PMC:1044830 / 12864-13601 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"1044830","source_url":"","text":"We measured heterochiasmy as the log of the male/-to-female ratio (ρ) of autosomal recombination rate measured either with chiasma number or map length. We log-transformed the ratio to avoid bias due to measurement error in the denominator. Chiasma-count data for different species were compiled by Burt et al. [16], and we used their dataset, adding a few recent studies. We compiled genetic map data and linkage studies in animals and plants for which both a male and a female map were available. Only homologous fragments (i.e., between shared markers) in male and female maps were considered (especially in low-resolution maps). Heterochiasmy data were available for 107 species, with 46 sets of data based on genomic maps (Table 2).","tracks":[]}