CORD-19:2e2bc679c8393230bac2af64115bab7ed1ba62c0 / 401766-401912 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T46 0-146 Sentence denotes When IL-6 levels were studied, GEL presented a statistically signifi cant at 60AIA (GEL, 331 ± 65) when compared with Control (146 ± 19; P <0.05).


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T68086 0-146 Sentence denotes When IL-6 levels were studied, GEL presented a statistically signifi cant at 60AIA (GEL, 331 ± 65) when compared with Control (146 ± 19; P <0.05).