CORD-19:810a9bd2723d1cd3198e0dc24c8035d0fd2901d6 / 9072-9287 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"CORD-19-Sentences","denotations":[{"id":"TextSentencer_T60","span":{"begin":0,"end":215},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"TextSentencer_T60","span":{"begin":0,"end":215},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"TextSentencer_T60","span":{"begin":0,"end":215},"obj":"Sentence"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""}],"text":"A core temperature of 40°C or higher, a white blood cell count of less than 7 or greater than 11 · 1000 lL À1 , a clinical score of 3 or higher and a neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio of less than 0.1 or greater than 0.8."}


    {"project":"CORD-19_Custom_license_subset","denotations":[{"id":"T60","span":{"begin":0,"end":215},"obj":"Sentence"}],"text":"A core temperature of 40°C or higher, a white blood cell count of less than 7 or greater than 11 · 1000 lL À1 , a clinical score of 3 or higher and a neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio of less than 0.1 or greater than 0.8."}


    {"project":"CORD-19-PD-UBERON","denotations":[{"id":"T10","span":{"begin":46,"end":51},"obj":"Body_part"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A10","pred":"uberon_id","subj":"T10","obj":""}],"text":"A core temperature of 40°C or higher, a white blood cell count of less than 7 or greater than 11 · 1000 lL À1 , a clinical score of 3 or higher and a neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio of less than 0.1 or greater than 0.8."}