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    {"project":"2_test","denotations":[{"id":"11914143-7992835-8786424","span":{"begin":563,"end":565},"obj":"7992835"}],"text":"Tumor material\nFourteen formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of post-bilharzial bladder carcinomas (8 SCC and 6 TCC) and 6 non-neoplastic bilharzia-associated bladder lesions from 20 Sudanese patients (12 males and 8 females) were obtained from the pathology archives of Ibn Sina Hospital and the National Health Laboratory at Khartoum, Sudan (Table 1). All patients had a history of chronic urinary bilharziasis. No radiation therapy had been given before tumor sampling. The tumors were classified histologically according to the WHO (1973) grading system [13] and staged in accordance with the UICC tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) system [14].\nTable 1 Histopathology FISH CGH imbalances\nLab No Sex/Age Type Grade Stage Other Losses Gains\nBenign\n747–98 M/65 Ch. inflammation\n738–98 F/53 Ch. inflammation\n162–99 M/70 Ch. Inflammation Moderate dysplasia\n548–98 M/51 Granuloma CBO\n352–99 F/55 Granuloma CBO Xc 3, AR 1\n286–98 M/45 Granuloma with inflammatory polyp 9c 1, 17c 2 9p, 16p, 22q\nMalignant\n453–99 F/49 SCC G1 ? CBO topo 1\n2228–99 F/60 SCC G1 CBO 9c 1, 17c 3, Xc 3 1 cen-p31, 3p,9pter-q13 19p\n229–99 M/70 SCC G2 T3 KCs Xc 2, 17c 2\n210–99 M/70 SCC G3 T3 KCs\n471–99 M/60 SCC G3 ? CBO+SM Xc 2, 17c 3\n217–98 F/51 SCC G3 T3 CBO 9p\n476–98 M/53 SCC G3 T3 CBO 9c 2, 17c 3 1p21-p22, 2q13-q21, 8p, 13q, 18q 19p\n479–98 M/47 SCC G2–3 CBO 2q13-q21, 8p 19p\n345–98 M/61 TCC G1 ? CBO+SM\n240–98 F/55 TCC G2 ? Xc 1, 9c 2,17c 2\n746–98 F/60 TCC G2 Xc 2–3, 9c2–3, 17c 2–6(4)\n4540–98 M/62 TCC G2 ?\n5605–97 M/50 TCC G3 T3 SM Xc 2, AR 3–5 8p21-pter\n5653–98 F/50 TCC G3 T3 Xc 1–3, 9c 2, 17c 2 1 cen-p31 5p, 17q, 20q\nSCC, squamous cell carcinoma; TCC, transitional cell carcin oma; G1, well differentiated; G2, moderately differentiated; G3, poorly differ entiated; CBO, calcified bilharzial ova; I K:Cs, keratinzed cells; SM, squamous metapla"}