PMC:103662 / 655-1391 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"103662","source_url":"","text":"A pR purification procedure is described that utilizes Phenylsepharose™ and hydroxylapatite columns and yields 85% (w/w) purity. Through SDS-PAGE of the pure protein, the molecular weight of E.-coli-produced pR was determined to be 36,000, approximately 9,000 more than the 27,000 predicted by the DNA sequence. Post-translational modification of one or more of the cysteine residues accounts for 5 kDa of the weight difference as measured on a cys-less pR mutant. At pH 9.5 and in the presence of octylglucoside and diheptanoylphosphotidylcholine, flash photolysis results in fast H+ release and a 400-nm absorbing (M-like) photoproduct. Both of these occur with a similar rise time (4–10 μs) as reported for monomeric bR in detergent.","tracks":[]}