CORD-19:5b86e6307a43623963d73738a991a2f37e91488b / 1003175-1003368 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T131 0-193 Sentence denotes At this stage, tachyzoites are rare, and cysts 30 |xm in diameter with a wall of amorphous acidophilic material ~ 1 (xm thick, located in areas away from the lesions, may be the only form seen.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T67625 0-193 Sentence denotes At this stage, tachyzoites are rare, and cysts 30 |xm in diameter with a wall of amorphous acidophilic material ~ 1 (xm thick, located in areas away from the lesions, may be the only form seen.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T3689 0-193 Epistemic_statement denotes At this stage, tachyzoites are rare, and cysts 30 |xm in diameter with a wall of amorphous acidophilic material ~ 1 (xm thick, located in areas away from the lesions, may be the only form seen.