> top > docs > PMC:1064873 > spans > 1020-1294 > annotations

PMC:1064873 / 1020-1294 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T433 199-208 OCCURRENCE denotes signaling
T421 149-158 OCCURRENCE denotes contained
T418 254-263 OCCURRENCE denotes signaling
T407 55-57 state denotes IL
T406 42-44 state denotes IL
T316 266-270 NN denotes mRNA
T315 264-265 CD denotes 3
T314 254-263 VBG denotes signaling
T313 245-253 NN denotes cytokine
T312 242-244 IN denotes of
T311 231-241 NN denotes suppressor
T310 228-230 IN denotes of
T309 221-227 NNS denotes levels
T308 215-220 JJR denotes lower
T307 211-214 CC denotes but
T306 209-210 CD denotes 1
T305 199-208 VBG denotes signaling
T304 190-198 NN denotes cytokine
T303 187-189 IN denotes of
T302 176-186 NN denotes suppressor
T301 173-175 IN denotes of
T300 166-172 NNS denotes levels
T299 159-165 JJR denotes higher
T298 149-158 VBD denotes contained
T297 140-148 NNS denotes patients
T296 137-139 NNP denotes RA
T295 132-136 IN denotes from
T294 126-131 NNS denotes cells
T293 124-125 NN denotes T
T292 122-123 NN denotes +
T291 121-122 CD denotes 4
T290 119-121 NNP denotes CD
T289 113-118 NNP denotes Blood
T288 111-112 . denotes .
T287 101-111 NN denotes production
T286 95-100 NN denotes gamma
T285 84-94 NN denotes interferon
T284 81-83 IN denotes of
T283 70-80 NN denotes inhibition
T282 61-69 JJ denotes mediated
T281 60-61 : denotes -
T280 58-60 CD denotes 10
T279 55-58 NNP denotes IL-
T278 47-54 VBN denotes reduced
T277 45-46 CD denotes 6
T276 42-45 NNP denotes IL-
T275 37-41 IN denotes with
T274 31-36 NNS denotes cells
T273 29-30 NN denotes T
T272 27-28 NN denotes +
T271 26-27 CD denotes 4
T270 24-26 NNP denotes CD
T269 17-23 JJ denotes normal
T268 14-16 IN denotes of
T267 0-13 NNP denotes Preincubation


