CORD-19:35349bb1fc9290338907b7d7f104c9db3951163b / 163665-164004
{"project":"CORD-19-Sentences","denotations":[{"id":"TextSentencer_T1214","span":{"begin":0,"end":339},"obj":"Sentence"},{"id":"T25300","span":{"begin":0,"end":339},"obj":"Sentence"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":"http://pubannotation.org/ontology/tao.owl#"}],"text":"Onset of action (T OA ) was similar (79 ± 27 min for Toujeo®, 60 ± 21 min for Tresiba®, P = 0.3) but the end of action (T EA ) and duration of action (T DUR = T EA -T OA ) were longer for Toujeo® vs. Tresiba® (T DUR = 828 ± 130 min vs. 620 ± 148 min, respectively, P = 0.04; T EA = 907 ± 135 min vs. 679 ± 127 min, respectively, P = 0.03)."}