CORD-19:22616110b79baaf4c9d23f130a9ee35c64d991f7 / 308589-308851 JSONTXT

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    {"project":"CORD-19_Custom_license_subset","denotations":[{"id":"T137","span":{"begin":0,"end":262},"obj":"Sentence"}],"text":"48 h later only the anaerobic culture was positive and colonies were smeared by Gram stain (showing Gram positive rods) and a C. sordellii was identified by the semi-automated system, Vitek 2 (bioMerieux ® ) with an ANC card (Anaerobes and Corynebacterium card)."}


    {"project":"CORD-19-Sentences","denotations":[{"id":"T5903","span":{"begin":0,"end":262},"obj":"Sentence"}],"namespaces":[{"prefix":"_base","uri":""}],"text":"48 h later only the anaerobic culture was positive and colonies were smeared by Gram stain (showing Gram positive rods) and a C. sordellii was identified by the semi-automated system, Vitek 2 (bioMerieux ® ) with an ANC card (Anaerobes and Corynebacterium card)."}


    {"project":"CORD-19-PD-MONDO","denotations":[{"id":"T1678","span":{"begin":38,"end":41},"obj":"Disease"},{"id":"T1679","span":{"begin":139,"end":142},"obj":"Disease"}],"attributes":[{"id":"A1678","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T1678","obj":""},{"id":"A1679","pred":"mondo_id","subj":"T1679","obj":""}],"text":"48 h later only the anaerobic culture was positive and colonies were smeared by Gram stain (showing Gram positive rods) and a C. sordellii was identified by the semi-automated system, Vitek 2 (bioMerieux ® ) with an ANC card (Anaerobes and Corynebacterium card)."}