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T878 101-111 UMLS/C1548180 denotes production
T874 84-100 UP/P01581 denotes interferon gamma
T871 215-220 UMLS/C1299352 denotes lower
T870 159-165 UMLS/C1299351 denotes higher
T864 17-23 UMLS/C0205307 denotes normal
T860 84-100 UP/Q62574 denotes interferon gamma
T855 84-100 UP/Q7TSP4 denotes interferon gamma
T852 84-100 UP/Q8SPW9 denotes interferon gamma
T849 149-158 UMLS/C0332256 denotes contained
T848 231-265 UMLS/C1426212 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T843 84-100 UP/P63311 denotes interferon gamma
T837 176-210 UMLS/C1426208 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T834 84-100 UP/P63309 denotes interferon gamma
T830 140-148 UMLS/C1705908 denotes patients
T825 84-100 UP/P46402 denotes interferon gamma
T822 149-158 UMLS/C2700400 denotes contained
T819 159-165 UMLS/C0205250 denotes higher
T818 215-220 UMLS/C1611820 denotes lower
T817 215-220 UMLS/C0205251 denotes lower
T816 215-220 UMLS/C0234886 denotes lower
T812 149-158 UMLS/C1549781 denotes contained
T811 84-100 UP/P07353 denotes interferon gamma
T807 84-100 UP/Q647G2 denotes interferon gamma
T804 84-100 UP/Q865Y4 denotes interferon gamma
T801 17-23 UMLS/C2347086 denotes normal
T798 231-265 UP/O14543 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T797 70-80 UMLS/C1628982 denotes inhibition
T795 84-100 UP/Q5CCK0 denotes interferon gamma
T792 84-100 UP/P28341 denotes interferon gamma
T787 84-100 UP/Q9TV67 denotes interferon gamma
T784 84-100 UP/O77763 denotes interferon gamma
T720 231-265 UP/O88583 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T719 84-100 UP/A4PIZ9 denotes interferon gamma
T715 84-100 UP/Q25BC0 denotes interferon gamma
T712 84-100 UP/P01580 denotes interferon gamma
T706 124-131 UMLS/C0039194 denotes T cells
T705 29-36 UMLS/C0039194 denotes T cells
T697 84-100 UP/Q1WM28 denotes interferon gamma
T694 221-227 UMLS/C0456079 denotes levels
T693 166-172 UMLS/C0456079 denotes levels
T692 113-118 UMLS/C0229664 denotes Blood
T681 55-60 UMLS/C1149215 denotes IL-10
T676 84-100 UP/O73915 denotes interferon gamma
T673 84-100 UP/Q9YGB9 denotes interferon gamma
T669 84-100 UP/P79154 denotes interferon gamma
T666 221-227 UMLS/C0441889 denotes levels
T665 166-172 UMLS/C0441889 denotes levels
T664 84-100 UP/P01579 denotes interferon gamma
T659 176-210 UP/Q9QX78 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T654 42-46 UMLS/C1149241 denotes IL-6
T653 84-100 UP/P42162 denotes interferon gamma
T646 84-100 UP/P17773 denotes interferon gamma
T643 215-220 UMLS/C1550472 denotes lower
T642 84-100 UP/P42160 denotes interferon gamma
T636 84-100 UP/O57608 denotes interferon gamma
T629 84-100 UP/O57603 denotes interferon gamma
T625 42-46 UMLS/C1527132 denotes IL-6
T624 84-100 UP/Q2PE75 denotes interferon gamma
T621 84-100 UP/Q8MKF5 denotes interferon gamma
T615 55-60 UMLS/C1522550 denotes IL-10
T608 55-60 UMLS/C1334098 denotes IL-10
T603 84-100 UP/P28333 denotes interferon gamma
T600 84-100 UP/Q866Y6 denotes interferon gamma
T595 159-165 UMLS/C1561957 denotes higher
T594 159-165 UMLS/C1561958 denotes higher
T593 84-100 UP/Q5I6S9 denotes interferon gamma
T590 42-46 UMLS/C0021760 denotes IL-6
T588 84-100 UP/Q865W6 denotes interferon gamma
T585 140-148 UMLS/C0030705 denotes patients
T579 84-100 UP/P17803 denotes interferon gamma
T576 42-46 UMLS/C1334122 denotes IL-6
T575 84-100 UMLS/C0021740 denotes interferon gamma
T571 84-100 UMLS/C0021745 denotes interferon gamma
T568 84-100 UP/Q9TTB0 denotes interferon gamma
T565 140-148 UMLS/C1578479 denotes patients
T558 140-148 UMLS/C1578483 denotes patients
T554 140-148 UMLS/C1578480 denotes patients
T550 140-148 UMLS/C1578481 denotes patients
T545 140-148 UMLS/C1578486 denotes patients
T540 140-148 UMLS/C1578484 denotes patients
T535 140-148 UMLS/C1578485 denotes patients
T527 113-118 UMLS/C0392895 denotes Blood
T520 215-220 UMLS/C0441994 denotes lower
T514 215-220 UMLS/C1708760 denotes lower
T513 231-265 UP/Q9BEG9 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T509 84-100 UP/Q865X1 denotes interferon gamma
T474 17-23 UMLS/C1550457 denotes normal
T469 84-100 UP/P42161 denotes interferon gamma
T466 266-270 UMLS/C0035696 denotes mRNA
T454 176-210 UP/O35716 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T449 17-23 UMLS/C1551394 denotes normal
T446 176-210 UP/O15524 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T444 231-265 UP/Q90X67 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T780 84-100 UP/O57571 denotes interferon gamma
T773 17-23 UMLS/C0439166 denotes normal
T770 113-118 UMLS/C0005767 denotes Blood
T767 113-118 UMLS/C0005768 denotes Blood
T763 84-100 UP/O35735 denotes interferon gamma
T758 84-100 UP/P63310 denotes interferon gamma
T752 140-148 UMLS/C1550655 denotes patients
T748 231-265 UP/Q68AM8 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T743 159-165 UMLS/C1522410 denotes higher
T742 84-100 UP/P49708 denotes interferon gamma
T739 84-100 UP/Q9QXX2 denotes interferon gamma
T736 17-23 UMLS/C1873497 denotes normal
T734 70-80 UMLS/C0021467 denotes inhibition
T732 70-80 UMLS/C0021469 denotes inhibition
T725 84-100 UP/Q4ZH68 denotes interferon gamma
T506 215-220 UMLS/C1619811 denotes lower
T503 84-100 UP/P30123 denotes interferon gamma
T498 55-60 UMLS/C0085295 denotes IL-10
T493 215-220 UMLS/C1548802 denotes lower
T492 84-100 UP/O35497 denotes interferon gamma
T489 47-54 UMLS/C0392756 denotes reduced
T488 231-265 UP/O35718 denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T487 17-23 UMLS/C1704701 denotes normal
T485 211-214 UMLS/C0005341 denotes but
T480 61-69 UMLS/C0127400 denotes mediated
T479 61-69 UMLS/C0086597 denotes mediated


