PMC:101407 / 10832-11578 JSONTXT

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{"target":"","sourcedb":"PMC","sourceid":"101407","source_url":"","text":"As shown in Figure 4a, after 24 h exposure of HEP G2 cells to ALA (1–5 mM) both attached and unattached cells were harvested. In each case, nucleosomal DNA ladders, typical of apoptosis, were visible on agarose gel after staining with ethidium bromide. When HEP 3B cells were treated under the same conditions, nucleosomal DNA ladders were much less visualized (Figure 4b). Apoptosis was also corroborated morphologically by phase contrast microscopy in both cell lines. The decrease in viability was due to cytotoxicity as observed under phase contrast microscopy. ALA caused hepatoma cells first to shrink and then gradually to become dettached, starting about 14 hours after treatment as observed by phase contrast microscopy (data not shown).","tracks":[]}