CORD-19:067207286961125e2368109677210136323e5205 / 0-95 JSONTXT

Abstract and healthcare assistants found the daily intervention helpful, and, in general, awareness of infection control guidelines was heightened. Staff were satisfied using the local action card, as they found the regional and national guidelines voluminous and complicated. In conclusion, we found that daily evaluation by an experienced infection control nurse improved compliance of infection control guidelines and was helpful to both patients and staff. This approach improved patient flow and was costeffective. None declared. Enterobacter cloacae 5/6/NA a NA government released 10 basic regulations on nosocomial infection on May 23 rd , which is believed to be a milestone for nosocomial infection control. Stricter management systems will be required for hospitals and health centres throughout China. Iatrogenic infection by pathogens such as echovirus has been reported worldwide [1e3] . Over the years a series of nosocomial infection events has been reported in China (Table I) . Although various regulations have been issued, inadequate disinfection and isolation may be widespread in hospitals and community health centres. Several factors contribute to the malpractice arising in tandem with rapid social development in the country. First, the numbers of doctors and nurses have not risen in line with the increasing number of people seeking medical services, which may make it difficult to maintain standards of infection prevention. Second, the ability to identify, report, and control infection in hospitals is relatively poor, especially compared with infectious disease control in the field, which has been strengthened since the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreaks in 2003. For example, Shunde Hospital had missed the chance of identifying the infection and had failed to respond promptly and properly when the second infected neonate with similar symptoms was diagnosed. While the Chinese government now tries to strengthen primordial and primary preventions for the Healthy China 2030 goal, healthcare infection among medical communities (i.e. quaternary prevention) should be emphasized. This is important to protect individuals and groups at risk of overmedication with anti-infective drugs, as well as to protect patients from an increasing number and range of nosocomial infections.

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