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1322 42-46 NN denotes IL-6
T1321 37-41 IN denotes with
T1320 31-36 NN denotes cells
T1319 29-30 NN denotes T
T1318 24-28 JJ denotes CD4+
T1317 17-23 JJ denotes normal
T1316 14-16 IN denotes of
T1315 0-13 NN denotes Preincubation
T1355 266-270 NN denotes mRNA
T1354 264-265 CD denotes 3
T1353 254-263 NN denotes signaling
T1352 245-253 NN denotes cytokine
T1351 242-244 IN denotes of
T1350 231-241 NN denotes suppressor
T1349 228-230 IN denotes of
T1348 221-227 NN denotes levels
T1347 215-220 JJ denotes lower
T1346 211-214 CC denotes but
T1345 209-210 CD denotes 1
T1344 199-208 NN denotes signaling
T1343 190-198 NN denotes cytokine
T1342 187-189 IN denotes of
T1341 176-186 NN denotes suppressor
T1340 173-175 IN denotes of
T1339 166-172 NN denotes levels
T1338 159-165 JJ denotes higher
T1337 149-158 VB denotes contained
T1336 140-148 NN denotes patients
T1335 137-139 NN denotes RA
T1334 132-136 IN denotes from
T1333 126-131 NN denotes cells
T1332 124-125 NN denotes T
T1331 119-123 JJ denotes CD4+
T1330 113-118 NN denotes Blood
T1329 101-111 NN denotes production
T1328 95-100 NN denotes gamma
T1327 84-94 NN denotes interferon
T1326 81-83 IN denotes of
T1325 70-80 NN denotes inhibition
T1324 55-69 JJ denotes IL-10-mediated
T1323 47-54 VB denotes reduced
R215 T1315 T1316 arg1Of Preincubation,of
R216 T1315 T1321 arg1Of Preincubation,with
R217 T1315 T1323 arg1Of Preincubation,reduced
R218 T1320 T1316 arg2Of cells,of
R219 T1320 T1317 arg1Of cells,normal
R220 T1320 T1318 arg1Of cells,CD4+
R221 T1320 T1319 arg1Of cells,T
R222 T1322 T1321 arg2Of IL-6,with
R223 T1325 T1323 arg2Of inhibition,reduced
R224 T1325 T1324 arg1Of inhibition,IL-10-mediated
R225 T1325 T1326 arg1Of inhibition,of
R226 T1329 T1326 arg2Of production,of
R227 T1329 T1327 arg1Of production,interferon
R228 T1329 T1328 arg1Of production,gamma
R229 T1333 T1330 arg1Of cells,Blood
R230 T1333 T1331 arg1Of cells,CD4+
R231 T1333 T1332 arg1Of cells,T
R232 T1333 T1334 arg1Of cells,from
R233 T1333 T1337 arg1Of cells,contained
R234 T1336 T1334 arg2Of patients,from
R235 T1336 T1335 arg1Of patients,RA
R238 T1339 T1338 arg1Of levels,higher
R239 T1339 T1340 arg1Of levels,of
R240 T1339 T1346 arg1Of levels,but
R241 T1341 T1340 arg2Of suppressor,of
R242 T1341 T1342 arg1Of suppressor,of
R243 T1344 T1342 arg2Of signaling,of
R244 T1344 T1343 arg1Of signaling,cytokine
R245 T1344 T1345 arg1Of signaling,1
R246 T1346 T1337 arg2Of but,contained
R247 T1348 T1346 arg2Of levels,but
R248 T1348 T1347 arg1Of levels,lower
R249 T1348 T1349 arg1Of levels,of
R251 T1350 T1349 arg2Of suppressor,of
R252 T1350 T1351 arg1Of suppressor,of
R253 T1355 T1351 arg2Of mRNA,of
R254 T1355 T1352 arg1Of mRNA,cytokine
R255 T1355 T1353 arg1Of mRNA,signaling
R256 T1355 T1354 arg1Of mRNA,3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T985 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
T986 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T987 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T988 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T989 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T990 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T991 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1034 55-60 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P22301 denotes IL-10
T1087 42-46 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P05231 denotes IL-6
T1039 84-100 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P01579 denotes interferon gamma
T1045 24-27 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P01730 denotes CD4
T1046 119-122 http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P01730 denotes CD4


