokine
T441 41-49 UMLS/C0871261 denotes response
T765 41-49 UMLS/C1706817 denotes response
T760 73-90 UMLS/C0037080 denotes signaling pathway
T731 53-63 UMLS/C0021469 denotes inhibiting


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1194 92-94 PRP denotes We
T1193 83-90 NN denotes pathway
T1192 73-82 NN denotes signaling
T1191 68-72 NN denotes CD28
T1190 64-67 DT denotes the
T1189 53-63 VB denotes inhibiting
T1188 50-52 IN denotes by
T1187 41-49 NN denotes response
T1186 32-40 NN denotes cytokine
T1185 25-31 NN denotes T-cell
T1184 8-24 JJ denotes antigen-specific
T1183 4-7 DT denotes the
R79 T1187 T1183 arg1Of response,the
R80 T1187 T1184 arg1Of response,antigen-specific
R81 T1187 T1185 arg1Of response,T-cell
R82 T1187 T1186 arg1Of response,cytokine
R83 T1189 T1188 arg2Of inhibiting,by
R84 T1193 T1189 arg2Of pathway,inhibiting
R85 T1193 T1190 arg1Of pathway,the
R86 T1193 T1191 arg1Of pathway,CD28
R87 T1193 T1192 arg1Of pathway,signaling


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T972 68-72 Protein denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1049 68-72 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P10747 denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T906 73-90 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0007165 denotes signaling pathway
T905 32-49 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0034097 denotes cytokine response
T904 25-40 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0002369 denotes T-cell cytokine
T899 73-82 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0023052 denotes signaling


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1127 68-72 Protein denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1924 68-72 Protein denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1420 68-72 Protein denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1465 68-72 Protein denotes CD28


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1907 4-50 Localization denotes the antigen-specific T-cell cytokine response
T1905 8-24 Entity denotes antigen-specific
T1893 68-72 Protein denotes CD28
T1881 25-31 Entity denotes T-cell
T1871 4-49 Protein denotes the antigen-specific T-cell cytokine response
R612 T1871 T1907 themeOf the antigen-specific T-cell cytokine response,the antigen-specific T-cell cytokine response
R617 T1881 T1907 locationOf T-cell,the antigen-specific T-cell cytokine response


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1579 4-7 DT denotes the
T1580 8-24 JJ denotes antigen-specific
T1581 25-31 NN denotes T-cell
T1582 32-40 NN denotes cytokine
T1583 41-49 NN denotes response
T1584 50-52 IN denotes by
T1585 53-63 VBG denotes inhibiting
T1586 64-67 DT denotes the
T1587 68-72 NNP denotes CD28
T1588 73-82 VBG denotes signaling
T1589 83-90 NN denotes pathway
T1590 90-91 . denotes .
T1591 92-94 PRP denotes We
R690 T1579 T1583 det the,response
R691 T1580 T1583 amod antigen-specific,response
R692 T1581 T1583 compound T-cell,response
R693 T1582 T1583 compound cytokine,response
R696 T1585 T1584 pcomp inhibiting,by
R697 T1586 T1587 det the,CD28
R698 T1587 T1585 dobj CD28,inhibiting
R699 T1588 T1585 conj signaling,inhibiting
R700 T1589 T1588 dobj pathway,signaling


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1095 68-72 Protein denotes CD28
T1096 53-63 Negative_regulation denotes inhibiting
R654 T1095 T1096 themeOf CD28,inhibiting


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T37 68-72 Protein denotes CD28