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T901 254-263 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0023052 denotes signaling
T900 199-208 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0023052 denotes signaling
T897 84-111 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032689 denotes interferon gamma production
T895 84-111 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032649 denotes interferon gamma production
T893 84-111 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032609 denotes interferon gamma production
T891 84-111 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0032729 denotes interferon gamma production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1020 126-131 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells
T1019 31-36 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1012 42-46 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005138 denotes IL-6
T1008 84-100 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005133 denotes interferon gamma
T1003 55-60 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005141 denotes IL-10


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T887 0-112 Sentence denotes Preincubation of normal CD4+ T cells with IL-6 reduced IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production.
T7 0-112 Sentence denotes Preincubation of normal CD4+ T cells with IL-6 reduced IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1140 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
T1141 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1142 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T1143 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T1144 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T1145 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T1146 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1938 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1937 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
T1962 70-80 Negative_regulation denotes inhibition
T1961 101-111 Gene_expression denotes production
T1943 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T1942 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T1941 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T1940 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T1939 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
R636 T1940 T1961 themeOf interferon gamma,production
R643 T1961 T1962 themeOf production,inhibition


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1458 101-111 Gene_expression denotes production
T1457 70-80 Negative_regulation denotes inhibition
T1456 47-54 Negative_regulation denotes reduced
T1439 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T1438 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T1437 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T1436 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T1435 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T1434 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1433 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
R325 T1436 T1458 themeOf interferon gamma,production
R330 T1457 T1456 themeOf inhibition,reduced
R331 T1458 T1457 themeOf production,inhibition


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1505 61-69 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
T1504 47-54 Negative_regulation denotes reduced
T1503 70-80 Negative_regulation denotes inhibition
T1502 101-111 Gene_expression denotes production
T1484 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T1483 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T1482 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T1481 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T1480 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T1479 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1478 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
R339 T1479 T1504 causeOf IL-6,reduced
R340 T1480 T1505 causeOf IL-10,mediated
R341 T1481 T1502 themeOf interferon gamma,production
R350 T1502 T1503 themeOf production,inhibition
R351 T1503 T1504 themeOf inhibition,reduced
R352 T1503 T1505 themeOf inhibition,mediated
R353 T1505 T1503 themeOf mediated,inhibition


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1911 55-111 Regulation denotes IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production
T1901 14-27 Protein denotes of normal CD4
T1898 119-131 Entity denotes CD4+ T cells
T1890 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T1874 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1873 55-69 Protein denotes IL-10-mediated
T1872 29-46 Entity denotes T cells with IL-6
T1869 137-139 Protein denotes RA
T1862 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T1918 29-111 Negative_regulation denotes T cells with IL-6 reduced IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production
R613 T1872 T1918 causeOf T cells with IL-6,T cells with IL-6 reduced IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production
R614 T1873 T1911 causeOf IL-10-mediated,IL-10-mediated inhibition of interferon gamma production


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1762 266-270 NNP denotes mRNA
T1761 264-265 CD denotes 3
T1760 254-263 VBG denotes signaling
T1759 245-253 NN denotes cytokine
T1758 242-244 IN denotes of
T1757 231-241 NN denotes suppressor
T1756 228-230 IN denotes of
T1755 221-227 NNS denotes levels
T1754 215-220 JJR denotes lower
T1753 211-214 CC denotes but
T1752 209-210 CD denotes 1
T1751 199-208 VBG denotes signaling
T1750 190-198 NN denotes cytokine
T1749 187-189 IN denotes of
T1748 176-186 NN denotes suppressor
T1747 173-175 IN denotes of
T1746 166-172 NNS denotes levels
T1745 159-165 JJR denotes higher
T1744 149-158 VBD denotes contained
T1743 140-148 NNS denotes patients
T1742 137-139 NNP denotes RA
T1741 132-136 IN denotes from
T1740 126-131 NNS denotes cells
T1739 124-125 NNP denotes T
T1738 122-123 VBD denotes +
T1737 119-122 NNP denotes CD4
T1736 113-118 NNP denotes Blood
T1735 111-112 . denotes .
T1734 101-111 NN denotes production
T1733 95-100 NN denotes gamma
T1732 84-94 NN denotes interferon
T1731 81-83 IN denotes of
T1730 70-80 NN denotes inhibition
T1729 55-69 JJ denotes IL-10-mediated
T1728 47-54 VBD denotes reduced
T1727 42-46 NNP denotes IL-6
T1726 37-41 IN denotes with
T1725 31-36 NNS denotes cells
T1724 29-30 NNP denotes T
T1723 27-28 CD denotes +
T1722 24-27 NNP denotes CD4
T1721 17-23 JJ denotes normal
T1720 14-16 IN denotes of
T1719 0-13 NN denotes Preincubation
R492 T1719 T1728 nsubj Preincubation,reduced
R493 T1720 T1719 prep of,Preincubation
R494 T1721 T1725 amod normal,cells
R495 T1722 T1725 compound CD4,cells
R496 T1723 T1725 nummod +,cells
R497 T1724 T1725 compound T,cells
R498 T1725 T1720 pobj cells,of
R499 T1726 T1719 prep with,Preincubation
R500 T1727 T1726 pobj IL-6,with
R501 T1728 T1728 ROOT reduced,reduced
R502 T1729 T1730 amod IL-10-mediated,inhibition
R503 T1730 T1728 dobj inhibition,reduced
R504 T1731 T1730 prep of,inhibition
R505 T1732 T1734 compound interferon,production
R506 T1733 T1734 compound gamma,production
R507 T1734 T1731 pobj production,of
R508 T1735 T1728 punct .,reduced
R509 T1736 T1737 compound Blood,CD4
R510 T1737 T1738 nsubj CD4,+
R511 T1738 T1738 ROOT +,+
R512 T1739 T1740 compound T,cells
R513 T1740 T1738 dobj cells,+
R514 T1741 T1738 prep from,+
R515 T1742 T1743 compound RA,patients
R516 T1743 T1741 pobj patients,from
R517 T1744 T1738 conj contained,+
R518 T1745 T1746 amod higher,levels
R519 T1746 T1744 dobj levels,contained
R520 T1747 T1746 prep of,levels
R521 T1748 T1747 pobj suppressor,of
R522 T1749 T1748 prep of,suppressor
R523 T1750 T1749 pobj cytokine,of
R524 T1751 T1746 acl signaling,levels
R525 T1752 T1755 nummod 1,levels
R526 T1753 T1752 cc but,1
R527 T1754 T1752 conj lower,1
R528 T1755 T1751 dobj levels,signaling
R529 T1756 T1755 prep of,levels
R530 T1757 T1756 pobj suppressor,of
R531 T1758 T1757 prep of,suppressor
R532 T1759 T1758 pobj cytokine,of
R533 T1760 T1755 acl signaling,levels
R534 T1761 T1762 nummod 3,mRNA
R535 T1762 T1760 dobj mRNA,signaling


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1110 24-28 Protein denotes CD4+
T1111 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T1112 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T1113 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T1114 101-111 Gene_expression denotes production
T1115 70-80 Negative_regulation denotes inhibition
T1116 47-54 Negative_regulation denotes reduced
T1117 119-123 Protein denotes CD4+
T1118 231-270 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 mRNA
R660 T1112 T1115 causeOf IL-10,inhibition
R661 T1113 T1114 themeOf interferon gamma,production
R662 T1114 T1115 themeOf production,inhibition
R663 T1115 T1116 themeOf inhibition,reduced


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T74 101-111 Gene_expression denotes production
T73 70-80 Negative_regulation denotes inhibition
T72 61-69 Positive_regulation denotes mediated
T71 47-54 Negative_regulation denotes reduced
T56 231-265 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 3
T55 176-210 Protein denotes suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
T54 119-122 Protein denotes CD4
T53 84-100 Protein denotes interferon gamma
T52 55-60 Protein denotes IL-10
T51 42-46 Protein denotes IL-6
T50 24-27 Protein denotes CD4
R9 T51 T71 causeOf IL-6,reduced
R10 T52 T72 causeOf IL-10,mediated
R11 T53 T74 themeOf interferon gamma,production
R14 T72 T71 themeOf mediated,reduced
R15 T73 T71 themeOf inhibition,reduced
R16 T74 T73 themeOf production,inhibition